Sunday, August 14, 2011

God Bless the USA!

Thirteen States in the eleven days I am in the USA. This is going to be a quick blog, Fred and I are getting ready to leave from the hotel to go to the Reds game.
The trip so far has been a great catch-up. I spent a couple of days in Virginia at my parents house. They were happy and healthy, and I did get to see my brother Don, and his son AJ. Before I left Lebanon, I went to church and saw my old high school friend Sarah Altizer Adams. Also got to visit with Susan Campbell. They were both great to chat with since I hadn't seen either one of them in over 30 years. They both have held up better than I have.
Stayed a night at Fred and Debbie's before I headed to Florida to IFG. Very productive meetings and great hosts. Then I flew back to Knoxville, and hopped in my rental car to drive to St. Louis....I was one whipped puppy!
I had breakfast with Chad, and a nice visit to my last employer before I left for the Mid East - Kuna Foods. It was nice to be warmly greeted by my former employer and the co-workers I left behind.
Had dinner at Hendels with Rez, it was great seeing Nathan and his kitchen crew! (Had excellent PORK chops...). Gambled at Harrah's (a year without gambling - a very long year :-). Had breakfast with Mo and Rez (former SYSCO co-workers) this morning (at Waffle House of course)....and the a 5 and half hour drive to Cincy....
Bored with my trip? Sorry....
Back to normal blogging next week....I fly out Tuesday night, back in Dubai Wednesday night.

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