Friday, March 11, 2011

Guess who's coming to Dinner????

That is right, my parents. Mom and Dad (Helen and Andy) arrived last night here in the UAE. My brother Mike was suppose to be coming with them, but unfortunately his passport didn't show up on time. Well they were scheduled to get here at 8pm, and should be at the pickup point by 8:30. Well the plane was early, so I rushed to the airport to wait for them.Delta has one flight in and out of here every day, so I became a little concerned when the flight crew passed by me at about 8:30pm. Well to make a long story a little longer, just after 9pm through the door with a nurse and an orderly wheeling my dad in a wheelchair they came out the door. Dad had fallen in the airport, not hurt just dizzy. It was a little shocking to see him being wheeled in by the nurse, I know its just part of being 81, but still unsettling and sobering.
We got settled in to my apartment and everyone sacked out by midnight. I  did wake up when they were scurrying around at 7 this morning, they don't even seemed phased by jet lag....we will see how they fare today. I had planned on today being an easy day, we are going to go to the Souk al Bahar and stroll through the Arab shops and have lunch at the mall. Tonight we are having dinner with a friend....we will see how that goes.
I had to get antibiotics this week for an upper respiratory infection. I had a fever and the sand was enveloping the city. It was so thick in the air it was like a foggy morning in the smokey Mountains, except it was sand in the air, not low ground clouds. Everybody seems to be coughing...We really need a rain to clean the air...hopefully it will come this week so that my parents visit will be better for comfortably and pictures.

No big news at work this week. I think we will smash through our record sales month (6.1 million)...we will see. Juan is having major obstacles on getting settled in. I got my UAE driving license by just showing my American driving license and US passport. Juan has a US Driving license, but traveled here on a Colombian passport. He must take 8 driving classes then pass the written and driving test. God Bless America...Nick met some of his new customers, its the same old Nick, he will do great. They both went for their aids test (if you have aids you are quarantined and then sent home on first flight out). Results are pending. Nick came over to watch TV this week, We watched the first two episodes of Survivor, gotta love Boston Rob. On American Idol, we are up (or would that be down) to the final 50, so don't spoil it for us.

Oh well, need to jump in the shower and play tourist for the day...Next blog will be my mothers "Guest blog" that should be interesting. Have a great weekend!

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