Friday, May 27, 2011

Lazy, Hazy Days of Summer

Summer arrived with a bang, I will have to remember next year that mid-May is when summer's heat arrives. Everyday is right at 100 degrees or into the low 100's (106 one day last week) and the humidity seems to be a little higher each day. The restaurant business slowed big time when the temp's hit the century mark. If your business isn't located in one of the air conditioned mega malls it is slow down time. I know you get tired of hearing me carry on about the heat, but it so much part of our everyday life from May through September.
Well this Sunday is "Superbowl" Sunday at work. Vineet has his first attempt at passing his drivers license test, the pool cuts off at 9 am and we have over 100 bucks in the pool. Sorry, no International betting, and no
Game of Thrones "boy's night" was this past Wednesday. Bob joined Nick and I, and we had Nick's now infamous "sloppy Joe's" and we watched 2 more shows. We have two more taped. It hasn't been that good of a HBO series, but don't tell us bored guys that. Nick and I watched Boston Rob win Survivor and the recap show is a week later here, so we will watch that later. We watched American Idol last night, we were not surprised with the winner (I won't spoil it for you), I'm  not sure where our TV interest will go next. I think I mentioned I bought the entire Soprano's series (70ish episodes). I plan on starting a Soprano's night at my apartment after Mimi gets here.
Bob leaves for vacation in Atlanta next Thursday (yes, he gets a lot of vacation time) It seems like it was just last week that Sandy left here with her mother...oh, it
I gave notice to my apartment landlord that I am moving out at the end of July. I guess next weekend I will start looking for an apartment.
Bob is fixing Nick and I "beer can" chicken for dinner. I am sure it will be delicious. We have been following all of the wicked weather back in the states, please keep safe, I will be back in the states in a little more than 2 months...

Friday, May 20, 2011

Vinny the Pooh Pool....

Vinny the Pooh has turned out to be a great guy, and a load of fun to be around. Vineet is a young man from India that we decided to take a chance on in hiring. He didn't have the food background, nor did he have a really solid sales background....Just a really charismatic young man with a desire to succeed. He is in a long term relationship with an Emirate Airline Stewardess and is (if must say in a non homophobic way) quite fit and a good looking guy.
Now Vineet has some things that the sales team (especially Nick and I) love to have a little fun with. He is polite and respectful in a charmingly funny way. It is always yes sir and no sir, and he won't let a manager or one of his older work mates carry something heavy. One of his funny habits is that he will not drink any beverage while eating...not a sip, he explains that if you drink during eating that "you put the fire out" in your belly. He sheepishly speaks about it while Nick needles's too funny. All of this Vinny chatter leads me too the "Vinny the Pooh Pool". To get a drivers license here can be a challenge. It is all based on your current license status and passport. If you are an American with a US drivers license and a US passport it's a 10 minute process to get your UAE driving license. Now Juan, who had a US license, but a Colombian passport had to take a series of classes and tests then had to pass his driving test (passed it on one try at a cost of several hundred dollars). As I have mentioned, there are serious class differentials here and one of them is the way that Ex-Pat's from India are sometimes treated. They tend to get flunked as they try and pass their UAE driver's test. Pursh, our HR Manager(one of my best friends at work) took seven tries to pass his test. Peter, our customer service manager flunked seven times and then gave up. He only travels by public transport now. So after Juan (former military pilot) passed the test on the first time, young Vineet confidently predicted the same...hence, I started the Pooh pool. For 5 Dirhams ($1.27) you can write down how many times Vineet will have to take the test to get his license. Vinny has entered (predictably he has chosen 1) I have entered (2 times is my guess) and several of our coworkers (Bob has two entries and many theories as to why Vineet will or won't pass the test). So the closest pick to the actual number without going over gets the cash( I, of course will keep you updated).
Speaking of driving, you may recall that I got a speeding ticket last fall, and how much Bob made fun of me for it, and bragged about how he was not going to get a ticket. Well guess who got a ticket? or two? Lol, right you are, Bob got one for speeding and one for an "improper lane change". Now he has no idea about the details (the tickets are delivered in Arabic via Fed Ex) but he does now own the crown for tickets between us...It is good to find things to make us laugh.
Speaking of laughing, do you remember how Nick (or Neek as he is known by some) scratched my brand new Teflon frying pan by scrambling 18 eggs in it while making the now infamous omelette's and "Kenyon" bacon...yes brand new never used pan, with deep gouges, well after I had him convicted at trial at the office (by Judge Kelly), Nick bought me a replacement pan. Now what makes this cute story funny, Shamsudine (yes Sham fans he is alive and well) saw this scratched up frying pan on my desk, and of course he had to have it. Well I gave it to him, and he gave his award winning David Letterman smile and took it. Since then, he is always asking Nick, when he is going to cook for me again hoping for more damaged cooking ware. I had two lids at the house (one from the old skillet and one from the one Nick bought me) So I asked Shams if he needed a lid, nope he has sent the pan back to Bangladesh for his family...Sometimes it takes something simple as that to help you realize your blessings.
The heat is building and Nick gives me a daily commentary about how hot it is. The forecast for the coming week calls for every day (except Wednesday @ 98 degrees) to be over 100 degrees. Humidity is creeping up also (as the sea warms the humidity increases). Hot summer time is coming...As the heat builds sales start to slow, I am so happy that Joseph returned to work yesterday from his trip to India to bring his wife and new born daughter home, Juan returns on Sunday from getting married in the US last week. Nasser is still out for another 3 weeks, and Kelly and Ceren are leaving for vacations around the first of June. I am envious of Kelly's trip back to Canada and the United States as she is going back to be a brides maid and part of her trip will be a bacherolette party in Las Vegas....10 weeks until I get to board that 14 hour flight back to the good ole USA....
Have a great week!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Friday the 13th....very scary...

