Friday, March 25, 2011

Hurricane Katrinia? No it's just the parents visiting the UAE...

Before I fill in the blanks on mom and dad's trip to visit, it was great having family here...but, if I didn't share the stories-what kind of blogger would I be? Well, I had planned on them doing several things while they were here, then I changed my plans based on my brother being here with them, then when he couldn't come - oh well, plans changed  again...
As I shared a couple of weeks ago, when I met them at the airport, I was a little shocked that dad was in a wheel chair. He had one of those motion sickness patches on his neck (didn't take it off until I told him to in the car) and he got dizzy walking through the airport and fell. He wasn't injured, but got the VIP treatment to the car. We got home OK, put everyone to bed I was off the next day, so I thought we should take it easy and make a nice trip across the street to the mall - I thought a walk through the Souk, lunch at Social House easy afternoon...not so fast batman...We walked across the bridge from the Souk, had a nice lunch, walked through the mall to see the Aquarium and The Ice skating rink, well dad started looking tired, said he was ready to go, so we headed back to the bridge to where the car was parked in the Souk...half way across the bridge dads legs basically stopped working and we laid him down...a small crowd of people gathered started mumbling and looked white as a sheet...As I held him, I thought he may be dying, it was a very helpless feeling. A stranger from Europe got some water and I dabbed it on dads lips and forehead. After lying there for approx. 15 minutes, we got him up on a wheel chair and the paramedics came and checked his pulse and ran an EKG. He started feeling better, chewed some ice and we signed a release and took him home. It really changed what I was comfortable doing with him the rest of the stay...although there were no more health flare ups. They did get to meet Sham's, Nick and the management team. They also had dinner with my female pal Rondelyn (Rodz). We had dinner together one night, and Rodz bought them lunch on their last day here while I was at work, she liked them and I think they liked her (Fred really likes her- I get to give her a Fred update almost daily, as I get the, "how was your day, and have you talked to Fred? How is he?" Everybody always loves Fred.
Security at the airport was nice enough to let me go through the screening area and get the parents luggage cleared, and off they went. I am happy dad got to come, but it really isn't smart for him to come back, I will see  them all (and lots of the rest of you) this August.
The unrest is the region is getting closer to our borders, but so far we are safe and sound. At church on Friday mornings, the list of local conflicts we are praying for keeps getting longer...
Work update...Nick found an apartment for him and his family to move into. He moves in next week. He got his drivers license and is already doing a nice job with the customers he has met. To get a license if you are a passport toting American takes about 10 minutes. Now Juan, is holding a Colombian passport, even though he has an American drivers license he has to take 8 classes, a written test, a parking test and a driving test. It cost him nearly 2,000 Dirhams and he still has not completed it...I feel badly for him, it is hard for him to get started without being allowed to drive. He is traveling back to the states in May to get married. Juan did a presentation last week at the sales meeting that was tremendous...Loran started yesterday, another American on board. She will work National Accounts.
I hired a young man from India yesterday, also hired another American (her name is Reem, she is Palestinian and was born in Jordan, but is a naturalized American Citizen). The team is growing. Our goal for this month was 7 million, we will probably fall just short of the goal, but it will smash through the old record month (6.1 million) that we established in November of 2010, and I bet we beat our record growth month of 65% that we established last month in February. Things are going great at work. I will give you the skinny on the numbers next week!
Cowboy (Richard Ashlock) is relaxed and happy now that his lovely bride Mary has joined him, I picture them with the two bathtubs next to each other in the desert holding hands waiting for the right - it's nice to have someone...

I am going to pick up Nick in a couple of hours and we are going to Papa John's for dinner at Festival City and then back to my apartment to watch Survivor and American's hell to be Keep us in your thoughts and Prayers_
Until next week,

Friday, March 18, 2011

Guest blogger number 2...

As I sit here, my mother is working on her guest blog...writing it down, so my break this week will be none...and from the questions she is asking me...well I am waiting to drivels return next week...Hope your weekend is as long as my week has been...Dad is drinking an ice cold Miller High Life, and Mom just finished hand writing a small novel...

From Richlands High School class of 1947....Helen Jean Rumgay Bruck....

