Friday, August 10, 2012

The UAE Keeps us Safe with tough Immigration Laws

The month long process of having my employment Visa changed is almost completed. I had forgotten that the process here is cumbersome, but in the end there maybe some things that my Government could use for the safety of America. Part of the process here to gain a workers visa is the medical exam that you go through. I had to go back and be retested (Had this test when I first arrived also) for HIV. If I was from another country, I would also have to have had my chest ex-rayed for TB. Fortunately, being from a developed nation< I only had to have my blood drawn and tested. The annoyance factor is a bit of a hassle, I had to wait an hour and a half in a poorly air conditioned room with hundreds of laborers that may or may not have met their first shower since they arrived in Dubai.
My test for HIV came back negative, so the process continues. If I would have tested positive. I would have been immediately placed into quarantine and placed on the first plane back to America. So we basically have no AIDS in Dubai. It's the same tough handling of other issues that keep the UAE remarkably safe. If I had a car wreck and there is a trace (.001) of alcohol or any illegal drug in my system the penalty is very harsh. If the accident was minor, the guilty party would be looking at 6 months in jail followed by deportation. Not the way I want to leave the UAE. There must be some drug use (because people are arrested trying to smuggle marijuana and other drugs - this week they caught a poor soul attempting to smuggle heroin into the country, I am sure they will face the death penalty). Any crime is treated toughly. Bounce a check, off to jail you go....this is not a place to commit a crime. (other than speeding - you can get dozens of tickets - just keep paying the
If you are an ex-pat, once your time is up in prison, deportation follows. We don't have recidivism issues. (Nick- that's repeat offenders) God I miss having Nick to pick on (just to hang out with-I am like a boy that saw his puppy get run over by a car), and the blog misses the stories my friend could help inspire.
On a totally unrelated, but yet similar issue, sex outside of marriage is against the law. So, if you lived with your girl friend and it was discovered (they don't go looking for this, but if it is discovered...tisk tisk) the penalty is deportation. If a single gal gets pregnant, she must leave also...the bottom line is it's a tough place to live if you can't follow the rules, if you are a law abiding Ex-Pat, it's safe and secure. An interesting trade off - liberty for that Americans are wrestling with in the USA more and more. BTW, I wouldn't trade my American citizenship and freedoms, but I can suspend them for a few years abroad...
I am a little tired this morning, and my blog (sorry Muzzy Tonto) is a tad bit late. Last night, I was honored to be invited to a birthday party for my great gal pal,  Canadian cutie Kelly.
I was amongst a dozen of Kelly's friends that gathered at the Park Hyatt in Dubai. We had a very nice room all to ourselves, and enjoyed a nice celebration with every body's favorite Canadian It was nice for me to meet Kelly's friends (8 gals-5 guys = good party) that I didn't know.  I also got to meet Kelly's beau Sami! He is the one to her right in the photo from last night. They are a happy little couple, and seem to be a great match.  There was only one of Kelly's Transmed coworkers invited (Reem), so Kelly's gang of friends Loren, Nick and I have left her behind. Never fear bloggista's, news on that to come shortly.
The exodus of my old sales reps from Transmed has begun. Vineet gave notice this week. Hmmm, I wonder where he will end up after his 30 days notice is up.
On a totally unrelated issue, I am looking to hire some sales reps at Barakat. This could be fun...Need to grab some lunch (grilled cheese on my stove, still another week of Ramadan to go!) Hope you have a great weekend!

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