Friday, June 3, 2011

Which is worse? It is 111 degrees right now, or that the low tonight is forecast to be 90?

Is this what hell feels like? No, this is the cooler month of summer, early June with July and August waiting to sizzle me like "Kenyon Bacon". The good news is that for now the humidity is low, so this is like Las Vegas hot, not Atlanta or St. Louis steamy. The humidity rises here as the season progresses. Soon it will be time to turn off the hot water heater. I remember last July when I got here, Fadi telling Bob and I that the cool water was so warm from the desert heating in the summer, that everyone turned their hot water heater off so that they got cool water from the water that was stored in the air conditioned rooms where the hot water was, and their hot water from the cold faucet where the water is heated by the desert pipes that carry the desalinated water to the city from the ocean. I thought he was exaggerating. then, for the next four months, I turned mine off (sorry to doubt you
Juan returned from getting married in the United States. His new bride and their child will be moving here in a few weeks. I have been having lunch with Nick most Fridays, but not today, Juan stayed over with Nick, so the boys are enjoying their day without me. I am starved, so blog typing will be frantic!
I dropped Bob off at the airport last night, so he should be back in Atlanta (right about now) seeing Sandy and his kids for the next couple of weeks.. Several of the managers from SYSCO will be here next week, could lead to some interesting meetings with them having to deal with me....
Kelly left for Canada on Wednesday. I really will miss her, as she is gone for the next three weeks, and she is "my right hand" here. We ended up easing past 7 million for the month of May, missing a record month by 25,000 dirhams. It was 75% growth over May of 2010, not too shabby. Business has slowed in the restaurants, but we have picked up some extra "event" business that might let us top 7 million in June also, which would approach 90% growth over last year.
Fred filed my taxes in the US this week. Refunds from Missouri, Illinois and the Feds! I spent time this week (I was missing the US big time) calculating my financial future by how long I stay here. If I left now, I would be in better shape than when I left (barely), but if I am here a year from now, I would be poor, but debt less...Then every year after that is much better. I have to decide somewhere along the way, if the optimum stay will be 3 and half years (my contract length - December 2013) 6 years or 10. I will be 49 in October, so I do want to return and work a few good years in the states, somehow, I know down inside that my stay will run its course and the planning won't matter, but it makes the tough days better, realizing the payoff in the end.
Speaking of returning to the United States, Two months from today, I land on the tarmac at JFK. I have a tentative schedule, but will need to get serious about planning on my details of who I get to visit and spend time with. It will probably be the only time I return to the states until July of 2012. I like that I am renting a car in New York (I have never been to NYC) and driving on tour. I do like paying for $1.80 gas here, so I may get sticker shock filling up on my 12 day tour. Speaking of driving...Vineet passed his driving test on the first try. I paid out the Vinny the Pooh driving pool this week, yes gamblers, if you wagered 5 bucks on Vinny passing on the first try, you collected a cool 15.75. Kelly had two entries so she was the big winner (31.50) - (next to Vinny who went out and promptly got a new car). Now, he needs to help the American that hired him, by getting new business in his territory.
The old love life had its ups and downs this week. Rodz and I had a very relaxing and romantic his and her massage at a very nice spa here, but, well...oh well things are changing and it takes so much effort to keep everyone happy when you are working 70 plus hours a week, each and every week... I think work is winning the battle, and that's too bad. I came here to conquer the challenge of the job, and in the process create financial freedom for myself, if I found a woman to spend my life with that would have been a nice fairy tale ending...and a bonus to be sure...
My stomach is growling, time to grab some lunch. Have a great week in your corner of the world, I will check in with you next week!  Please keep us all in your thoughts and prayers.

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