Friday, July 1, 2011

Blow out the candle, it's been one year!

On the Fourth of July 2010, Bob and I boarded a plane in Atlanta to begin one of the most challenging times of my life. In some ways it has been very rewarding, with the satisfaction of taking over a sales force the was negative 6% in growth in August 2010 (verses last years sales), to have it grow 25% in my first full month as Sales Manager (October 2010) to climb into the 40% growth range in the first quarter of this year the to the mid 60% growth in April and May, to reach probably 100% growth in June (I will get the final June results tomorrow). Taking a sales force hiring, pruning out 3 of them and creating my own team, and then seeing them flourish to within 9 months going from virtually zero growth to over 100%...Well Bob is happy (I hope) with bringing me here. On the other hand, I don't think I have ever been so frustrated with the seemingly unsatisfied feeling that Bob's bosses give back in feedback.
We have goals and sales plans we are meeting and exceeding, yet there is constant pressure to do more. So at the one year mark of being in the UAE, it's definitely good news and bad news.
Well Bob and I decided after church this morning that we are going to celebrate with our team - the glass is going to be half-full not half empty. Tonight we are joining the warehouse team for a dinner recognizing the great things they have accomplished. Next Thursday, we are taking the sales team out for an American pizza party at Dubai Mall at Uno's Pizza. Bob ordered banners to be displayed at the home office and at the warehouse recognizing our record month. I will bore you with final numbers next week.
One year without setting foot on American soil (13 months by the time I land at JFK on August 5th). I am making a promise to myself right now, that I will never go that long without coming home to the land that I love again. Goodness - I miss so many things about the USA. TV has gotten better since I arrived (the addition of ESPN & ESPN America is definite proof that there is a God), along with the "OSN" network which has the HBO series (from True Blood, Game of Thrones, Boardwalk, and now Mildred Pierce) and American series like Survivor that helps keep me in touch with Americana culture. I watch the O'Rielly Factor at 7 am before I leave for work each morning (daylight savings time ruins that during the winter) so I get to keep my fingers on pulse of American politics - Yes the locals think Obama is great and will surely be re-elected...I have taken note that "Big Brother" a favorite reality show of mine has started again in the states, and those of you that hate that, well feel free to move over here, I definitely will have to follow via the Internet - it won't be on tv.

Well, Nick's family is definitely struggling with the move. As well as Nick has fit in, Mimi and his son have not. They are having trouble acclimating to the country, hopefully when Mimi finds employment she will make new friends and start to appreciate the good things in Dubai...Now their 16 year old son that left behind his 16 year old girlfriend in Florida...Not sure that school starting here will automatically cure his blues, but for Nick's sake I hope it does...
When you are single, and work upwards of 70 hours each and every week, one thing that is certain is the friends you make at work are critical to your happiness. I can say that I am blessed with the new friends that I have made here. Kelly has found in me a friend for life - She is the girl next door, an awesome sales rep and a close confidant. The fondness I feel for the rest of the gang that I have met here, Vineet (Vinny the Pooh), Reem, Loren, Joseph, Hicham, Elie, Juan, and Georges...and honestly all 12 of the sales reps is remarkable. I would do anything (I guess that's my job) to help them be more successful in their careers and life in general. I have bonded with them and we are a close knit group. I interviewed a young Filipino man (JP) that hopefully will be joining our customer Service team (yes Rodz has definitely left her mark on me) I really like the Fillapino's (or is that Phillapino's?) that I meet here. The other Nationality that has left a lasting favorable impression on me are the Indians...
We now have 5 people of Indian decent in the department. I inherited Joseph (our top earner in sales) and Peter (customer service supervisor), and have hired Muzzy (new protein manager), Vineet (the young charmer from Bombay), and hired another gentlemen (hasn't given notice to current employer yet) that will start his career with us on September 1st. The fun I have teasing Vinny (and Joseph) about Indian stuff...Yes the Native American Indians...from teaching them the "Indian song" (one little, two little, three little Indians, four litt.....well you know) having Kelly give Vinny "an Indian Rug Burn" to sharing George Armstrong Custer's fun (at least for me) it helps keep smiles on their faces...(ok my face)...
We are having our second team blitz this Monday and Tuesday in Abu Dhabi. It will be great to help Hicham and Juan...they are both doing very well. So last fourth of July, we spent flying out of the good ole USA, this Fourth of July will be spent away from both of our home's (American and Dubian) in a hotel in Abu Dhabi....The record growth in sales has to slow down, Ramadan is just a month away and the highs are in the 100's every day and the lows sometimes don't even get below 90 degrees. Somehow I can't wait to enjoy the cool days of August in St. Louis in just over a month.
I hear through the rumor network that Richard (Cowboy) has landed a job back in the states. I really miss him and Mary, and I am disappointed I haven't heard from them. I sat in church this morning and realized if it wasn't for Richard and his unwavering witness, I most likely would not be going to church here in Dubai. I felt like skipping today, but Bob nagged me into going, and as usual the trip to be with fellow worshippers is almost always worth it. I can not ever remember in my 48 years on this earth saying after a service, geez, I wish I would have stayed home)
I have not said much this week (or last week - So,  I will work on my material for the rest of July... :-)
Happy Fourth of July and God Bless America!

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