Sunday, September 26, 2010

Fall is in the Air...well sorta...

Finally, have had a couple of days where the mercury did not break the century mark...On Friday it was 98 and I felt chilled at the pool...all joking aside, you would be amazed at what you get used too...The forecast highs through the end of September are in the high 90's low 100's and the humidity hovers near 80%, and it feels nice. If you leave your car parked in the out! Instant easy bake oven.
I have not been to any of the beaches yet, there are two very popular ones within a 15 minute car drive. The sand is too hot until this time of the year...October is beach time...
One of the things that keeps me in tune with my American self, is American sports...The PGA is televised, the tour is on Thurs - Sunday from 10pm until like 2 am....MLB has a game or two per week, usually midnight starting time or 4 am starting I miss baseball....and my Reds are having their best season in the last two decades. I get the NFL (Fox coverage) starting at 8pm Sunday night, the 1pm Eastern games, and the second game of my "double header" starts at midnight...not so bad...There is no ESPN or ML Network, so much for the feature games...The pregame show just started, hopefully my Cowboys won't start 0-3....
I am feeling a little overwhelmed with work..I have some discipline issues with one of my salesman...I don't need the distraction nor does the sales force. If it was easy, they wouldn't need me.  We have hired a salesman from the states. He was a Marketing Associate for SYSCO in Atlanta for over 10 years.  He is Sri Lanken, his name is Lal and he wanted to move closer to home, I can't wait til he starts on the 10th of October...I spent most of the day in Abu Dhabi, the commute is almost scary...It is about 150 Km...the speed limit is 120 km's...The radar does not issue tickes until 140 km's. So, I set my cruise control atr 138 (nearly 90 mph) and get in the middle lane (8 lane highway) of the Sheik's toll road. Bedouins pop out of no where and make mad dashes across the road. I am sure I will see a fatality during my stay. There were cars that passed me today that had to be nearing or surpassing 200 KM's. I passed by Ferrari world (worlds largest indoor theme park) maybe some of the drivers were doing laps...My customer told me O'bama was in Abu Dhabi today, I guess he is visiting the troops in a secret visit (shhh its a secret),,,we are one month away from election day.
I have been trying to find time to visit the American Embassy in Abu Dhabi. I stopped there last Sunday, but it was closed for the local holiday. I want to register to vote, but more importantly I want to let them know where to find me in case of some kind of crisis...Just up the road in Saudi Arabia, (2 hour drive) justice was served swiftly last week. A guy was convicted of rape, and beheaded by sword in swift justice. There is no DNA controversy and I think death row has 1 bunk bed...quick justice!
Last Wednesday my apartment had a fire drill. Last Thursday there was a fire. LOL...Someone was smoking and left their apartment to go to work, the fire was pretty intense, lots of damage on the 21st floor...the windows were all blown out , so the pool (broken glass fell in it) was closed until late Saturday. I need a visitor,,,one or several of you friends step up!!!!!

Time to get ready for the Cowboy/Texans game...Go Cowboys!!!!


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