Friday, July 29, 2011

My brush with death in the Middle East...

Well the countdown is almost over, this time next week I will hopefully be asleep somewhere over the Atlantic. It's coming so quickly, yet in some ways it seems like I have been waiting forever to get to visit the U.S.
Where to start this week, I guess you are curious....well we have been having highs hit 115 most days. I finally figured out that when they say it is going to be 103 for the high here, it usually reaches 109 or 110. When the forecast is for 107 or 108 (like it is for this weekend), it reaches 115 or 116. Tourism is the life blood of Dubai, so they don't want to scare away the tourist from the region and Europe with the fore casted highs. Trust me, when it is 115 to 120 degrees outside and the heat index is near 140 degrees it is scary hot.
On Tuesday we were having a scorcher (reached 115 that day) and Joseph and I had a business appointment at the DIP (Dubai Investment Park) a business community about 30 minutes from our downtown office. About half way to our appointment, Joseph's AC in his car stopped working completely. Within 5 minutes we were drenched in sweat. traffic was congested, so we kept the windows down when we were moving, but rolled up when we were stuck in the traffic. I was debating having Joseph pull over and calling a cab, but realized that there was no shade (funny not a lot of trees in the desert), and that might be a worse option than the slow cooking I was experiencing. By the time we got to our appointment, Joseph was soaked through and dripping wet and I had stopped sweating and was nauseous (I can't spell it - But I knew it was not good!). We hurried into the Air conditioned building and our customer got us water and helped us cool down and rehydrate. I have turned into a soft old man, don't want to experience that again....of course my salespeople couldn't enjoy laughing at me enough (They say my desperate blackberry text during my basting were too funny....I don't quite remember them that way...

Rodz is in the Philippians, enjoying the rain....maybe a little too much. As you may be aware, a Typhoon hit the Pacific Island this past week. 25 have died in the floods, landslides and torrential rains and scores are missing. Ironically, while I was baking wishing for a drink, Rodz was hoping not to drown in floods. She is fine and although housebound the whole time she has been there she is enjoying her family and being home. She doesn't come back to Dubai until August 24th. Mimi (Nick's wife) is back in the Mid west enjoying the muggy heat of St. Louis. She returns around August 29th. Sandy (Bob's bride) returns to the states tonight, but she is coming back around August 25th.
When I get back from the States on August 17th, I will need to get busy and pack and buy a few things for my August 31st apartment move. It looks like August will come and go before you know it. I did not enjoy Ramadan last year, this year by spending a third of it in the United States, it should be a better experience.
Ramadan begins this Monday (August 1st). That means that most of the predominately Muslim population will begin their dawn to dusk fasting. No water, food or even chewing gum is allowed to enter their mouths during the day. Non practicing Muslims are asked to observe and respect the religion by not publicly breaking the fast rules. Almost all restaurants (a few hotel dining establishments are open, but diners sit behind black curtains hidden from view) are closed during daylight hours. Every night there are "Iftars" - Arab buffets that open at dusk and people enjoy the feast after the day long fast. Very cultural. I am sure I will share Ramadan tales with you in the coming weeks.
I am meeting Nick for breakfast this morning and the we are meeting Sandy and Bob for church. It's time to hop in the shower and get ready.
I will see you next week here -and hopefully in person also.
Have a great week!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Out of the fryer into the frying pan...

