Friday, May 27, 2011

Lazy, Hazy Days of Summer

Summer arrived with a bang, I will have to remember next year that mid-May is when summer's heat arrives. Everyday is right at 100 degrees or into the low 100's (106 one day last week) and the humidity seems to be a little higher each day. The restaurant business slowed big time when the temp's hit the century mark. If your business isn't located in one of the air conditioned mega malls it is slow down time. I know you get tired of hearing me carry on about the heat, but it so much part of our everyday life from May through September.
Well this Sunday is "Superbowl" Sunday at work. Vineet has his first attempt at passing his drivers license test, the pool cuts off at 9 am and we have over 100 bucks in the pool. Sorry, no International betting, and no
Game of Thrones "boy's night" was this past Wednesday. Bob joined Nick and I, and we had Nick's now infamous "sloppy Joe's" and we watched 2 more shows. We have two more taped. It hasn't been that good of a HBO series, but don't tell us bored guys that. Nick and I watched Boston Rob win Survivor and the recap show is a week later here, so we will watch that later. We watched American Idol last night, we were not surprised with the winner (I won't spoil it for you), I'm  not sure where our TV interest will go next. I think I mentioned I bought the entire Soprano's series (70ish episodes). I plan on starting a Soprano's night at my apartment after Mimi gets here.
Bob leaves for vacation in Atlanta next Thursday (yes, he gets a lot of vacation time) It seems like it was just last week that Sandy left here with her mother...oh, it
I gave notice to my apartment landlord that I am moving out at the end of July. I guess next weekend I will start looking for an apartment.
Bob is fixing Nick and I "beer can" chicken for dinner. I am sure it will be delicious. We have been following all of the wicked weather back in the states, please keep safe, I will be back in the states in a little more than 2 months...

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