Friday, July 15, 2011

871 Days til Dec. 31st 2013, but who's Counting....

Well 3 weeks from today, I will be touching down on the JFK Tarmac. I don't think ever in my life have I needed a vacation more than I do now. I have been grumpy, angry, and short tempered...I have been like some of my past bosses that I didn't care for. I had dinner this past week with Bob, Sandy and a supplier, I was downright disrespectful to my boss. The good news is I realized it (made the appropriate apologies) but it put a somber tone to my week. I think my lie on the couch self diagnosis is just a merging of unhappy things - Being away from the United States far too long, missing dating Rodz (more on her later), unbelievable unsatisfaction from some in the Company to performance accomplishments that we are achieving at work. So the better news is, after all this self reflection, I have taken a breath and things have shown a sign of getting better.
Starting with work, the numbers have been really good, much better than even I expected this month. With temperatures soaring (forecast highs of 111 for this Saturday and Sunday) the exodus of people from the UAE to cooler summer destinations has continued to grow, yet somehow our sales have remained strong. Just last night, had a remarkably successful agreement made with a large hotel group, where we will supply their beef. The deal will be worth millions each year. We are on pace for a record month (still really don't think we will make a new record this month) but even talking that way half way through traditionally the second worst month for business (Behind only August) is very encouraging. So, work is going very well...I am surrounded by some excellent employees that support me whole heartedly. What a blessing that I need to be thankful for.
I do need a vacation, My last day at Kuna in St. Louis was Friday, July 2nd, 2010. After driving through the Southeast I boarded a plane with Bob on July 4th. We arrived here in Dubai on July 5th, and the Great adventure began. I took only one vacation day in my year at Kuna, and only one so far here in the UAE. I am so looking forward to seeing some of my friends and family while I am back in the states for two weeks in early August.
Well Rodz and I have begun to reconcile our differences, it is clear that I have deep feelings for her, and I have looked way to hard at the problems verses finding the good things that I love about her. She did have a senior moment this week, she thought her summer trip home to the Philippians was to begin today when she was flying out. So, she said goodbye to her friends at work packed her bags, checked her tickets one last time for flight times...ooops, her plane was booked for next Friday - July 22nd. She was so embarrassed and is back at work today. We are going to dinner this week, hopefully there is a bright future for us, I know that I want there to be one.
I clearly know, that every day that I spend here, will make the years to come in the United States much sweeter and rewarding. I have so much to be thankful for, the great job with a boss that is a friend (a thing not to be taken for granted), a decent income with an opportunity to be debt free within a year, good health (OK I have gained 5 lbs) and freedoms here that are unparalleled in the Middle East.
It is time for me to hop in the shower and get ready for church (going to late - 10:30 am - service with Bob, Sandy, Nick and Mimi). I promise to pray for you and also to pray for my own blessings...
Until next week.....

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