It's just after 11 am here and it's already 104 degrees outside. I know my weekly groaning about the weather, well I feel for you back in the states. I have been watching the news about the weather back in the states and sounds like the Midwest and Southeast is feeling a lot like where I am at in the Mid East. The long hot summer continues, I hope the heat wave in the states takes a break while I am home in August, and yes would it be too much to ask for a little rain while I am home?
My search for a new apartment is over. I found a new apartment complex near the Mall of Emirates (5 minutes from where Nick lives) and I move in September 1st. I did have to pay for a year in advance, the weird way they do rents here because of the high number of expats, but in the end I like it better than my current apartment, and I save over $300 a month in rent. The apartment developer is German, but their whole pitch was based on how the apartment was built to strict American standards. I will bore you with more details in future blogs.
Speaking of Nick, his bride and son leave for the states on Monday. They found better air fares from Abu Dhabi to the U.S. (Chicago). Mimi is coming back on August 30th (just in time to help me move in my new I have heard through the grapevine that Cowboy is still reading the blog in the states. I thought about him yesterday at the warehouse. We have a brand new Texas Roadhouse opening in Dubai Mall in August and they have their Kitchen Manager here from the US. He was wearing his stetson and cowboy boots. We did have a new Red Lobster open in Dubal Mall, Kelly and I tried it out. The garlic-cheese biscuits were the first biscuits I had eaten in over a year (since I had Cracker Barrel with Danny Messimer last Fourth of July).
There are a few places that I want to make sure I eat at while in the US. Cracker Barrel and Chick-fil-a are the two that come to mind first. I find myself eating a lot at the American eateries here, but Chili's, Ruby Tuesdays, Papa Johns and McDonald's only go so far. Coming to Dubai within the next 6 months are Texas Roadhouse, Cheesecake Factory and IHOP. Variety is the spice of life. That is of course if it's American Restaurant variety.
Rodz leaves for the Philippians today. I am picking her up at the airport on August 24th. Ramadan starts back on August 1st. I won't blog about it today, save something for the next time. Two weeks from right now, I will be flying over the Atlantic approaching JFK. I hope a government shut down won't effect my trip. Just something else to worry about.
Until next time....

Friday, July 15, 2011

871 Days til Dec. 31st 2013, but who's Counting....

Well 3 weeks from today, I will be touching down on the JFK Tarmac. I don't think ever in my life have I needed a vacation more than I do now. I have been grumpy, angry, and short tempered...I have been like some of my past bosses that I didn't care for. I had dinner this past week with Bob, Sandy and a supplier, I was downright disrespectful to my boss. The good news is I realized it (made the appropriate apologies) but it put a somber tone to my week. I think my lie on the couch self diagnosis is just a merging of unhappy things - Being away from the United States far too long, missing dating Rodz (more on her later), unbelievable unsatisfaction from some in the Company to performance accomplishments that we are achieving at work. So the better news is, after all this self reflection, I have taken a breath and things have shown a sign of getting better.
Starting with work, the numbers have been really good, much better than even I expected this month. With temperatures soaring (forecast highs of 111 for this Saturday and Sunday) the exodus of people from the UAE to cooler summer destinations has continued to grow, yet somehow our sales have remained strong. Just last night, had a remarkably successful agreement made with a large hotel group, where we will supply their beef. The deal will be worth millions each year. We are on pace for a record month (still really don't think we will make a new record this month) but even talking that way half way through traditionally the second worst month for business (Behind only August) is very encouraging. So, work is going very well...I am surrounded by some excellent employees that support me whole heartedly. What a blessing that I need to be thankful for.
I do need a vacation, My last day at Kuna in St. Louis was Friday, July 2nd, 2010. After driving through the Southeast I boarded a plane with Bob on July 4th. We arrived here in Dubai on July 5th, and the Great adventure began. I took only one vacation day in my year at Kuna, and only one so far here in the UAE. I am so looking forward to seeing some of my friends and family while I am back in the states for two weeks in early August.
Well Rodz and I have begun to reconcile our differences, it is clear that I have deep feelings for her, and I have looked way to hard at the problems verses finding the good things that I love about her. She did have a senior moment this week, she thought her summer trip home to the Philippians was to begin today when she was flying out. So, she said goodbye to her friends at work packed her bags, checked her tickets one last time for flight times...ooops, her plane was booked for next Friday - July 22nd. She was so embarrassed and is back at work today. We are going to dinner this week, hopefully there is a bright future for us, I know that I want there to be one.
I clearly know, that every day that I spend here, will make the years to come in the United States much sweeter and rewarding. I have so much to be thankful for, the great job with a boss that is a friend (a thing not to be taken for granted), a decent income with an opportunity to be debt free within a year, good health (OK I have gained 5 lbs) and freedoms here that are unparalleled in the Middle East.
It is time for me to hop in the shower and get ready for church (going to late - 10:30 am - service with Bob, Sandy, Nick and Mimi). I promise to pray for you and also to pray for my own blessings...
Until next week.....

Friday, July 8, 2011

Is he gay, or just happy to see me???

