Thursday, August 4, 2011

Big fast planes and rental cars...

Well, blogging a day early, cause the day of my departure has finally arrived. This is a day early, but since I am traveling back to the states tonight, wanted to give you a brief update. Have a sales meeting today and then we are having a record month celebration Iftar at Al Safadi tonight, before Kelly drops me off at the airport at midnight. Believe it or not we had another record month in July with almost 8.3 million in sales. I was even surprised with the results. We grew 89.9% over July of last years sales and we are on pace to exceed our 2011 goal for sales. Senior management seems pleased with the summer surge we are enjoying, and it's a very secure time for me to leave for a couple of weeks.
Ramadan started this past Monday. So no public food, water, gum (even toothpicks - nothing suppose to pass your lips during daylight hours) all day long. Work closes early. the building is locked up at 5 pm, and our fasting Muslim employees are done at 3:30pm. Ex-Pats have left the country in droves, it's almost as if the country has taken a month off. There are some nice sales (especially big ticket items - like cars & appliances) and everywhere you go signs wishing you a happy Ramadan in Arabic greet you.
I am so excited about returning to America today. When I think about being back in the USA its about seeing my friends and family. I dread the almost 14 hour flight, but now that the hour draws near, the flight isn't even concerning.
I don't think I will blog next week (we will see) but I return back to Dubai on August 18th, so before you know it - back at the grind stone I go.
I move into my new apartment September 1st, so I have a busy couple of weeks when I get back.
Ramadan Kareem!

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