Friday, January 14, 2011

Silly people, Crix are for kids...

Good Friday to all of you, just gonna ramble through various things today, hopefully will be worth your reading time...
I went to church and PFChangs afterward (love the heaping bowl of Egg Drop Soup) with Bob and Richard this morning, it was good to have the gang of Americano's back together again. Tonight, dinner at Napaletano's followed by Bob and I watching HBO's Boardwalk (about half way through the season here) and then a busy schedule at work begins anew tomorrow.
I finally made it into the US Embassy in Abu Dhabi (please hold your applause til the end of the blog) was amazingly tight security. After getting through, I met with a very nice American clerk that sorta chuckled at me and said all I needed to do was register on line @ then I would be registered here and begin to receive email warnings and alerts from our government and be on their telephone hot list in case of emergency. Just so its somewhere written down and can be accessed the Embassy's phone number is +971-2-414-2200....
This Sunday Evening, Bob, Richard and I have been invited to a dinner at the Ambassador's residence in Abu Dhabi...It's a coat and Tie affair...should be neat! I am  planning on spending the day in Al Ain on Tuesday. It will be my first visit there since I relocated Elie N.there in my bold plan...In other work news for those keeping score, I have asked one of our Account  Exec's to find a new Career, it just wasn't working, he took it very well...and I have 4 Reps that will be joining the team around Feb 1st. Ceren (from Turkey), Nasser (from Lebanon-the country), Nick (from Tampa), and Juan (from Columbia via SYSCO Atlanta).
Have you ever heard of "Crix" cheese snacks? Well, I was looking for a healthier snack to have to munch on, so they have these little packs of baked cheese snacks called Crix. I thought it was worth a try, well the verdict is in...smells like feet. Yes, once you get past the smell not so bad, but unless it's Petit, freshly washed and attached to a 5'4" body(or so) don't like the feet near the mouth. I will make sure that I save some for Fred next week (yes-he arrives in a week) and my parents next month...Not finger foods, but toe snacks for everyone!
Still haven't had any major rain or sand storms. Went through another sprinkle that I did not turn my wipers on for, but it did make the car dirty...On clear days the skyline is spectacular.
Where is OBamacare when you need it? Part of my promotion last fall, was an upgrade of my insurance. Well, it was suppose to take effect by now, I had to turn my old card and wait the three days to get my new card. Well, now 6 days later no card and no insurance...sigh...I am hoping it gets straightened out by Sunday.
Where am I the safest? If there is an "event" here in the Middle East, I admit that I am a little nervous about that (like the 2012 Mayan Calendar ending-lol)...but as far as day to day safety, I hate to share with you that I am so much safer than any of you reading this. As I watch Fox news every day here, I see the crime and strife back in the states (from Arizona murders to St. Louis crime/murder capital) and I can tell you there is so little major crime here. I have never felt safer in my life. For the record, the most in danger I felt was 1986 in grad school in Washington DC....Sorry for the brevity, and thanks for the messages!
Have a great weekend, I will check in sometime before Fred arrives on the 21st.


  1. Who were you afraid of in grad school? Liz or the amazon softball player?

  2. I was scared of dying in that God foresaken apartment, and no one finding my dead,I remember sharing that with you at that was fine, it was the town. I was scared of Chris or whatever her name
