Friday, December 30, 2011

Crime Wave Strikes Dubai!!!

I have finally moved into my new digs! I moved in on Wednesday Evening, never suspecting that the saga would just keep on going. I had no water, the power company kept promising (2 more hours sir, please be patient, we are 24 hours a day, didn't we turn that on yesterday, and In Shallah - was used several times) but alas, no power on Wednesday night. I knew I wouldn't have water until early Thursday morning, so I decided to be the wise man from the West and head to the nearby Mall of Emirates for a bite to eat and a complete use of the facilities. Nothing worse than knowing no water to flush toilets for over 12 I of course showed my wisdom...well. I had the Chilies appetizer platter for dinner, went to the bathroom then headed to my new apartment....yes, you guessed correctly, had a reaction to the food and spent most of the night running to sit on the toilet, wishing for water to flush with...sigh - it never ends. Of course they got the water running just after 2 am on Thursday morning, I know when because they came to my door to wake me up and share the good news. Lol, several flushes later, back to bed. My power finally was turned on about 8 pm Thursday evening, once again after numerous calls threatening or polite - it didn't seem to matter...
I am posting this from Dubai Mall, because I won't have Internet for another week. My email account is loaded full of spam this morning (3,000 messages), I am not sure what's going on there - I have shared many times how safe it is here, and how there is very little crime (virtually no repeat offenders) - well, my streak of feeling safe and secure is over. One of my employee gifts that I mentioned last week was stolen (still wrapped - money clip with cash in it) from an employees desk. Really took the joy out of Christmas day, then I found out the water cooler that I traded Bob for when he left the country "disappeared" from my new apartments basement. To make it a crime wave, it takes three things...well, its a wave...All of our CAB kickoff materials (pens, hats, calendars and aprons "disappeared" from our saw - where the culprits are going to wear this merchandise without being seen is a true mystery...I think the latter of this three crimes will be eventually solved.
It was a strange feeling being all alone in a brand new apartment complex. No curtains for privacy, no mirrors - but it was really nice to be back in my own bed. It is a little sad, one of the primary reasons I chose to move was Rodz really never cared for my other apartment (too sterile - not like a home) so she liked this much better when we visited the site while under I have moved in, but I also have moved on, 2012 will hopefully bring new opportunities for sharing and caring in my life.
My mother and brother (Mike) will be visiting in three weeks, so I need to get the new place spruced up. Today will be some moderate shopping, might leave a lot of the major purchasing decorating decisions for my mother. I guess it doesn't matter how old you get, still need your mom.
We ended up the sales year very strong, over 11 million in December (final numbers still a day away) beating the old record set in November by about a million. The final number for 2011 will probably end up around 94.5 million, 1 and a half million short of plan. Who can imagine a year where you grow sales by approx. 93% but still miss your company grew Food Service Sales 23% in 2009 and 18% in 2010 and now 93% in 2011.....yet, Bob, Kawa and Richard (the other three senior American managers) didn't make it through the year. Somehow, I feel secure in my position, they have been very clear in their long term plan of keeping me, I think the other 3 had that same warm fuzzy feeling...right before they realized they were bull frogs and the water was boiling (I know all the |Americans reading this understands, my Mid eastern readers....code - payback for all of your Arabic conversations right in front of Like they care....
Well my power is almost dead....reminiscing about 2011, plans for 2012 and a wrap up of numbers will have to wait until next week...I am spending New Years Eve right next to the Burj Khalifa (the worlds tallest building) for the spectacular fireworks show....Hope you spend your New Years happy and Safe...God Bless....

Friday, December 23, 2011

Tis the Season for Giving....

