Friday, October 7, 2011

The longest week of the year....Gotta be 9 days...

Wow...what a long friggin week....Let's start with last Saturdays move....The movers came and boxed up all my meager belongings and we took them to my new apartment in Jumerah Village (I like the name). As you are painfully aware, its not ready mainly because of inspections from the UAE Government. The power is not on, so in 100 degree weather the movers had to carry my furniture up four flights of stairs (no power=No elevator)...I felt so guilty...then I checked into my new temporary hotel residence.
I was upgraded to a suite, but sadly that's where the sweetness stops at this hotel. It is very clean and well maintained, but it is also heavily influenced by Indian culture. The cable is horrific - only three western channels - National Geographic, MSNBC, and OSN comedy....sigh...I have not had the tv on since Sunday. The Internet connection was poor early in the week, and it is censored more than my normal provider. No sites of any funnies. I valet park my car here, and on Tuesday morning I got an unpleasant surprise. When you live here in Dubai, one thing that you learn is there are a lot of unpleasant body odors. It tends to be (although not exclusively) a segment of the Indian population but it definitely includes the Pakistan's (Ok maybe I just don't like Pakistanies). Well this gentlemen of Indian heritage got out of my car and I sat down - I was instantly gassed! It smelled like the gentleman had just exploded a combination of old curry and rotten eggs...and to top it off my drivers seat felt wet...I drove the first few miles to work with the windows down.
Numbers were great for September....108% growth and a new record sales month of 8.4 million. Bob and I took the team out to dinner tonight and and kept our word by having Indian cuisine. (I had shrimp briani) I really enjoyed my dinner - Especially the "Butter bread"....
Oh well, I just retyped this blog...did I mention the bad Internet, I gave you a long story about Juliane's short employment with us (5 days)...but now I am exhausted and need to go to bed since I fly to Germany right after church in the morning....Sorry you missed the fun stuff....To bed I go! I will return from Germany next Tuesday, and to this blog from my new hotel (Holiday Inn) next Friday!
Have a great weekend, and no I do not want to talk about the Dallas Cowboys....sigh...

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