Friday, January 7, 2011

Stairs, oh how I hate the stairs...

Last week the fire alarms were sounding when I pulled into my basement parking space at 8 Boulevard Walk. Being impatient and formerly athletic, I decided to hike the stairs to my 6th floor apartment. I think the water boarders had it easier. I thought maybe it was the cold that I still had not shaken or maybe I was just coincidentally having a heart attack...all I know is that I fought the stairs, and the stairs won...So, this morning, I get back from my trip out amongst the Bedouins and I am riding the elevator up to  my apartment, and suddenly as I reach the 5th floor, my lift slowly stops, and reverses course to the ground floor. Yes, another fire this time I only have to climb 7 floors (M plus 1-6)...Yes I did better, but now I am wondering if this is a plot to get me back into the gym...The Lord works in mysterious ways...I just hope he knows its a felony to pull a false fire alarm...
Bob got back to Dubai last weekend, and Richard returns tonight and Karim returns Sunday, no longer will I be the last manager standing. We are suffering through dramatic price increases with our commodity food items that we are trying to provide to our customers. With our strong growth in the last couple of months, we are also having stocking issues. It takes up to 90 days to order, and have it shipped from America clear customs then have the municipality inspect it. So right now, we are out of Ketchup, Mayo, Hot dogs, ground beef, Veal chops...sigh...Hard to sell without inventory. I have a challenge keeping the Account Exec's upbeat with inventory issues and a 40% price increase in some of our commodity items.
I am traveling back to Oman on Tuesday, to tour it with one of our sales reps. Hopefully, he will agree to relocate and we can start shipping that area. I signed off on the job offer for a former co worker in the states, if all things work out his first day will be Feb. 1st. That should also be the first day of my new Turkish Account Executive. Juan, the former SYSCO MA from Atlanta, that I am placing at Yaz Island will start a couple of days before that. Bob has a third interview with another young lady from the US. Hopefully we will continue to grow in sales as I reshape the sales force.
The weather is very pleasant here during the winter. In the daytime it is in the upper 70's and at night upper 50's. In the forecast, there is generally a 10% chance of rain everyday in January, but so far I have experienced only two brief showers since my arrival. I was driving through one of them, and I didn't even turn my wipers on. The other one lasted about 10 minutes and within a half an hour there was no evidence that it even had rained.
Fred arrives in the UAE two weeks from today. I am looking forward to taking a few days off while he is here to do some of the "touristy" things. Especially excited about going up in the 160 story high Burj Khalifa. Look forward to some interesting (perhaps interesting) photos on Facebook.
Speaking of fun here in the UAE, my mother's Christmas package arrived at work this week. She had included a package wrapped in Santa Claus paper for Shamsudine. As you may recall from my previous ramblings, Shams had been so excited about my last package, so once again curiosity killed the cat, and Shammy was waiting for me package in hand. So, I had him open up the box, and inside there were two packages - one addressed to me, and one labeled to Shams from Santa. Shams was so excited. He says..."wow" and he looks at it and says "who is this from?" So I of course, said Santa...Shams has no idea who Santa is. So I try and explain (who knew?) Christmas and Santa...failing miserably, so Shams figures it out...Santa is my mothers name...Well, he sorta got it right. So, Mom if Shams calls you Misses Santa when you meet him, just smile. Oh, yes Shams loved his blue shirt. He was busy showing it around the office. It definitely is the season for giving. I will post pictures of Sham's visit from Santa today.
Hope your week is as rewarding as Shammies....


  1. Hey friend...I took a few minutes to read your blog. I'm so happy that your holidays were spent with friends. And, I was happy to read that your parents are visiting in February. That's awesome.
    The fireworks there actually made our local news! I was watching and talking to the tv saying, "John is there." That was spectacular!!!!
    The weather here has been rough...very cold and lots of snow. I'm sure you are enjoying your 70s. My anniversary is in February...maybe I should celebrate it there! I wish I could. However, I think I would be scared...not knowing the language, people or my way around would intimidate me. I admire you greatly for taking this big step in your career! I guess I'll just remain a little peon in LTown.
    Well, keep the blog makes me feel close to you. Warm thoughts are constantly coming your way from all your friends...and especially from your girlfriend in Lebanon (Virginia, that is)! Lots of love, my friend!

  2. Thanks Susan,
    You and your studly husband would be very welcome here. BTW, Englis is the language that 95% of the people speak here (probably a better ratio than Miami, Dallas, or San Diego and do you not go anywhere that you have never been?
    Between the snowy weather that the States are in and the flooding in Australia and Brazil the blah sunny weather here is outstanding...
    Thanks for the note...knowing that I have friends that read my silly blog (especially Vice President Big Wigs in SW Va) helps keep me motivated on rough days...