Hi All, sorry I am a little late today, been a busy bee. Actually was just trying to negotiate two 56,000 kg containers full of Brazilian chicken breast on line....we are pennies apart.
Let's see, American Idol night will be on Sunday, Rodz and I are still rooting for Scottie, Nick for James the rocker....I don't know what Nick has planned for dinner. Survivor has been great for us also, the end is drawing near, I think we are both rooting for Boston Rob, but it will be unbelievable if he wins. Please no spoilers from all of you.
As you guys know, I am not fashionable, yes I know it (first step to recovery :-)
Nick has been on me to look more fashionable, yes in leisure time I now wear sandals, bluejeans, and leave my shirt untucked. Rodz likes the look, the problem with all this is simple....Nick is the sloppiest dresser I know (Mimi don't rat me out)...He was always in trouble at SYSCO West Coast Fla. for not shining his, so he is my "Joan Rivers". sigh...Jeans are unbelievably expensive here, so I will be buying a couple of pairs of Levis in August during my visit.
I learned today that my Lebanon High school class of 1981 has decided to have our 30th HS reunion in September instead of August. I haven't seen hardly any of my old classmates so this is really disappointing.So, Becki, Jeff, Susan, Scooter, Janet, Fran... Oh well, maybe I will be around for the 35th reunion....

We are having another good month in sales, but I have given up trying to make the big boss happy...always will want more, I think its just the way it is in the Middle East. We are short handed, with Juan back in the USA getting married,  Joseph in India going to bring back his new born baby and his wife, Nasser gone to Lebanon to have surgery. I was told by Senior Management to call one or two back from vacation, I declined....

