Friday, June 24, 2011

June comes to a sizzling close

It's a 106 degrees in the shade outside, just another sunny day in paradise. Lol, actually I am getting used to the heat, but it wears on you. In just six short weeks I board the Emirates Airline Jumbo jet for 11 days of much needed vacation.

I have missed Cowboy this week, so if you are reading the blog in the states consider this an official "shout-out". My plans are firming up for my trip home, now I just have to work out the details. Three day's in Virginia, 1 in Florida, 1 in Tennessee, 1 in Pennsylvania, 2 in St. Louis and 1 in Ohio. The rest of the time either driving or flying...sounds relaxing...doesn't it? :-)

We are definitely on pace for another record month at work, although with the pressure from the top, you would think we would be falling far short of plan. It is tough adequately covering vacations for the Account Execs (they get 30 days each year), but we should be at full staffing for July. Kelly got back from her three week trip to North America yesterday. Nasser returns on the 30th after being gone for 40 days. I honestly believe July sales will be less than June...The string of records will be stopped. So many westerners leave the country during the miserable heat. There were empty seats at church this morning, and they are going to stop having the evening service during July and August.
You might have noticed I posted a picture of Camel meat that was available in LuLu grocery stores deli counter. It has sparked a debate amongst my ex-pat friends here. Bob really wants to try it (apparently you cook it very slow, good for stews) I wouldn't take a bite for $100. Nick doesn't want to try it either, but knowing Nick, he would try it for $100.
I made a long term commitment today at Hyper Panda. I spent 49 Dirhams buying a toaster. I now have eggs, cheese and a toaster, sounds like I can finally make one of my favorite bachelor meals. Speaking of meals, Mimi is settling in, (Nick's wife) she is having the normal time adjustments that play havoc with your body for the first month or so, but I think they are getting acclimated. The "Dean" family has invited me to dinner tonight (seafood restaurant that I have not tried yet). I am sure it will be fun. Their son is not having fun and wants to go home to the States. I know, mind my own business...
Georges wanted me to meet a lovely young lady friend of his last week, so I succumbed and met her. She is a 30 year old flight attendant from Emirates Airline (Bulgarian). We met for coffee, and then I accompanied Georges and her to Catholic Mass last Friday. It was interesting, the only snag was the service that Georges took us to was in Arabic. So neither Lucia nor I understood a word. I guess for centuries the Catholic church had mass in Latin...oh well....
I have decided to delay my move to a new apartment until January 1st. Our office is not moving to Al Quoz until November/December so it seemed logical to save the hassle of moving until then.
Oh well, boring blog today, I will try and do something interesting this week to provide insite on my stay in the UAE on  next weeks blog....
Enjoy your weekend!

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