Sunday, October 9, 2011

Porking out in Germany....

A little bonus blog time from Cologne, Germany...I am here for a big trade show, but I am enjoying uncensored Internet and good food as much as anything....
I flew direct from Dubai to Dusseldorf yesterday, then I caught the train from Dusseldorf to Cologne, then took a cab to my quaint German hotel, with my front desk "Fraulein" if her name is not Olga, it should be...The train ride in was almost 45 minutes, a very efficient way to travel....Sadly, it was dark when I arrived - and very cool (50 degrees) and rainy - so I didn't get to experience the German countryside....hopefully I will on my Monday afternoon trek back to Dusseldorf before I take the red eye home to the UAE....
After I checked into my hotel, I ventured out for dinner. I wanted some pork...Near my hotel there is a pizzeria....I thought, sausage or pepperoni topping, and not a German place where I wouldn't understand the menu. Well wrong again on all counts....The establishment had Italians working there, and the workers all spoke Italian and speaks Americano....
They had 1 English written menu....I look and right next to all the pizza listings is a beautiful pepperoni pie...mama mia! So, I of course point to the pepperoni pizza listed in the menu and patiently wait for my precious pork treat!  15 minutes later the waiter brings me my pizza, completely covered in sliced red peppers.....I ask in a very polite slow manner...."I wanted Pepperoni pizza" the waiter said yes...sliced peperoni's....I said no, this is red peppers...(I detest red peppers on pizza) the waiter insists that this is pepperoni....I show him the picture on the menu, and say that is pepperoni, he says no that is salami...I gave up....
The city is very clean and the citizens that I have approached for help (especially on the subway) have been very kind....their English is somewhat limited, but they are most helpful....Bob's boss arrived this evening, and we enjoyed an excellent dinner as the guest of McCain french fries. I had a baked/broiled white fish, ate fairly healthy, and then blew it by ordering desert.

The hotel does serve a hot breakfast, and I gobbled up sausage and bacon. Oh well, my eyes are growing heavy....time for bed....I will check back in with you on vidersane....

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