Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Years Resolutions....

Welcoming in 2011 in style in Dubai. Last night I got to see an unbelievable fireworks show from my apartment pool. The UAE has decided to try and make Dubai a destination spot for new Years Celebrations with an evening filled with special fire and water shows at the base of the 160 floor high Burj Khalifa. I posted pictures of the unbelievable show they put on at midnight, with rockets shooting off virtually every floor it was breathtaking.
I neglected to fill you in on my Christmas celebration with the Lebanese Christian family that opened their home to me on  Christmas eve. Elie Saber (our Transmed credit manager) and his family (wife, son and daughter) had me over to their home on the 24th. They had a beautiful tree piled high with presents underneath. I would have thought I was in Lebanon, Virginia except for the 77 degree weather and the food. They served a traditional Lebanese spread, Beef sausages, Kibba (raw lamb/beef) chicken and rice, Hummus (ground chick peas) and several other Middle Eastern foods. (I missed my Christmas Ham this year) They had several family members (aunts, uncles, grandmas, and kids friends) over also and we dined at about 10:30pm (something they do here...I was so tired) and then they passed out the presents and opened them at midnight...I even got a scarf from was very nice, and made the holiday seem somewhat normal....
The holidays are over, back to work in the morning. I need to go to Abu Dhabi, and for the fourth time I am going to attempt to get into the American will know if I am successful.
I am always thinking as I see and experience things here that "I need to blog about this" and sadly I forget most of the things that I amuse myself with...but this morning in the shower, it struck me funny about the attempt at making English the language of choice here, and how some things get lost in translation. My head & shoulders (I know you were wondering where the shower came into play) that I use here is labeled for use with "greasy", sorta the same as oily hair. I have "prawn cocktail sauce" flavored pringles on my shelf. There is a beautiful new "jiffy Lube oil" kind of store next to my local petrol station and across the top it says "Tyre" repair here...Lays chips has a ketchup flavored chip here....I will try and write these funnies down as I see them, and just maybe I will remember to share them...
I watched all of the bad weather last week, snow in the south and then the tornado's in St. Louis, I guess the blah sunny and clear every day weather here has its pluses...
Happy New Year to all of you, I appreciate the notes so much...
Your friend,


  1. Johno - happy new year. Believe it or not our grocery stores in Philadelphia sell Herrs Heinz Ketchup flavored chips and have been doing so for a couple of years. Not my favorite, but I do like the pickle flavored chips. Have fun.

  2. Happy New Year may it be filled with great success, good health (hope your cold is better) and much happiness.
