Friday, July 29, 2011

My brush with death in the Middle East...

Well the countdown is almost over, this time next week I will hopefully be asleep somewhere over the Atlantic. It's coming so quickly, yet in some ways it seems like I have been waiting forever to get to visit the U.S.
Where to start this week, I guess you are curious....well we have been having highs hit 115 most days. I finally figured out that when they say it is going to be 103 for the high here, it usually reaches 109 or 110. When the forecast is for 107 or 108 (like it is for this weekend), it reaches 115 or 116. Tourism is the life blood of Dubai, so they don't want to scare away the tourist from the region and Europe with the fore casted highs. Trust me, when it is 115 to 120 degrees outside and the heat index is near 140 degrees it is scary hot.
On Tuesday we were having a scorcher (reached 115 that day) and Joseph and I had a business appointment at the DIP (Dubai Investment Park) a business community about 30 minutes from our downtown office. About half way to our appointment, Joseph's AC in his car stopped working completely. Within 5 minutes we were drenched in sweat. traffic was congested, so we kept the windows down when we were moving, but rolled up when we were stuck in the traffic. I was debating having Joseph pull over and calling a cab, but realized that there was no shade (funny not a lot of trees in the desert), and that might be a worse option than the slow cooking I was experiencing. By the time we got to our appointment, Joseph was soaked through and dripping wet and I had stopped sweating and was nauseous (I can't spell it - But I knew it was not good!). We hurried into the Air conditioned building and our customer got us water and helped us cool down and rehydrate. I have turned into a soft old man, don't want to experience that again....of course my salespeople couldn't enjoy laughing at me enough (They say my desperate blackberry text during my basting were too funny....I don't quite remember them that way...

Rodz is in the Philippians, enjoying the rain....maybe a little too much. As you may be aware, a Typhoon hit the Pacific Island this past week. 25 have died in the floods, landslides and torrential rains and scores are missing. Ironically, while I was baking wishing for a drink, Rodz was hoping not to drown in floods. She is fine and although housebound the whole time she has been there she is enjoying her family and being home. She doesn't come back to Dubai until August 24th. Mimi (Nick's wife) is back in the Mid west enjoying the muggy heat of St. Louis. She returns around August 29th. Sandy (Bob's bride) returns to the states tonight, but she is coming back around August 25th.
When I get back from the States on August 17th, I will need to get busy and pack and buy a few things for my August 31st apartment move. It looks like August will come and go before you know it. I did not enjoy Ramadan last year, this year by spending a third of it in the United States, it should be a better experience.
Ramadan begins this Monday (August 1st). That means that most of the predominately Muslim population will begin their dawn to dusk fasting. No water, food or even chewing gum is allowed to enter their mouths during the day. Non practicing Muslims are asked to observe and respect the religion by not publicly breaking the fast rules. Almost all restaurants (a few hotel dining establishments are open, but diners sit behind black curtains hidden from view) are closed during daylight hours. Every night there are "Iftars" - Arab buffets that open at dusk and people enjoy the feast after the day long fast. Very cultural. I am sure I will share Ramadan tales with you in the coming weeks.
I am meeting Nick for breakfast this morning and the we are meeting Sandy and Bob for church. It's time to hop in the shower and get ready.
I will see you next week here -and hopefully in person also.
Have a great week!

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