Friday, August 26, 2011

Last Friday of Ramadan, Let's get ready for EID...

Well things in my life are almost back to normal. Back from the states a little over a week, but boy oh boy what an old man I am. The trip back went extremely well, I flew on Emirates Airlines and really enjoyed the service and food and the huge planes early return to the UAE. That being said, I have had a very difficult time readjusting from the jet lag. I still am exhausted, but I do feel like each day my internal clock gets back to the somewhat ab normalcy of my life in the UAE. I have really felt poorly this week, maybe partly to blame was my dental adventure. I got my first crown this week, of course the busy me insisted on no shots or painkillers and I cried in pain when the procedure was being done. Ok, no one ever accused me of being a brain surgeon.
One last thing about my trip to the states, I did get to talk to Cowboy. Richard and his lovely bride are doing well, he is selling for a company and she is back to being a school teacher. Typical Richard, he feels richer for the experience, I am so happy for them.
We are in the middle of 24 hours of returning women to the UAE. Sandy and Mimi (Bob's and Nick's wives) returned last night, (and yes you hopeless romantics - Rodz returns tonight) so I will probably see a little less of Bob and Nick in the coming days. Sandy's visit is only for a couple of weeks, while Mimi is back to find a job and make a go of living in the UAE.
Ramadan is in full force. It will end either Tuesday or Wednesday next week (I am hoping for Tuesday) It depends on the moon and we won't know until just before it happens. It has been difficult during my abbreviated Ramadan to get by without drinking fluids (as much you have to do it in private) or eating during the day (don't worry I only miss meals because of oral surgery lol) so I am looking forward to next Wednesday when working life returns to a recognizable pattern.
Business is surprisingly good for us. We had planned for the Sales numbers to be soft (remember restaurants are closed during daylight hours and westerners (like me) leave the country in droves to escape the oppressive heat and Ramadan restrictions. Our plan was to do 5 million in sales, and it looks like we will top 6 million instead. I will share the boring math next week. We do have our new Texas Roadhouse opening up this weekend in the Dubai Mall. It will really boost our numbers.
My new apartment has fallen behind schedule. I have extended my rental at my current 8 Boulevard location through the end of September, but I must be out by then. I am hoping the new place will be ready to move into by then. I went out shopping (with Nick's strong arming negotiating help) for the new appliances for my before mentioned new digs, bought a stainless steel Refrigerator, stack able washer and dryers, new vacuum and microwave for a little over $1,200. The Ramadan sale and no sales tax made it a sweet deal. Although Nick arguing with the poor salesperson over a $10 charge for the color difference in the microwave was fun to watch. Nick kept saying we were walking, while I was already ready to pay...Yes, I paid the extra $10.
I moan and groan about the oppressive summer heat here regularly, but as I watch Hurricane Irene head up the coast, watch the earth quake info and hear and read daily about the miserable US economy, maybe I will count my blessings with the timing of my employment in the Mideast.
Oh well, here's to a great week to all of us, I will check back in with Reuniting Rodz stories and big sales growth stories next week. Try and avoid the pestilence and plagues in the USA and remember the Mayans say we still have 15 months til the end of civilization.
Take care and drop me a note.....

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