Friday, March 23, 2012

Love is not in the air, but plenty of sand and Fred are...

OK, I admit it, I am not that clever in my post's titles, but I try...The sand has been awful. The whole mid East around the Arabian Sea has been engulfed in a sand storm. Our airport in Dubai was shut down for a few hours earlier in the week, but because of the same storm the Kuwait Airport was closed down for 3 days this past week, and people were advised to stay indoors. It has definitely affected regional tourism, as the residents of Saudi, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, and Bahrain are not traveling here to sit in the sand. It looks like dense fog, and as you breathe the air you cough and sneeze, and you do your best to keep the sand out of your eyes. The good news is that the weather forecast says that it is just about over(hopefully today)...
Fred will also arrive in about 9 hours. He is over the Atlantic on his 14 hour flight from Atlanta. So next week, we get another guest blog, and I get a week off from attempting to be clever or trying not to sound too homesick for America. It really will be good to spend a week with my best friend. Not too much planned, (dinner with Elie Saber, and a desert safari with Hayley, Ceren, Elie N. and Magy - interesting group...) plus lots of dining out. Last year we did a lot with Rodz plus the site seeing in Abu Dhabi and Al Ain, this year (sand storm permitting) will be lots of pool and beach time...should be nice and relaxing for both Fred and I.
I can just imagine that some of you are wondering about the date of the year (see last weeks blog). Well, Shereef and Hayley had their lunch date, and yes it was a fun lunch, but what has been even "more funner" has been listening and seeing the unmerciless teasing Shereef is getting from his warehouse co-workers. It was a nice morale booster. Sales are still very unrobust this month, but hopefully the weather will break and the numbers will improve. I am confident that my spending spree with Fred on food this week might turn the economy
Sorry for the short blog this week, but I need to get out and about and run some errands. Have a great week, see you back here very soon. Plenty of Fred's visit stories coming the next couple of weeks.

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