Friday, May 6, 2011


It was sort of weird having people at work congratulate me on Bin Laden's death this past week. The paper had extensive stories on it, but not a lot of buzz here. One of our good customer's is a Pakistani and he and I often have good natured ribbing about how much Pakistan's hate America, When Kelly saw him this week, he said no way what was reported to have happened in Pakistan really happened. His hometown is just a few miles away from the compound where the Seals got their man. (I guess I should say allegedly). Middle East politics and American relations are both really a confusing mess.
We just try to keep below the radar while we proudly represent our country here.

April's totals are in, yes they were pretty good. Record month in sales, breaking 7 million for the 1st time and a record growth percentage of 84.51%. Bob, Cowboy, and I should be celebrating, but the pressure is on to sell 8 million in May. The main challenge to that is the seasonality of the business here. Historically, business slows from the Peak of March with a slight decline, and by the time the oppressive heat of summer starts making outdoor life unbearable in July business really goes down, and with average high reaching 110 degrees in August restaurant business plummets. Most of our customers will be lucky to have 35% of their normal business in August. September will kick start a great fall, with the best weather (resort like) peaking in November.

We had a real scare this week when Ceren had a serious car accident. She smashed into the rear of another vehicle and totaled her brand new Mini Cooper (she hadn't even made the 1st payment yet). Fortunately, she was wearing her seat belt, possibly saving her life, unfortunately - the air bag failed to deploy and she got the steering wheel in the face. She broke her nose and really had severe head trauma. She has already had two surgeries and her nose has been repaired. Kelly and I visited her last night, her cheeks were very swollen, and bad black eyes. The good news is that she will most probably make a full recovery with no visible long term damages to her looks. I think her being a 23 year old athlete (captain of her college basketball team) has helped her get through this all right.
Juan left for a trip back to the United States to get married. He will bring his wife and child back with him in a couple of weeks. Joseph returned to India for a two week vacation and bring his wife and newly born daughter back to three of our best sales people are out of action for the next couple of weeks (8 million...still the goal :-)
Bob is in Lebanon for our good friend Sasha's wedding. He called last night and said it reminded him of Abu Dhabi. I will pick him up at the airport Saturday night. Sandy (Bob's wife) and her mother are boarding a plane in Atlanta on Mother's Day to come for a visit. Lots of comings and goings...yet I remain...
We are having a sales blitz in Al Ain on Monday and Tuesday. So Bob and I will be staying the night and returning Tuesday afternoon. Ok, enough about work....
Rodz, Nick and I enjoyed our American Idol night on Sunday. We had cheese burgers (no Kenyon Bacon) that we all really enjoyed. Rodz and I are rooting for Scotty (the country teenager) and Nick is pulling for the rocker (James?). It's funny to have Nick's running commentary and Rodz giving a thumbs up or a thumbs down...She did stay awake this week...I guess since we are down to final 5, it's enough to keep her attention. Bob, Nick and I are enjoying "Game of Thrones" the HBO series, and Nick and I still get together to watch Survivor (no we are not rooting for Ralph Kiser).
Three months to the day, until I fly into JFK airport. I need a vacation...can't wait to get home and see everybody. No plans for today, just staying cool and resting. Have a lot of work to do tomorrow. Hope you all will have a great weekend and would love to hear from you.

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