Friday, March 4, 2011

In like a lamb, out like a lamb????

The weather is starting to heat up, it has been absolutely beautiful....mid 80's...all sun, and a gentle breeze. We have had an exceptionally dry winter (even for here) with less than a half dozen rains none lasting more than a few minutes....According to the weather almanac Feb/March is the rainy season, then in late April the long hot dry season begins with virtually no chance of even a drizzle of rain until December...According to the weather tables it has rained 9 times between June and November in the last 30 years...that would put a smile on Al Gore's face....
The Gulf Food Show came and went, we had a great turnout. It dwarfs food shows from the USA, with 10 halls of exhibitions crammed full with suppliers and manufacturers from all over the MidEast. I really enjoyed catching up with some old coworkers from the states. Sam Hodge (old Buckhead co-worker) had changed a little bit, but only for the better - his natural good natured youthfulness had changed by a little bit of maturity. I really enjoyed having dinner with him and spending a little time with him at the show. Roy Mitchell (chef from Buckhead Florida) worked our show booth, and other than Nick and him continuing their little rivalry (I really don't know what else to call it) it was peaceful. It was good to catch up on the news about my old coworkers and friends, and I think he genuinely enjoyed seeing how well things are going for me here, and will have good positive stories to share with my old and his current colleagues. The multiple nights of entertainment dinners went well also, really a good "show week".
The sales numbers for February 2011 verses 2010 are in....we grew 65.23%! The moves that we are making are paying off. On the down side, Rami, our rep working Abu Dhabi from Lebanon gave me 6 week notice yesterday. He will be tough to replace. He wants to be a manager and is being given a wonderful opportunity to be a regional for an appliance company. Have hired 5 new reps, yet I still need two for Abu Dhabi. No rest for the weary.
Kelly left for a week of vacation in India this morning. I hate when she is on vacation, she is such an important part of the team. Juan is going to relocate to Yas Island early in the week, and Ceren starts in her territory tomorrow. Nick is another week away from starting in his...I posted a picture of the team in facebook, check it out to keep track of them better.
Sandy (Bob's wife) got here last night. She went to church and lunch with Richard, Bob and I this morning. Her and Bob get along so's very sweet, I can't imagine how hard it would be to be away from your spouse all the time-I know that I am an old romantic, but I just can't imagine...Richard's wife (Mary) is moving here in Mid March. My parents and brother get here next Thursday, so everybody will have family here together. My families flight back to America is on March 19th, the same Delta to Atlanta flight that Sandy will be on...nice coincidence.
The "Taste of Dubai" event is this weekend, I am attending with a lady friend, and will have to resist over-eating. Nothing sexy about an overweight middle age man over feeding himself....I did buy a whole bunch of new clothes, I think people are confusing better fitting clothes with me being in better shape (who's
On the UAE cable TV front, none of the good American series that play over here are on now...Boardwalk season 1 ended about a month ago, True Blood (sexy Showtime Vampire series) just ended season 3, The Vampire Diary's from (Love Nina Dobrev) the WB just ended season 1....Currently American Idol's current season is running, along with Survivor. Nick is a fan of both of those series so I will have him over this week to watch some shows...
I still haven't attended (other than Pro Golf) any sporting events here. Cricket is popular here along with Soccer. Need to make an effort to see them both in  person.
The unrest in the Middle East is now getting close. There have been demonstrations in Oman (borders to the north with AL Ain being a stone's throw away) and the US State Department giving warnings about travel there. The Oman military has bunched troops at the UAE border. There is a large American Military base there and the country is extremely strategic as it is the opposite side of Iran on the Straight of Hormuz, the narrow area that all of the oil tankers have to sail past. Bahrain lies to the south and is with 100 miles of the UAE border. Like Oman, there is a large US military base (Naval) there, and is also a strategic partner for the United States. There are even demonstrations in Saudi Arabia, it almost surrounds the UAE. (Water on one side, Oman and Saudi are the rest of the border). Things are still calm here, and no reason to believe they won't stay calm. Yes, keep me ( and my American co-workers) in your thoughts....
Well back to work in the morning, shower and dinner await me tonight. Hope your Friday is great and your weekend even better.

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