Friday, March 9, 2012

Here Today, Gone Tomorrow Part 2

What a bad week this has been. I got done writing last weeks blog and checked my email to find a note from Nick. He has given up the fight and moved home with his family. He left without notice and I didn't get to say goodbye, but it was probably the toughest departure for me personally. I love cowboy and his Christian witness that will outlive him. He is still mentioned at work and his name is usually followed by, I really liked him. Bob and I both realized his days were numbered, and we have shared a 15 year friendship and working relationship that has been interrupted by job changes before. I guess what has made Nick's departure the toughest on me, is the realization that I am next. My American partnerships in managing this dream have all gone. Steve is Scottish, and sometimes I feel like he is stuck with me rather than being happy to have me. The satisfaction of a job "well done" (another huge month with 90% growth over last year in February) and a fiercely loyal sales force that I feel an amazing obligation to, is what I cling to. A mercenaries life is a lonely one, you can have personal goals, financial ones and enduring ones, but the days are numbered...
One of the charges that my critics level at me here is that I am too "easy" on my employees and over compensate them. I would quickly point out that this multi national group (2 Kenyons, 5 Indians, a Colombian, Canadian, Moroccan, Jordanian, Turk, Philipino, Lebanese and an American) that I hired and guided in the ways of doing proper business. They are working long hours and growing our sales at a furious pace (remember the pace of sales growth when Bob and I arrived in early July of 2010 was around 15% (actually negative 6% in August of 2010, Bob promoted me to sales manager in September of 2010, and the first thing that we did was change the compensation plan to allow the Account Executives to make money if they began to sell. Well the end results are in 2009 22% growth, 2010 18% growth (35% in the 4th Quarter) and 86% in 2011. Through the first two months of 2012 - 103% growth. On the other hand the decrease in American Managers has been even a more dramatic number, with one being left...
Two weeks from today Fred arrives for his second tour of the Middle East and his visit is much needed for this Americans sanity. The challenge for me is to re plan his visit since Nick flew the coop, plans will have to change. I think his visit will be composed of a lot of pool and beach and dining time, and not so much on events. I can't wait.
 Half way through my contract, I have finally met my first financial goal. As of April 1st, I will be out of debt for the first time since my junior year of high school. I don't own a lot of things, but not owing anything or anyone is going to be sweet. I will let you know how it feels, although I feel like most of my friends have been better financial stewards than myself, so you already know that freedom from debt that I will soon taste for the first time.
Not having Bob, Nick or Rodz in my life here has had me renewing my bachelor culinary skills. This week I had dinner at home (eggs in different forms) for 3 meals and had KFC one night and Fish and chips the other night. Eating alone is no fun, but by my post mortem calculation put my 5 week day meals at a total of $20. Tonight I am having dinner with Hayley to break my solo act. Nick left behind his "Entertainer" book, so 2 for 1 will be the
I finally got rid of my bronchitis (yesterday) and I slept in this morning, but it is time to get up and get out of the apartment. Keep me in your thoughts, and of course lets keep Nick's stateside job search in our prayers. I defiantly am looking forward to seeing all of my friends this summer. The calendar's pages keep peeling off, and August will be here before you know it. You have a great week, I am confident mine will be better than last weeks.

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