Friday, February 4, 2011

Spring is right around the corner...

TGIF to all of my friends back in the States, the weather is starting to warm back up here and I know the brutal winter you all are going through has about a month left in it...hang in there....After Bob, Richard and I got back from church, Dominik harassed me into going swimming with Bob and him. The breeze was cool, but the water felt great. Winter may be over here. There have been several very sandy days here, from what the locals say and I can read online the sand storms die down in the next month and what little rain we have been getting ends in March until next January. The highs are in the 70's right now, headed to the 80's in very short order.
Fred's visit was great for me. It is always great to have Fred around, my co workers really liked him, and several of the friendly servers that took care of us in our restaurants have asked how he is already. I think he will be back...My parents trip is up in the air as to when they are coming. My brother Mike might be joining them and if that happens they probably will delay their visit for a month. This time next week they will either be here or we will have re planned their trip.
The  numbers are in for sales growth in January. We grew sales at a little more than 45%. That is the second best month ever. December sales grew at 48% (this year verses last) for our all time record. Management seems pleased with Bob and the rest of us, I am just working at making sure sales does not let him down. I finally made the final decision on one of our salesmen, terminating someone is the hardest part of any job, but over here it seems tougher with the visa rules very possibly meaning the person you dismiss has to leave the country if they cannot find another job within 30 days. There is no unemployment insurance, I think I took the final meeting tougher than the now ex-employee.
On a better note, Juan Lopez, arrives on Sunday. I am giving him the Yas Island/Ferrari World in Abu Dhabi area for a territory. Ceren should start on Feb 13th. She is taking part of Kelly's territory. Kelly is doing an amazing job. She has qualities that I can't teach as her manager, but that I can learn from as a person. I am so excited about her career. The Ministry of Labor is inspecting our company housing right now (warehouse workers get accommodations included in their packages) so labor visa's are on hold. Nick's has not been secured. We hope to get him here and started by Feb 20th. I also hired a young lady named Hayley, she has to work out her contract, so she won't begin with us until June. Still interviewing for a couple of reps for Abu Dhabi, one for Fujera and one for The Republic of Oman. There is the huge trade show for the region (Gulf Food Show) that begins here in Dubai at the end of the month. I really hope the three new reps are settled in by then. We have been doing a lot of role plays and training at our sales meetings, and the reps seem to be enjoying their careers. It is so rewarding for me.
I finally got to do some touristy things while Fred was here. The Ferrari World roller coaster was a minute of pure adrenaline. The worlds fastest roller coaster lived up to its billing. We had a great time at dinner with the Saber Family. If you recall, Elie Saber is the credit manager at Transmed, and his family was so kind to have me in their home on Christmas Eve. They treated Fred and I to dinner at Al Hallab, and it was one of Fred's favorite evenings during his stay. We also had a nice time with Elie Nader (My sales rep in Al Ain). We went up on Jabel Hafeet and had a buffet dinner at the Mercure hotel. Elie is just a great person. We enjoyed a dinner with Georges, Kelly and Frederique at Sammatch. We picked out a Hammour fish (Nice large white fish) and had them cut it up for fish and chips for the entire table. The new Jamie Olivers Restaurant invited us as their guests for their grand opening, so Richard, Kelly, Fred and I enjoyed a five star Italian dining experience.  As you can tell Fred did not go hungry while he was here. His Middle Eastern cultural experience was enhanced by our trip to the Global Village. He bought souvenirs there and I think he liked walking amongst the crowds of Arabs. The UAE has become a vacation destination, I am shocked that they have not mounted an advertising campaign in the states.
The revolts in Egypt, Jordan, Tunisia, Lebanon, and Yemen have people nervous here. The Suez Canal is a life source for food and supplies coming into the country. I am looking at what it will cost us to fly containers of product in if the canal is closed. I think it is part of my job to be prepared for the worst case scenario's.
The US State Department has notified us that it is not safe to travel to other countries in the region (see the US Government is wise beyond words, or they have cable TV,,,lol). The Monarchy here is well liked by the citizens (15% of population) so as long as the laborers are peaceful we should be fine, but being included in your prayers would be appreciated...
Headed to dinner at the mall, hope your weekend will be as nice as mine is. I am rooting for the Steelers in the Super Bowl, sadly, I don't believe I will get to watch it.

1 comment:

  1. I have thought of you often with everything that is going on in Egypt. Stay safe! Congrats on the numbers! It sounds like you have and continue to build a great team.
    You guessed it on our weather...we are in roller coaster season...two or three days in the 20s/30s, then a couple of days near 50. We are getting hints that spring is on it's way. I would love a 70 degree day!!!!
    I hope you enjoy the family's visit. I will keep you close in prayer especially with all that's going on these days! Love ya!

