Friday, June 17, 2011

Cowboy Rides into the Western horizon....

Well it is a bittersweet Friday here in the UAE. Richard (or Cowboy as we know him) boards a plane with Mary this evening to move back to the United States. I first got to know Cowboy back in 1995 when I was a new Marketing Associate working at SYSCO Atlanta. Richard was the Vice President of Merchandising (procurement) and was very popular for his kindness and wholesomeness that he exhibited in his everyday life. I left SYSCO Atlanta in 1998, but our paths would still cross occasionally at National Conferences and more frequently when I joined Buckhead Beef in Atlanta in 2005. It was really a nice touch for me on a personal basis when Cowboy joined Bob and I this past November here in Dubai. Richard got me involved with church and always willingly helped me get tasks done at work. Was very supportive both professionally and even more so - personally. Unfortunately things have not been going as planned with work, and he and Senior management decided to end his Transmed relationship. He is very popular with our sales team and merchandisers, he lived a life as a great witness and left a lasting impression of the goodness of Americans and the goodness of God in his life with the people that he crossed paths with here in the UAE. I choked back tears saying goodbye to him at church this morning. I am so happy for him that he gets to return to the United States - much richer for the experiences that he has had here. He spent his last evening handing out soap and toiletry items at a work camp, witnessing to the downtrodden here in the UAE. So as I am happy for him to return to his kids and grand kids in the greatest nation in the world, I am sad for my loss of a close and trusted friend at work, and the country that I am now residing in has just lost an asset as the great American Cowboy is gone now, but assuredly he will never be forgotten.
Speaking of good things coming to an end, Rodz and I have stopped seeing each other. Relationship stress (sounds like a polite explanation) drove us to take a break from each other. I am missing her friendship and her funny little mannerism's, we are still friends, we will see what the long term prognosis is, she is leaving for a six week vacation to the Philippines in mid July...
My other regular date for the past few months Nick, has just added a family to his residence. His wife Mimi and his son got here Tuesday night. I haven't seen them yet, but I will try and hook up with them for either lunch or dinner tonight.
Hayley joined the team as the newest hire on Thursday. She is from Brooklyn, New York and will be an addition to the Sales force, not replacing anyone. We are having a huge month, we had planned and fore casted slowing sales because of the traditionally slow season (yes, people leave a country with highs now averaging 105 to 108 daily (111 already once this month) and the Ex-Pats that stay behind just don't eat as much. It looks like we will have a record month and we could double sales from last June 2010. 100% growth might just make Bob's boss smile (the odds are 2-1 against seeing teeth-lol-well teeth with the lips curled up, I am sure we will see teeth).The nationality that is vacating the UAE in droves right now is the Indian population. It is monsoon season back in India and lots of the largest ethnic group living here in this dry desert, return home to "enjoy" the rain.
I did have a great view of the lunar eclipse this week. The full moon was very visible from my apartment balcony. I took some pictures. but for some reason total darkness doesn't make that good of a photo. Go figure!

Now onto important things. I absolutely love ESPN America. This weekend is the US Open Golf Tourney and ESPN America has 7 hours of live golf coverage on each day this weekend. I have Phil Mickelson in the golf pool that I am involved with back in the states. Tiger isn't playing, should be an awesome opportunity to enjoy some golf and maybe, just maybe see Phil win. First round was last night, yes Phil played very poorly and is in jeopardy of missing the cut. So much for golf filling the void left from the departure of my friends with time for ole John.
Don't feel too badly for me, my right hand gal, Kelly, returns from her 3 weeks in North America next Wednesday. Time to scramble for some lunch, happy Fathers Day to all, and have a great weekend!

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