Ok, I will get to this weeks title eventually...I guess we will take care of the business that leads up to it Well in the month of June we finally hit our target, we had 102% growth, and beat our old record month by almost 800,000. So, let the party start, right...not so fast, still not satisfied at the top. Well, Bob and I decided to celebrate with our people anyway. Bob bought two big banners that said "Congratulations Food Service on a New Record Month in Sales". He hung one of the banners in our warehouse and the other one in our department at work. Ralph, our operations manager, took our ware house food selectors out for dinner and adult beverages. We had the celebration at a hotel, set up a buffet with spicy Indian food (95% of our ware house pickers are from India) and each of the employees got two drink coupons good for a bottle of beer each. You must understand, that most of these workers have never even kissed a girl and spend almost their entire time at work or living in their company housing with 5 other male roommates. So after they have drank their two beers, some of them are drunk as skunks...too funny, 95 pound Innocent Indian boys gone wild...We had a really cute Philippine waitress (no, not as cute as Rodz :-)  ) and Ashod (one of my favorite employees), begged me to get the waitresses phone number for him. I felt like a rock star, the workers all wanted to get their picture taken with me. One of the cultural things here is hard to explain. If you go to a club in the USA, you will see girls dancing with each other, well here, these single guys were up dancing with each other, they are not gay (not that I know of, it's just what the guy friends do here...well one of the guys from the warehouse wanted the honor of dancing with me...he asked 4 or 5 times (alcohol apparently gave him great fortunately I was sober, so no dancing with Indian boys for me.

In continuing the party atmosphere, last night Bob and I hosted the sales and support team at UNO's in Dubai Mall for a pizza party. We really have a great group of guys and gals working for us. I hope we can stick together and continue to set records. Speaking of records, today is going to only be 103 degrees. The forecast calls for 106 everyday this week with lows overnight near 90. The sand has been kicking up all week, cars are dust covered, and the skyline is obscured with the sand. I am looking forward to spending a few cool days in St. Louis in August, where the 98 degree highs will be easy to take with 120 degree days here in August. The official temperature here in the UAE won't be reported higher than 121. (49 C). because, when its 50 degrees (122F) the laborers working on the roads and skyscrapers are by law given paid days off, so it never is "officially" higher than 121.
Well a month from today, I land at JFK airport. I have my itinerary finished...Land Friday morning August 5th, drive to the Virginia state line. Wake up and drive the remaining 5 hours to my parents house in Lebanon, Virginia on Saturday morning. Leave for Knoxville Monday after lunch, fly from Knoxville to Orlando Tuesday morning to spend a couple of days working at IFG in Florida (SYSCO's international division) fly back to Knoxville on Wednesday, drive to St. Louis late that night. Meetings at Kuna (about meat operations) on Thursday morning, drive to Cincinnati on Saturday, where I will meet up with Fred and Dan Scott  for a Reds baseball game on Saturday night. Drive Sunday to wheeling West Virginia, spend the night arrive at Dan's an Monday, catch a plane back to Dubai on Tuesday. My trip mileage will be well over 3,000 miles without even counting my flight to Florida. Sounds busy, but I am so looking forward to it. I need a break. I spoke with my buddy Chad (St. Louis friend) last night, and it helped me remember that I still had some really good friends in the states. I need to think more about what I do for a living and where I will live when I leave here.
I think Mimi is going back to the United States and leaving Nick here. She is planning to come back in September to find a job. So, I won't be totally batching it. Rodz leaves for a month in the Philippians next Friday...Sandy is here visiting Bob for the month of July.
Oh well, doing laundry and enjoying my day off. I will most certainly catch up with you next week....

Friday, July 1, 2011

Blow out the candle, it's been one year!

