Friday, October 21, 2011

Driving in the UAE....

First off, something I need to get off my chest....A couple of blogs ago, I hinted at my dislike for Pakistani's. Well, as usual, once you state something like that...well, while at the convention in Germany, one of our suppliers had a very, talkative, likable young lady working their booth. She expressed an interest in coming to Dubai and working for our fine company, she is multi-lingual (Nick, that means she speaks several different languages) - and her English was better than half of my current employees. Of course, she is Pakastani, she is now my facebook friend and I will certainly interview her when she completes her masters in business next summer.
Speaking of work, we are going to smash our old record of 8.4 million in sales this month, probably by close to a million. In spite of all of our IT and warehousing issues (maybe by bashing IT, it will suddenly get much the team keeps selling. We will top 100% growth over the same period last year for the third straight month.
I haven't ranted about driving here in a while, but that's about to change. I was notified last week that I have a 1,000 AED ($270)fine for "breaking the line at an intersection". No proof or even description where this heinous crime took place. All I know from my fine, is it was September 28th in Dubai. As you may recall from earlier postings, there are machines taking pictures at intersections and automated photo radar everywhere. It has to be a major source of income for the treasuries of the UAE. I was reminded about how crazy the driving is here, by watching cars and even other school buses passing a bus loading students into another school bus yesterday. there was a parent holding their pre-teen child's hands trying to get across the street while cars and buses passed in the middle lane. Cars force their way into your lane on the daily commute, and you see babies routinely riding in the laps of their parents as they drive aggressively through traffic. This past week there was a 36 car pileup during rush hour, and traffic related ones are about the only deaths you read about in the local papers. Don't worry about me being a victim of crime here, worry about me surviving the commute to work.
I have settled into my Holiday Inn, the cable is fine (finally season 4 of True Blood has started and am enjoying Survivor) and the room is clean. I have a great view of the Burj Al Arab out of my 6th floor window. The latest update from my new apartment is that the new window for me to move in is between November 1st and 14th. Let's hope it's closer to the 1st.
Rodz restaurant finally closed this week. She is still searching for a new job.(She desperately wants out of restaurant service industry) Kelly rewrote her resume, and I typed it up (must be some strong feelings huh) and forwarded to a few of my friends. Hopefully, she will quickly find something acceptable.
Well, it is a busy day ahead, Need to get ready for the early service at church, I am picking up Nick and Mimi (Nick is in baseball Cardinal heaven right now), then giving Rodz a ride to her interview at Emirates Airlines - followed by a dinner party with a few of my work pals. Then back to work on Saturday...there is definitely no rest for the
Keep us in your prayers, I will do the same for you.

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