Friday, October 14, 2011

Rest Easy, I am at the Holiday Inn....

Aww, the weekend came just in the nick of time. Last week was so long, then I flew to Germany for four days of conventioneering (Is that a word?), flew the red eye back, landed just before 6 am - went straight from the plane to the office...finally got checked into the Holiday Inn Al Barsha (great view of the Burj Al Arab from my clean and well maintained 6th floor hotel room). The cable here is decent (no ESPN, but everything else appears good)...there is a nice big workout room 1 floor up, and a very nice roof top pool - with daytime highs now in the tolerable mid 90's I plan on scaring the other guests by taking of my shirt and enjoying a little sun.
Things at work are still going well, we are headed towards our first ever 9 million in sales month. Considering just a year ago the biggest month in food service Transmed had ever accomplished, was just over 4 million - Bob, the sales team and I have a lot to be proud of. Former stateside employer (they will remain unnamed due to potential legal action) continue to pop up in my life, I think they will not be happy until I draw my last paycheck from any company. I have learned a lot in my 48 years on this earth, the biggest of those lessons is that mega companies don't lose against individuals....Oh well, Bob knows the whole story, so I am still out of arms reach for the big guys stateside.
The guys from McCormick are in town for a couple of days, they made some end user calls yesterday, and did a nice sales training for the team. They are taking Bob and I for dinner tonight to Social House at Dubai Mall. Kim Kardashian is at the mall this afternoon at the grand opening of the newest American concept "Millions of Milkshakes". Maybe we will bump into her and invite her to dinner....You all will have to let me know stateside if her "E" show will have a Dubai episode....
Tomorrow is Rodz last day at Napolatono. It is closing and she has informed the corporation that she does not want to transfer to a new store. Her job search has come up empty so far....I am not sure how long she will look before she packs it in and moves back to the Phillapenes (I know Mimi - I still can't spell Philapenes-trying a different spelling just in case one of them is right). I am very sad about the whole situation....don't know what to do....
Speaking of loved ones leaving, Sandy has returned back to the US after her extended vacation and convalescence recovering from her broken leg. I know staying here almost 3 months, only getting out when Bob took her shackles off had to be tough. Sadly, I was rude to her at Nick's Birthday bash (long story-but I assure you unintentional) - I meant to apologize in person...sadly, I did not see her before she returned...So Sandy, sorry I am an insensitive boob, I meant no malice...I will apologize in person if I am lucky enough to see you on your next visit. You know occasionally, I ask for your prayers for those of us over here, and Sandy is one person I know for sure honors that request....that is special indeed...
I am wondering what trouble I may be in over my airport parking bill while away in Germany...Everybody either takes a taxi, or bums a ride to the airport from friends or coworkers when they travel out of town...well, I had no where to leave my car (no hotel, no apartment) so I decided to just park my car in the long term parking at the airport and bill the company....The charge was a whopping $70 a now I will have to worry about my $280 parking charge on my expense report...:-(
Haven't mentioned every body's favorite bloggie in a while - Nick. I don't know if he is settling in or if I have been too busy to notice his shenanigans. He did run afoul of the system this week...He misplaced a customers check. Now in the states, if you lose a customers check, you pretty much just go back to the customer say I am sorry and get a new - not so fast American hombre'..... Nick has got to take our internal security man to the police, make an official report, take it to the bank, get a stop payment, go back to the customer and request a replacement check. Our credit manager, (Elie Saber) is having a field day telling Nick that the Dubai police will lock him up when he visits...they love an Americano in - I certainly will let you know if we need to start baking pies with files in them to send them to the Dubai jail...or if I need to start a legal defense fund, to get the big guys to finally leave me alone so I can have a career somewhere on the four corners of this earth.
Have a nice weekend....

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