Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The Worlds Oldest Profession...

Greetings from beautiful South Florida. Things are starting to shape up. I got back from Dubai last week with some business opportunities, and happily I have closed some deals. On the home front most of my new furniture has been delivered, and my home is starting to feel like...home.
new furnishings July 2014

          I have patio furniture that was due to be delivered last week, sadly it is lost. I kid you not, the company promises to deliver a set of furniture as soon as they can find it...lol.  So far I have not ridden my newly repaired bike, or swam in the pool, but Lord knows I know that I need to.
          I last blogged from my hotel room in Dubai. Well, the remainder of my stay was eventful. On my last evening (Wednesday July 3rd), my plane was leaving just after midnight. Well Rodz and I had a nice dinner out to be followed by packing up and meeting with

Rodz and I Dubai June 2014

Vinny for our farewell at the airport. Vinny was meeting us in my room at 10:15 pm so Rodz and I headed to the hotel about 9 pm, that is when the fun either started or ended - depending on your perspective. I was staying at a 5 star hotel, so we valet parked and headed for the elevator. Not so fast, security stopped Rodz from getting on the elevator with me, and made a comment about not working at this hotel. They quickly escorted Rodz off the elevator and I was stunned. I caught up with them and tried to intervene that Rodz and I were in a relationship, it fell on deaf ears. Security tried to stop me from following, as Rodz cried (you can't begin to imagine the humiliation being treated this way in the lobby of one of Dubai's most prestigious hotels) but I went from shocked to angry in a nano second.   
As I raised my voice in the security office, I quickly became the focus. They quickly requested my ID. Rodz was no longer teary eyed, she was livid! It took the security manager getting involved and at least 15 minutes before they finally backed off and allowed Rodz to accompany me to my room. Needless to say, the romantic evening we were enjoying had ended. Hell hath no fury... Of course I have not let it go when teasing Rodz (asking her if she is cruising the hotel lobbies can quickly draw a reaction)...Love to tease her....

My trip back was long, but having Fred welcoming me with my car in Miami and my 7 day adventure was over. It was great seeing Rodz, seeing old friends and solidifying business. I will probably go back in February, but hopefully Rodz will be here by then. The immigration update is not pretty. Rodz needs to get one more official document from the Philippines, so the Embassy in Abu Dhabi rescheduled her interview...Rodz is traveling to Manila in August and will finalize her documents for her now November 9th interview...It seems so far away to me...I would be lying if I didn't say I was depressed about the delay...The 4 month process will be 15 months along when she finally has her interview. She is asking for the date to be moved up, but I am not optimistic.

        One of my good friends that I spent time with in Dubai was Transmed's finest Juan Lopez. Well Juan is now enjoying his annual leave in the states. He is planning on visiting me here in South Florida (Nick is planning on joining us) sometime this month. I will try and take a picture.

See you back here in a couple of weeks....

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