Friday, April 6, 2012

The Sun Stops hiding behind the Sand

The sky's of the Middle East have finally begun to clear, after 6 weeks of blowing sand that most days resembled thick fog, we got relief this week. I actually woke up to a brief thunderstorm on one morning while Fred was visiting, but the excitement of rain went away as dawn broke and there was no abatement to the sand. It was disappointing that Fred was cheated by mother nature from having beautiful weather that Dubai typically enjoys in March.
The weather definitely effected business, as we had a soft March where we only grew 52% over last year. I have a meeting with the top brass on Monday to assure them that we are back to sky rocketing growth in April.
It was great having Fred visit for a week, almost everyone that reads this (that I know about - the weekly readership is just over 50 people, and I know who about a dozen of the regulars are) realizes what a special friendship that Fred and I share. I like to think that people that get to know Fred get a better understanding of who I am, but as I get older and wiser (I hope) the realization is that Fred is just a normal person that gives other people the courage to be my friend....If a good guy like Fred is my best friend - I can't be all
Fred did get to enjoy the "Royal Buddah" with Hayley and our special friend/server "E E" from Miramar. About once every three weeks, Hayley and I go and have "Goon sod pong" or something like that (Fried rice, shrimp and extra egg). The food is good, but the wait staff treats my guests and I special. I think they wonder about why (and how) a guy like me has so many attractive friends to join me there (Hayley, Kelly, Rodz, Juvy....then there is Nick and now the mystique of my attractive guests is now
Fred did take back a "stack of Benjamin's" back to the states (99 of them-we are obeyers of the law), and as he has mailed a couple of checks since he has gotten back to Knoxville, my financial yoke has been lifted from my shoulders. Half way through my contract, the focus switches from financial freedom to financial security. I am blessed with the opportunity that Bob and Hani gave me.
I have scheduled my vacations and business trips  for the next 5 months, as it now has been approved for me to fly back to America for the first couple of weeks in August. I haven't made firm plans for my visit and probably won't until my Airline ticket is bought and I know what city I will be flying into (Atlanta, NY, or Chicago). Just as exciting are a couple of trips I have planned for earlier. Muzzy and I are flying to Australia the first week of May to check out what they have to offer in beef and lamb (visiting several ranchers and deciding on a supplier to our company). I also have been invited to Elie Nader's wedding in Lebanon (the Country) in July. I am admittedly nervous about flying into the heart of the Middle East, but hopefully I will be brave enough to enjoy the trip.
Speaking about enjoying things, I stayed up until after 3 in the morning last night (that's Thursday for the time travel challenged) watching opening day baseball from Cincinnati as my beloved Reds beat the Miami Marlins. It was carried live by ESPN America. My buddy Dan Scott is traveling from Pennsylvania to Atlanta today to draft the remainder of our fantasy baseball team. Baseball is a great distraction and a warm reminder of the states. Adding ESPN and ESPN America to our available cable here a year ago, really has helped curb the loneliness that being half way around the world can bring. Baseball, American Football, and golf really help fill from April to December. I guess it made the timing of my mom and brother's visit in January and Fred's visit in March even better.
Nick is still interviewing for jobs back in the states. I turned in his Du cable stuff (they really wanted me to talk with them about where I "found" their cable boxes, but somehow I felt Nick's account number was all they needed) Now if I can just get the power and water people to the same understanding.
Speaking of water, it finally dawned on me something that they don't have here that we have abundantly in America (ok, there are lots of things they don't have here that we enjoy in the USA)...but the one that stood out to me this week....water fountains. Now it seems weird when you spend so much time in the malls and the temperature routinely hit triple digits 8 months of the year, that there is no public water for drinking. The same is true for the dining establishments, they all charge for bottled water. Clean, drinkable of the things that you just take for granted.
I got to enjoy a couple of grand openings for customers this past week.  Ruth's Chris steakhouse opened a second location in the Dubai Marinia Address Hotel. Steve and I enjoyed a complimentary USDA prime ribeye for dinner on Tuesday. It was a nice evening chatting with the boss. Then last night, I enjoyed the grand opening of "Best Burger Forever" an upscale hamburger cafe with Muzzy, Kumail and their lovely brides. So in the span of a couple of days My boss accompanied me to a white table cloth restaurant for a fine dining experience, and I accompanied two fine employees to a burger and fry, it pays to report to higher management - sorry Muzzy!
Time to get the day started, hope your day goes as well as my Reds did last night!
Enjoy the little things in Life, We won't be on this earth forever!

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