I am sure you can imagine how un-Christmassy (great word for scrabble) it feels when you are in the desert in the Middle East surrounded by people of different faiths that mostly do not view Jesus as the Christ. That being said, it is the commercial version of Christmas that is almost missing, not the part that brings inner joy. For you non math majors out there, this is my second Christmas in Dubai. Hani (the Company Manager) asked me to have food service team host a Christmas luncheon for the employees again this year. If I had to guesstimate (ok, closer to being a real word than Christmassy) the "believer" breakdown, probably 50% of our head office employees are Muslim, 35% are Hindu's and 15% are Christians. It is against the law to "proselytize" (real word that there is no hope for me to spell correctly) here, but the kind of witnessing that I have always been the most comfortable with is the kind that shows through your actions. So it was an extremely nice atmosphere, having all these people of different faiths, wishing me a Merry Christmas as I helped my team serve Turkey, dressing, green beans, mashed potato's, gravy and cranberry sauce to our fellow employees. I couldn't help but think of last Christmas, when Richard and Lal baked some beautiful Turkeys and Raju (one of our cleaners from Bangladesh) helped us to carry them into the dining area marveling at the "big chickens" from America (I found out that it was the first turkey he had ever seen).
I did go shopping for the team this year and bought presents from Steve and I. Engraved business card holders for the sales reps, money clips with cash for support staff, executive wooden desk sets for the managers and a very nice executive planner for Georges. It was a nice feeling to be able to give them all a little something to thank them for a good year. I am very fortunate to be surrounded by a very nice group of employees. Christmas at work this year was outstanding.
It is a lonely Christmas in my personal life this year. This time last year I had just broken up with my Ukrainian girlfriend of a couple of months (seemed like much longer-sigh) and was stalking the beautiful Rodz, trying to get a date with this lovely waitress that had captured my attention. Well sadly, we are no longer seeing each other as we had different visions of our future together that didn't seem to align. I know that they say love can conquer all, but sadly that is not always the case. It was a mutual decision to not go forward, but I would be lying if I didn't admit that I still have a heart that can't imagine not having a place for Rodz in it. The irony of some of the darker business days were made much easier by Rodz's warm smile and gentle touch, and now when so many business things seem to be aligning well, it seems hollow, with no Rodz to enjoy them with.
Speaking of empty places, my new apartment (is this an epic tragedy?) is unpacked, and unlived in. The final good news of Christmas is that I can move in on Monday (keep your fingers crossed). So my Christmas gift will be moving in to my new digs. The three months that I have spent in hotels, at Nick and Mimi's and now at Kelly's have tried my soul. I lost a bet with Bob that I would be moved in by Thanksgiving. I would have never believed it would have taken this long.
The news from the states about Bob is good, he has accepted a position back with SYSCO Atlanta and I am sure Sandy and his kids and grand kids are elated to have him home. I will be enjoying my Christmas day (the company has given the Christians amongst us the day off) with Nick, Juan, Hayley and their families at a special brunch at Kempensky in the Mall of Emirates. Steve is back in the UK with his girlfriend of 7 years telling her about the wacky Mid East, and then I am sure whispering how much she will like it if she will move here (I have a fertile imagination). He has made a very positive impression on the team in his first three weeks on the job.
I need to crawl out of Kelly's warm bed (weather has been outstanding, clear sky's highs in the mid 70's lows in the upper 50's) and forage some lunch at the Dubai Mall. Next week I will reminisce a little with you about the past year, and hopefully share with you a couple of move-in stories.
Merry Christmas to all,

Friday, December 16, 2011

Spending a few days at Kelly's...

