Friday, June 22, 2012

Nutragious is Outrageous

The heat this week has been stifling. I just don't know how these Arabs lived here before air conditioning. You know that as a child growing up in Ohio, I had to walk to school uphill both ways in waste deep snow (or so the joke goes) well these poor souls obviously only found shade in the hot summer months by crawling under desert ants. OK, I know that makes no sense - it is hot as hell, and I know why some of these people turn into radicals....heat stroke...
One of the fellows at work that I have become friends with is our customer service supervisor, Peter. He is a very bright and articulate Indian that is a rather humorous character. He is very over qualified to be in customer service, but has shown no real drive to improve his lot in life by acquiring extra skills to advance his career. One thing that can limit your career options here is a lack of a drivers license. As you may recall from previous bloggings, the Indians are one of the Nationalities that they make it very tough on to get an UAE Drivers License. First, your employer has to grant permission for you to try and obtain a license. Then the Indian Expats have to take classes and tests and are routinely flunked and have to start the expensive process over. In contrast, an American just has to show a current US Drivers license and passport we are given our license with only a small fee. Well maybe part of Peter's career path has been determined after failing after 7 tries for his license he gave up his quest for a license limiting his career options.
Well to say that he is likable is an understatement. One of the things that he definitely has acquired is a sweet tooth. Peter loves chocolate. He always has something sweet at his desk, and he willingly shares with his teammates. One day he was sharing his favorite Indian chocolate with me, and I told him about my favorite candy bar, the Reece's Nutragious bar. I don't know if you have ever had this candy treat, it combines the goodness of a Reece's Peanut Butter Cup, with peanuts and is aptly named "Nutragious." Well Peter the candy connoisseur had never heard of this candy bar, and I sought it out because I wanted to share this decadent American treat. The UAE's grocery shelves are filled with strange flavors and rip-offs of American products.

At my favorite grocery store "Hyper-Panda" you will find "prawn flavored potato chips", "Ketchup" chips, "Curiously Cinnamon" cereal and just a large variety of flavors that are geared towards the pallets here in the UAE. What I can't find is original flavored "Bugels", and up until recently the infamous Nutrageous candy bar.
There is one grocer here in the UAE that caters to Americans. It is named (believe it - I speak the truth) "Safest-Way". So I did what any proud slightly obese American would do, I decided to see if my Safest Way would have this candy bar, so that I could share this American treat with my poor downtrodden work mate Peter.
I went to Safest Way and amongst all the other American products that you can't find elsewhere (love Cinnamon flavored "Life" cereal) I found it - the beloved Nutragious candy bar. It was a little pricey 9.50 AED ($2.55), but I gladly purchased it, wanting to show Peter why Americans are the greatest innovative people in the world. Peter did enjoy it, and I thought what a shame I can't share this treat with my other friends. Well a couple of months passed, and I suddenly see my Nutragious bar at the gas station where I have my everyday before work breakfast of Cheese fatayer with a diet coke. It was priced at 4 dirhams ($1.10). I did what any proud candy pusher would do. I bought 4, giving one to Rodz, Juvy and another one to Peter. My favorite candy bar was invading the Middle East....About a week passed, and I was in Carefour (The Walmart of Dubai). Yes, they had the Nutragious candy bar. it was 3 dirhams ( 81 cents). Yes, you know how I felt....exploited. I had paid a $1.50 a candy bar penalty indulging myself at Safest Way. They might as well change the name to the American "Sucker-way".
I made a pledge that November day, never to go back to Safest Way. Just because they carry hard to find American foods (like Mt. Olive sweet pickles, Kraft Miracle Whip light, Pop Tarts and Dr. Pepper soda) I was not going to be ripped off. I would pay less money and be much happier with my "Frosties" cereal and diet Pepsi made locally that can also be used to clean your paint brushes.
Well this week my life here in Dubai changed...I decided that I would indulge once a month, go and recklessly overspend at Safest Way and buy the American treats that warm my heart and lighten my wallet. Tonight I enjoyed a bowl of Cinnamon Life cereal with Splenda sprinkled on top. My savings rate may be slightly altered, but a little more Americana is on my pantry shelf as I live here, enjoying my home away from home.
Well I appologize for rambling along and not getting to the big career news, indulge me and next week I will share the biggest news about my life in Dubai.

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