Friday, June 8, 2012

Missing Work????

Well, missing work may be carrying it to an extreme, but missing my work family? Absolutely...I have talked with Muzzy, Steve, and Joseph, and BBM'd (free phone chat thingy involving Blackberry's) with Hayley, Vinny, Peter and Kelly. I do miss bantering with them - and supporting their careers as they support mine. I think the extra bonding that has occurred between us has a lot to do with being in a foreign land doing a difficult job. I always joke with them, by saying "you're gonna miss me when I am gone", and a couple of them have let me know that it's not the same place without me....words that couldn't be sweeter to my ears...Well, this time next week . I will be back in Dubai....
I have done my part to help pork farming in America. I may have topped my wildest pork dreams when Stacy treated me to dinner at the steak house at Harrah's St. Louis. I was looking over the menu, contemplating having a nice ribeye steak and a big baked potato, when the server mentioned the Chef had a special...Broiled pork belly, wrapped in crispy, NO, you can't make these things up. For those of you that don't know, pork belly is where you cut bacon from, so of course I ordered the "bacon wrapped bacon" dinner. It was quite tasty, but so rich that I could only eat half of my dinner. I have had Waffle House 3 times since returning home, Chickfila twice. I have had Cracker Barrel and enjoyed Baby back ribs...all very my mother (I have been looking for an excuse to post a photo of mom and Hayley being goofy together in Dubai) decided she wanted to
get in on the pork fest. I don't know what the poor little piggy did to piss off my mom, but she got even by cooking the poor fellow to death. Mom has also made delicious meatloaf, and has promised me two of my favorites (Lasagna and spaghetti and meatballs). I have been at my parents house in Virginia for a few days and I leave on Monday.

I have got to see some of my friends since I got here, Fred, Rez, Stacy, Chad, and I am getting to see my buddy Danny and his new wife on Monday. I am sadly not getting to see recently employed back at SYSCO (in Florida) Nick. (that's Hayley, myself, and Nick on our desert safari).

Oh well, not much more exciting to mention. I fly back out on Emirates next Tuesday out of New York City.
I will be back in Dubai with the gang next Thursday. I have to admit that there are few things that I dread more than that flight back to Dubai. That is why I will only come home once a year.
This weeks birthday shout out....Rodz...happy birthday on Sunday.
See you all back here, with the continuing Great Adventure from the United Arab Emirates!

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