Friday, April 13, 2012

Bananarama in Dubai?....yes, I typed it correctly...

Friday morning in Dubai, I am writing as I watch American Idol that I "DVR'd" last night (how did TV work before tivo?). Summer has broken out as temperatures have now started getting to 100 during the day. It's tax day weekend back in the good ole USA (yes, Fred sent my stuff to my $600 an hour international Tax attorney back in Atlanta -it costs plenty to not pay). Baseball is on almost every night (Lot's of day games in the states, 8 hour time difference and your 1 o'clock game becomes my 9 pm game - God Bless ESPN America) is good.
In just two weeks I am suppose to be leaving to tour Australia's beef Ranches with Muzzy, but the tickets haven't been purchased yet...hmmm, it's a long flight (16 hours?) but I will say if I never thought I would be in the Middle East, I can equally say I never thought I would go to Australia. I always have dreamed about going to Brazil...hmmm.
As I have been watching American Idol (wasn't a huge fan while living stateside- but things change here in the desert) it is interesting to me that things I would never think of are happening all over the world. I mentioned to one of my Filipino pals that I watched American Idol, and she immediately asked me if "I knew who Jessica Sanchez was?" She is the 16 year old singer from the Philippines (actually from San Diego- she is a Philippine) with a voice that reminds me of Christinia Agulaira. It seems that the Philippine servers that share a room in their company housing  go on the Internet each week and download her latest performance and root for her to stay alive in the competition (down to the final 7 now). As I cling to American baseball and football in living in my nice apartment with my two big screen tv's with money to see and do whatever I want, it's touching that there is a bunch of flatmates, homesick and proud. They don't have cable, in fact 1 bathroom for six friends, and the highlight of their week is watching and rooting for Jessica to win this years American Idol. They are living their dreams though Jessica....I am rooting with them.
Speaking of singing, this week the "Hard Rock Cafe" Dubai had their official grand opening. We sell them a few things (not nearly what we should!) and were invited as guests. So I attended with Reem (Kelly came with a friend also), but the grand opening musical act was Bananarama - This British pop group was actually pretty good (biggest hit? Cruel Summer) you know "it was a cruel, cruel summer" seemed appropriate for's been in some ways two years of Cruel summers here...number 3 right around the corner...
Speaking of Kelly, I will share a cute story about my lil blond buddy. She dated a guy for a while last year named Steve that I also know. Now one of my favorite pastimes is to tease Kelly (she is the prototypical girl next door) about whatever love life she is enjoying or has enjoyed. She traveled to Italy last week on business, and she returned Monday morning at 4 am. I asked her when she got to work that morning if she had seen her boyfriend (current man is Sam (Jordanian) for those of you keeping score at home) - you know 5 days in Italy without your boyfriend - well she proceeds to tell me he was flying out of Dubai as she was flying in, and they had met at the airport to share coffee - how romantic...(stick with me it gets better-lol) Well, then she says how weird it was as she walked to see her beau she got a text from Steve at 4:30 in the morning asking if she was back and when he would see her...well she thought it was bizarre that he would ask at that time of the morning and she politely blew him off on her blackberry before meeting Sam her current boyfriend. Now, what Kelly didn't know, is that morning as I spoke to Steve (Our boss) he mentioned that he had sent Kelly a message earlier in the week, and she sent it back before 5 am this morning that she was back, (her blackberry doesn't work outside of the UAE) but he said it was sorta cryptic. I thought at the time - that's Kelly shares me her story and I realize, that Kelly had gotten her "Steve's" confused and she still didn't get, as soon as I said Kelly, that was our boss Steve - not her ex boyfriend Steve- her eyes got huge, she frantically checked out the message/conversation she had for Kelly nothing tawdry - and she has now changed his name on her Blackberry...lesson to be learned...Kelly and I have laughed all week about it.
Time to run...have a great week!

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