On the Fourth of July 2010, Bob and I boarded a plane in Atlanta to begin one of the most challenging times of my life. In some ways it has been very rewarding, with the satisfaction of taking over a sales force the was negative 6% in growth in August 2010 (verses last years sales), to have it grow 25% in my first full month as Sales Manager (October 2010) to climb into the 40% growth range in the first quarter of this year the to the mid 60% growth in April and May, to reach probably 100% growth in June (I will get the final June results tomorrow). Taking a sales force hiring, pruning out 3 of them and creating my own team, and then seeing them flourish to within 9 months going from virtually zero growth to over 100%...Well Bob is happy (I hope) with bringing me here. On the other hand, I don't think I have ever been so frustrated with the seemingly unsatisfied feeling that Bob's bosses give back in feedback.
We have goals and sales plans we are meeting and exceeding, yet there is constant pressure to do more. So at the one year mark of being in the UAE, it's definitely good news and bad news.
Well Bob and I decided after church this morning that we are going to celebrate with our team - the glass is going to be half-full not half empty. Tonight we are joining the warehouse team for a dinner recognizing the great things they have accomplished. Next Thursday, we are taking the sales team out for an American pizza party at Dubai Mall at Uno's Pizza. Bob ordered banners to be displayed at the home office and at the warehouse recognizing our record month. I will bore you with final numbers next week.
One year without setting foot on American soil (13 months by the time I land at JFK on August 5th). I am making a promise to myself right now, that I will never go that long without coming home to the land that I love again. Goodness - I miss so many things about the USA. TV has gotten better since I arrived (the addition of ESPN & ESPN America is definite proof that there is a God), along with the "OSN" network which has the HBO series (from True Blood, Game of Thrones, Boardwalk, and now Mildred Pierce) and American series like Survivor that helps keep me in touch with Americana culture. I watch the O'Rielly Factor at 7 am before I leave for work each morning (daylight savings time ruins that during the winter) so I get to keep my fingers on pulse of American politics - Yes the locals think Obama is great and will surely be re-elected...I have taken note that "Big Brother" a favorite reality show of mine has started again in the states, and those of you that hate that, well feel free to move over here, I definitely will have to follow via the Internet - it won't be on tv.

Well, Nick's family is definitely struggling with the move. As well as Nick has fit in, Mimi and his son have not. They are having trouble acclimating to the country, hopefully when Mimi finds employment she will make new friends and start to appreciate the good things in Dubai...Now their 16 year old son that left behind his 16 year old girlfriend in Florida...Not sure that school starting here will automatically cure his blues, but for Nick's sake I hope it does...
When you are single, and work upwards of 70 hours each and every week, one thing that is certain is the friends you make at work are critical to your happiness. I can say that I am blessed with the new friends that I have made here. Kelly has found in me a friend for life - She is the girl next door, an awesome sales rep and a close confidant. The fondness I feel for the rest of the gang that I have met here, Vineet (Vinny the Pooh), Reem, Loren, Joseph, Hicham, Elie, Juan, and Georges...and honestly all 12 of the sales reps is remarkable. I would do anything (I guess that's my job) to help them be more successful in their careers and life in general. I have bonded with them and we are a close knit group. I interviewed a young Filipino man (JP) that hopefully will be joining our customer Service team (yes Rodz has definitely left her mark on me) I really like the Fillapino's (or is that Phillapino's?) that I meet here. The other Nationality that has left a lasting favorable impression on me are the Indians...
We now have 5 people of Indian decent in the department. I inherited Joseph (our top earner in sales) and Peter (customer service supervisor), and have hired Muzzy (new protein manager), Vineet (the young charmer from Bombay), and hired another gentlemen (hasn't given notice to current employer yet) that will start his career with us on September 1st. The fun I have teasing Vinny (and Joseph) about Indian stuff...Yes the Native American Indians...from teaching them the "Indian song" (one little, two little, three little Indians, four litt.....well you know) having Kelly give Vinny "an Indian Rug Burn" to sharing George Armstrong Custer's fun (at least for me) it helps keep smiles on their faces...(ok my face)...
We are having our second team blitz this Monday and Tuesday in Abu Dhabi. It will be great to help Hicham and Juan...they are both doing very well. So last fourth of July, we spent flying out of the good ole USA, this Fourth of July will be spent away from both of our home's (American and Dubian) in a hotel in Abu Dhabi....The record growth in sales has to slow down, Ramadan is just a month away and the highs are in the 100's every day and the lows sometimes don't even get below 90 degrees. Somehow I can't wait to enjoy the cool days of August in St. Louis in just over a month.
I hear through the rumor network that Richard (Cowboy) has landed a job back in the states. I really miss him and Mary, and I am disappointed I haven't heard from them. I sat in church this morning and realized if it wasn't for Richard and his unwavering witness, I most likely would not be going to church here in Dubai. I felt like skipping today, but Bob nagged me into going, and as usual the trip to be with fellow worshippers is almost always worth it. I can not ever remember in my 48 years on this earth saying after a service, geez, I wish I would have stayed home)
I have not said much this week (or last week - So,  I will work on my material for the rest of July... :-)
Happy Fourth of July and God Bless America!