Friday, August 19, 2011

Back in the UAE....

Well, I am back. I had a great vacation in the states, and yes I enjoyed having a very busy schedule. I plan on doing the same thing next summer except for the fact that I will need to include Atlanta in my trip next time. NYC was interesting for a first time visit, the Reds game with Fred in Cincinnati will have to become a traditional part of my visits home to America. The flight back was great on Emirates Airlines, I flew in one of those big double decker Air buses (A-310?) and we had a strong tail wind, which made the normal 13 and a half hour flight a mear 11 hours....We got back into Dubai at 7 pm which was early for International flights, so the normal hour to an hour and a half to get through customs was 15 minutes, and then 15 minutes waiting for my luggage. I was home before eight-thirty, which I was scheduled to still be flying. I enjoyed having the extra time at home.
I planned the trip so that I would come back on Wednesday night, work a normal Thursday, then have Friday off and an easy Saturday to try and minimize the effects of jet lag. Well it seems to be a good plan. I was tired yesterday, exhausted last night...I finally got out of bed for the day at 1 pm today. I feel good and well rested, hopefully I will sleep well tonight and Saturday will feel normal...I am keeping my fingers crossed.
We are having a slow sales month at work, but with the opening of Texas Roadhouse next week and the New "Paul" restaurant at the Dubai mall, we should end up ok and over plan. Kelly did a great job covering for me while I was gone, I don't have a lot of issues to fix, she is such a great asset to our company and our friendship and trust of each other continues to grow. Bob also seems to have weathered the first two weeks of Ramadan well, I know he is looking forward to Sandy's return to Dubai next week.
Thursday morning the heat of the UAE fired another shot across the bow of my car. It seems that leaving your car parked in the heat for two weeks while you are out of the country is not a good idea. My battery was dead. So, I was late for work on my first day back, I am sure some of my coworkers thought I was catching some extra sleep, sadly, it was just my battery going into permanent deep sleep.
Rodz is still at her home, she still has to travel to the city for us to talk, as the typhoon that hit three weeks ago destroyed the communication network in her area of the Philippians. She hasn't seen Facebook (or her favorite blog) in almost a month....(maybe she is fortunate). I am looking forward to her return next weekend.
I am moving into my new apartment in two short weeks, so I need to buy a washer and dryer and Refrigerator in the next few days. I also need to make arrangements to move. It will be a busy time. Oh well, back to my desert life, I am meeting Nick at Red Lobster for dinner, then tomorrow the dentist (yes, they have those here also) and back to work.
Have a great weekend in America, I can't wait til I visit again.

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