Friday, August 24, 2012

Monday Morning, I contribute to a Symbolic Death of the Middle East Peace Process...

August is nearing an end, the temperatures will surely follow as the year winds down. Today it will only reach 106 degrees, our uninterrupted string of triple digit highs is nearing four months, and the forecast into September shows no relief...Thank goodness, that I know better. In late September, the highs will dip into the 90's and late October and early November will bring resort like weather.
I just got back from my short 5 minute trip to Subway for my egg and cheese sub breakfast. I think the heat is getting to me, as I drove today I fantasized about having a Waffle House along the way, to pull into and have my favorite Bacon, egg and cheese on Toast, Hash browns - scattered, smothered and covered....Buttered raisin toast for dessert....I don't know what's worse realizing my fantasy wasn't going to happen, or realizing that I am fantasizing about food instead of....well, I am getting older by the day. I guess that is normal, sadly.
My day started horribly on Monday. I was driving to work on the 12 lane mega highway Emirates road, my cruise control set on 139 KMH (86 mph) to avoid the radar photo tickets. In front of me I spot a beautiful big Dove waddling into my lane on the highway.
Now, we all have experienced countless times, when a bird is right in front of us on the road, and at the last moment they gracefully fly off. Apparently my poor Dove, was distracted by all the news pointing to war in the Middle East, and sadly I became the executioner. At the last moment my suddenly air born friend met 86 mph of forged Nissan Altima survived...the noise and Dove body parts scattering in different directions made the Subway cookie I was savoring suddenly taste very sour. Dubai Peace Dove 2011 -2012 RIP.
Speaking of sad events. Karim, my office boy, was apparently accused of not working hard enough and was reassigned by his supervisor to a much harder job working in one of our warehouses. He was replaced by Depesh, a relative of the supervisor. Now my new young colleague speaks virtually no English and curiously no Hindi either.(I don't know how to translate Nepotism into Hindi...but)... Well, no one in my building can speak a language that he understands. I struggled with trying to communicate with him, but finally I found a use for the Splenda I have stored in my office desk. Now every morning around 10 am (if I am in the office), I get a nice treat. Beautiful, capped Driscol fresh American Strawberries! I feel bad for Karim, but I have sadly quickly adapted. And my glass is half full (of
Things are progressing at work. I have gotten the budget approved to hire a half dozen new Sales Executives....hmmm, where could I find hard working loyal sales reps that would enjoy the opportunity to work with an American at a growing company...I will keep you updated....
Tomorrow (Saturday), we are having a company wide sales organizational meeting where I will meet all the managers and sales people that are now my responsibility. We have over a 1,000 employees and I now am charged with creating profitable sales to have that number grow, not shrink. It's an exciting challenge that I embrace.
Kelly and I had lunch yesterday at Dubai Mall at the brand new and huge Cheesecake Factory. There were several Americans there training the local employees in proper service, with various levels of success. Our server struggled mightily, (he was so bad that Kelly's and my disappointment turned into amusement). I need to give it another try, this lunch ($50) was a major disappointment.
Now in good dining news, I re-visited IHOP at the Mall of Emirates...I had biscuits covered in white pepper gravy, with scrambled eggs, hash browns and veal sausage. It was great, and I am planning on my lunch today being a repeat of that great meal.
Muzzy and Kumail return from their vacation today, Hayley returned from the States last weekend, Eid (3 day celebration of the end of Ramadan) has now ended, and with the calendar turning to September next weekend, business will pick up again. My friend Sam Hodge(Chiade salesmen, that I worked with at Buckhead Beef) arrives in Dubai on Sunday for a couple of days, it will be good to see him. We are planning on having dinner together at Texas Roadhouse - life is good!
My apologies for a rather boring blog, sadly, it was a rather boring week. I did see Rodz this week....who knows...maybe there will be more interesting blogs forthcoming (I certainly hope
Have yourself a safe, but great week...thanks for checking on me....

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