"Andy and I arrived in Atlanta and I got through airport security with no problem. Andy got patted down - he had a knife blade and a can opener in his army wallet....
After a long walk, and a ride on the airport train we arrived at our gate where our 777 (big fellow) awaited us. Nice trip, we arrived in Dubai after 14 hours of flight. John met us at the Dubai Airport, he drove us to his apartment past the beautiful tall buildings, 7 wide lanes, 100 miles an hour (it's kph but mom's on a roll so I'll keep typing what she wrote).
Friday we went to the world's largest mall, where we had lunch and watched people ice skate. (John's NOTE:That's all Mom wrote about Friday- I will share about dad scaring me to death as we awaited paramedics bringing the ambulance, next week...).
Saturday we went with John to his office and met Sham and some other employees.
John took us out to eat dinner almost every night. Ate Italian, then Chinese. Had egg drop soup-steak dish and chicken. Nick ate dinner with us, then came to John's apartment to watch taped Survivor episodes.One night we went to Social House, I only had a salad. Wednesday John got us tickets and we went on a sight seeing double decker bus all over Dubai. There were beautiful flowers, red and white petunias, everywhere plenty of palm trees with Xmas lights, lighting their trunks. The streets had marble intersections. The buildings are all concrete, steel and marble. There are 25 new buildings you can see from John's porch. 40 to 70 floors - cranes on each of them. Other parts of town have same amount of construction.
Thursday went to world's 2nd largest mall. Had dinner and watched people ski. Friday went to church. Nice sermon, standing room only, over 300 seats, then we went to Elie (Transmed's Credit Manager) along with Sandy and Bob, Mary and Richard. Had a Lebanese feast- It was delicious. We leave for USA tomorrow. Nice visit - beautiful time, John was excellent host.
The only thing bad about our trip was I have a bad sinus infection and cough. Stopped at Pharmacy and I got antibiotics. I have kept Andy and John awake coughing.
The people are all friendly. Met John's friend Roe - beautiful Phillapena.
Went to hyper Panda at another mall - made Walmart look small. Taxis to the mall-cost 10 Dirhams ($2.70). Never got to ride on monorail, or go up in the Burj.Thank you."

Well, Mom and Dad return home tomorrow, there are stories to tell....catch you soon.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Guess who's coming to Dinner????

That is right, my parents. Mom and Dad (Helen and Andy) arrived last night here in the UAE. My brother Mike was suppose to be coming with them, but unfortunately his passport didn't show up on time. Well they were scheduled to get here at 8pm, and should be at the pickup point by 8:30. Well the plane was early, so I rushed to the airport to wait for them.Delta has one flight in and out of here every day, so I became a little concerned when the flight crew passed by me at about 8:30pm. Well to make a long story a little longer, just after 9pm through the door with a nurse and an orderly wheeling my dad in a wheelchair they came out the door. Dad had fallen in the airport, not hurt just dizzy. It was a little shocking to see him being wheeled in by the nurse, I know its just part of being 81, but still unsettling and sobering.
We got settled in to my apartment and everyone sacked out by midnight. I  did wake up when they were scurrying around at 7 this morning, they don't even seemed phased by jet lag....we will see how they fare today. I had planned on today being an easy day, we are going to go to the Souk al Bahar and stroll through the Arab shops and have lunch at the mall. Tonight we are having dinner with a friend....we will see how that goes.
I had to get antibiotics this week for an upper respiratory infection. I had a fever and the sand was enveloping the city. It was so thick in the air it was like a foggy morning in the smokey Mountains, except it was sand in the air, not low ground clouds. Everybody seems to be coughing...We really need a rain to clean the air...hopefully it will come this week so that my parents visit will be better for comfortably and pictures.

No big news at work this week. I think we will smash through our record sales month (6.1 million)...we will see. Juan is having major obstacles on getting settled in. I got my UAE driving license by just showing my American driving license and US passport. Juan has a US Driving license, but traveled here on a Colombian passport. He must take 8 driving classes then pass the written and driving test. God Bless America...Nick met some of his new customers, its the same old Nick, he will do great. They both went for their aids test (if you have aids you are quarantined and then sent home on first flight out). Results are pending. Nick came over to watch TV this week, We watched the first two episodes of Survivor, gotta love Boston Rob. On American Idol, we are up (or would that be down) to the final 50, so don't spoil it for us.