Ceren is recovering nicely from her car wreck injuries. She returned to work on Tuesday and the swelling in her face goes down every day. Rodz and I were out for dinner on Tuesday night, and Ceren stopped by the restaurant to say hi ...I thought it was going to start snowing...
Speaking of the weather, it was over 100 for the 4th straight day today with tonight's low fore casted for 86 degrees...the temps are suppose to be over 100 all next week, I am not ready for the heat, but I don't think anybody is asking me.
I spent two days in Al Ain with Bob, Kelly, and Richard blitzing Elie Nader's territory . It went really well. I love Elie and Al Ain. Thursday, I was in Abu Dhabi making calls with Hicham. I needed today's long sleep. Tonight, Nick and I had dinner at Tony Romo's Ribs (did not like the beef short ribs) and then I picked Rodz up from work and drove her home. Oh well, I feel like I rambled this week, I will try and be more coherent next time.
Keep us in your thoughts and prayers,

Friday, May 6, 2011


It was sort of weird having people at work congratulate me on Bin Laden's death this past week. The paper had extensive stories on it, but not a lot of buzz here. One of our good customer's is a Pakistani and he and I often have good natured ribbing about how much Pakistan's hate America, When Kelly saw him this week, he said no way what was reported to have happened in Pakistan really happened. His hometown is just a few miles away from the compound where the Seals got their man. (I guess I should say allegedly). Middle East politics and American relations are both really a confusing mess.
We just try to keep below the radar while we proudly represent our country here.

April's totals are in, yes they were pretty good. Record month in sales, breaking 7 million for the 1st time and a record growth percentage of 84.51%. Bob, Cowboy, and I should be celebrating, but the pressure is on to sell 8 million in May. The main challenge to that is the seasonality of the business here. Historically, business slows from the Peak of March with a slight decline, and by the time the oppressive heat of summer starts making outdoor life unbearable in July business really goes down, and with average high reaching 110 degrees in August restaurant business plummets. Most of our customers will be lucky to have 35% of their normal business in August. September will kick start a great fall, with the best weather (resort like) peaking in November.

We had a real scare this week when Ceren had a serious car accident. She smashed into the rear of another vehicle and totaled her brand new Mini Cooper (she hadn't even made the 1st payment yet). Fortunately, she was wearing her seat belt, possibly saving her life, unfortunately - the air bag failed to deploy and she got the steering wheel in the face. She broke her nose and really had severe head trauma. She has already had two surgeries and her nose has been repaired. Kelly and I visited her last night, her cheeks were very swollen, and bad black eyes. The good news is that she will most probably make a full recovery with no visible long term damages to her looks. I think her being a 23 year old athlete (captain of her college basketball team) has helped her get through this all right.
Juan left for a trip back to the United States to get married. He will bring his wife and child back with him in a couple of weeks. Joseph returned to India for a two week vacation and bring his wife and newly born daughter back to three of our best sales people are out of action for the next couple of weeks (8 million...still the goal :-)
Bob is in Lebanon for our good friend Sasha's wedding. He called last night and said it reminded him of Abu Dhabi. I will pick him up at the airport Saturday night. Sandy (Bob's wife) and her mother are boarding a plane in Atlanta on Mother's Day to come for a visit. Lots of comings and goings...yet I remain...
We are having a sales blitz in Al Ain on Monday and Tuesday. So Bob and I will be staying the night and returning Tuesday afternoon. Ok, enough about work....
Rodz, Nick and I enjoyed our American Idol night on Sunday. We had cheese burgers (no Kenyon Bacon) that we all really enjoyed. Rodz and I are rooting for Scotty (the country teenager) and Nick is pulling for the rocker (James?). It's funny to have Nick's running commentary and Rodz giving a thumbs up or a thumbs down...She did stay awake this week...I guess since we are down to final 5, it's enough to keep her attention. Bob, Nick and I are enjoying "Game of Thrones" the HBO series, and Nick and I still get together to watch Survivor (no we are not rooting for Ralph Kiser).
Three months to the day, until I fly into JFK airport. I need a vacation...can't wait to get home and see everybody. No plans for today, just staying cool and resting. Have a lot of work to do tomorrow. Hope you all will have a great weekend and would love to hear from you.