Friday, January 28, 2011

Whose blog is this Anyway?

I hope everyone is surviving the winter of '11 back in the states, I am enjoying my first one here in the UAE. This winter just warmed up here with the arrival of Fred. Fred arrived in a winter rainstorm (go figure), but he chased away my winter blues. I have had a great week with him here so far. Well it's time for the new tradition...Guest Blogger! So, from the King College class of 1985...Here is Fred Staley....

For six months John tells me that it never rains in Dubai, so what do I find when I come out of the airport?  It is raining so hard the parking garage is leaking on my head.  Then the first big event he has planned is a MATH TEST!  He has bet everyone in Dubai that I will score higher on the test than he and his boss combined.  How am I supposed to know how many steps the American dog takes before the middle eastern train hits it?  Although John and Bob scored a combined score over 100%  making it impossible for me to score higher, I did get the highest score of the three making me the smartest kid in this particular class.  Some vacation.  It really has been fun so far this week.  The HSBC Golf Championship was great fun.  We were following Mickelson around with about 25 other people.  At times he was so close I could have made suggestion for which club to hit.  Martin Kaymer, who won the tournament almost hit us with his golf ball on 18.  Today we went to Ferrari World, the world's largest indoor amusement park.  It really needs more thrill rides, but was still great fun.  The roller coaster is the fastest in the world, zero to 240 km/hr (150mph) in less than five seconds.  It was probably the most intense ride I had ever been on, until the drive back to Dubai on the Abu Dhabi hwy in rush hour with John at the wheel.  Bumper to bumper, 140 KPH, six cars wide on a freeway with four lanes.  At least the roller coaster had a lap bar for safety.  Well I guess that is enough for one blog.  I will let John's mom tell you about the restaurants, malls and other more docile sites when she guest blogs in a couple of weeks.  See you back in the states, I will miss 75 degree winter days, but I can't wait to see them again next year...By for now...

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