Oh well, need to jump in the shower and play tourist for the day...Next blog will be my mothers "Guest blog" that should be interesting. Have a great weekend!

Friday, March 4, 2011

In like a lamb, out like a lamb????

The weather is starting to heat up, it has been absolutely beautiful....mid 80's...all sun, and a gentle breeze. We have had an exceptionally dry winter (even for here) with less than a half dozen rains none lasting more than a few minutes....According to the weather almanac Feb/March is the rainy season, then in late April the long hot dry season begins with virtually no chance of even a drizzle of rain until December...According to the weather tables it has rained 9 times between June and November in the last 30 years...that would put a smile on Al Gore's face....
The Gulf Food Show came and went, we had a great turnout. It dwarfs food shows from the USA, with 10 halls of exhibitions crammed full with suppliers and manufacturers from all over the MidEast. I really enjoyed catching up with some old coworkers from the states. Sam Hodge (old Buckhead co-worker) had changed a little bit, but only for the better - his natural good natured youthfulness had changed by a little bit of maturity. I really enjoyed having dinner with him and spending a little time with him at the show. Roy Mitchell (chef from Buckhead Florida) worked our show booth, and other than Nick and him continuing their little rivalry (I really don't know what else to call it) it was peaceful. It was good to catch up on the news about my old coworkers and friends, and I think he genuinely enjoyed seeing how well things are going for me here, and will have good positive stories to share with my old and his current colleagues. The multiple nights of entertainment dinners went well also, really a good "show week".
The sales numbers for February 2011 verses 2010 are in....we grew 65.23%! The moves that we are making are paying off. On the down side, Rami, our rep working Abu Dhabi from Lebanon gave me 6 week notice yesterday. He will be tough to replace. He wants to be a manager and is being given a wonderful opportunity to be a regional for an appliance company. Have hired 5 new reps, yet I still need two for Abu Dhabi. No rest for the weary.
Kelly left for a week of vacation in India this morning. I hate when she is on vacation, she is such an important part of the team. Juan is going to relocate to Yas Island early in the week, and Ceren starts in her territory tomorrow. Nick is another week away from starting in his...I posted a picture of the team in facebook, check it out to keep track of them better.
Sandy (Bob's wife) got here last night. She went to church and lunch with Richard, Bob and I this morning. Her and Bob get along so's very sweet, I can't imagine how hard it would be to be away from your spouse all the time-I know that I am an old romantic, but I just can't imagine...Richard's wife (Mary) is moving here in Mid March. My parents and brother get here next Thursday, so everybody will have family here together. My families flight back to America is on March 19th, the same Delta to Atlanta flight that Sandy will be on...nice coincidence.
The "Taste of Dubai" event is this weekend, I am attending with a lady friend, and will have to resist over-eating. Nothing sexy about an overweight middle age man over feeding himself....I did buy a whole bunch of new clothes, I think people are confusing better fitting clothes with me being in better shape (who's
On the UAE cable TV front, none of the good American series that play over here are on now...Boardwalk season 1 ended about a month ago, True Blood (sexy Showtime Vampire series) just ended season 3, The Vampire Diary's from (Love Nina Dobrev) the WB just ended season 1....Currently American Idol's current season is running, along with Survivor. Nick is a fan of both of those series so I will have him over this week to watch some shows...
I still haven't attended (other than Pro Golf) any sporting events here. Cricket is popular here along with Soccer. Need to make an effort to see them both in  person.
The unrest in the Middle East is now getting close. There have been demonstrations in Oman (borders to the north with AL Ain being a stone's throw away) and the US State Department giving warnings about travel there. The Oman military has bunched troops at the UAE border. There is a large American Military base there and the country is extremely strategic as it is the opposite side of Iran on the Straight of Hormuz, the narrow area that all of the oil tankers have to sail past. Bahrain lies to the south and is with 100 miles of the UAE border. Like Oman, there is a large US military base (Naval) there, and is also a strategic partner for the United States. There are even demonstrations in Saudi Arabia, it almost surrounds the UAE. (Water on one side, Oman and Saudi are the rest of the border). Things are still calm here, and no reason to believe they won't stay calm. Yes, keep me ( and my American co-workers) in your thoughts....
Well back to work in the morning, shower and dinner await me tonight. Hope your Friday is great and your weekend even better.