No, I have not moved into my new apartment, and yes I keep hearing just a couple of more days....sigh. Tomorrow, Muzzy, Nick, Hayley and I are planning on going to the apartment and set up the bed, hang the TV's and get the place ready, so when I get the call to move in I will be ready. Yesterday morning, I checked out of the Holiday Inn and now I am staying in Kelly's apartment. It is very nice, and Kelly's bed is very comfortable. I slept very well last night. Yes, Kelly is happy I am here, mainly because she is home in Canada for the, no Kelly has not lost her mind, she was just very sweet in letting me use her apartment for a few days. She doesn't return until January 3rd, and if I am not moved into my new place by then....well, I don't know what I will
My mom and brother arrive in a month, and before they get here, Christmas and New Years will have come and gone.....2011 will be a distant memory soon enough (at my age, many things are becoming distant memories). Fred has his trip planned out for late March, and I know a lot of my work pals are looking forward to seeing all three of them.
Christmas day is a normal business day here, but I am planning on giving the Christian employees a day off anyway. Not quite sure what the celebration plans are, most plans that we made earlier this month revolved around my new apartment, so not sure what we will do. I am responsible for hosting a Christmas lunch at work on the 22nd. Last year Richard and Lal cooked Butterball Turkeys for the building, but since they have both moved on. I am choosing the safe luncheon....Having our largest customer (Paul) cater lunch. It is going to be a traditional meal, as Rudy (GM at Paul) is fixing turkey's, cranberry sauce, stuffing, green beans and mashed potato's. They are known for their French pastries, so I am really looking forward to the Christmas Cakes that are very impressive (had them last Christmas). I guess I will take Shams out again this year for his Christmas lunch...I will let you know.
Bob has settled in back in the good ole USA. I don't think he has chosen a new (or resurrected an old) employer yet. My new manager (Steve) and I are getting along well so far. I am in a good spot right now, that being said, if I don't perform that could change rapidly. Steve is planning on making some structural changes to our team both short and long term, he is planning on announcing some of them this week, before he returns to the UK for a couple of days over Christmas. He has been given more latitude than Bob had, as he is clearly over operations also. I am confident that some of the things that are broken are about to get fixed.
I am going over to Nick and Mimi's tonight for spaghetti and meatballs, funny how my life tends to revolve around meals. Maybe that explains the extra lbs that I have struggled with my adult life. It also correlates to the void in my entertainment life away from American sports here in the UAE. Most people here have not even seen a baseball game, makes me wonder how the new "Denny's" will market here (coming in 2012) since there whole marketing and menu scheme revolves around their partnership with Major League Baseball.
Oh well, enough waxing poetically about food, I need to get out of Kelly's comfy bed, and head to the mall for a bite to, some things will never change....

Friday, December 9, 2011

Great Scot! I have a New Boss!

Well Friday morning has arrived and Bob has returned home to Georgia today. His seventeen month stay in the UAE cut short, but opportunities for him are numerous. He hasn't decided which offer to take yet, but he will obviously land on his feet. Bob sold his furniture to a couple from church and the company was generous in helping with the penalties for canceling his auto lease and apartment lease prematurely.
Rodz's new job is taxing for her. She seems pleased with her duties and supervising the nail technicians. What she doesn't like is the hours, 10 am to 9 pm six days a week. Her off day (when she gets her first one) will be different every week. I am picking her up from work every night, and we try to have dates three or four nights a week. My mother (Helen) and Rodz are now facebook friends...not sure what the world holds, but my mom and Rodz exchanging Facebook greetings has got to make you smile. They are both looking forward to seeing each other in January. Maybe my mom will get Rodz to join the "red hat"
Transmed was given a "CAB" license yesterday. It was quite an accomplishment that Bob took the lead in acquiring. Nick started his new role with the company as CAB Specialist (Certified Angus Beef) and Dry Goods Manager. It is a nice opportunity for Nick, and he will get the chance to get the Account Executives off to the right start.
Our new Food Service Manager started on Sunday. His name is Steve, and he is Scottish. He carries a British passport, and my continuing International education rolls on. I thought that since he carries a British passport that made him English. Well, I found out the hard way that "Scots" are "Brits" but are definitely not English. Of course, I managed to put my foot in my mouth. We have hit it off pretty well so far, and I am looking forward to helping him fix some of the things Bob and I struggled to get righted. Steve is 45, so after Richard and Bob have now departed for the US, I am officially the old man on the team.
I am beginning to think that I am never going to get moved into my new apartment. There has been more delays from the Dubai Gov't, and now it looks like it will be next Tuesday. I am at a Holiday Inn Express again, and I feel jinxed with this move. Hopefully, I will blog about moving in next week.
Keep your fingers crossed! Have a great weekend!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Black Friday, Blacker Sunday

This is going to be one of the tougher blogs that I have written since arriving in Dubai with Bob 17 months ago. This past Sunday, Bob and I met with Bob's boss to go over some proposed promotions (Kelly to Sales Manager & Nick to Category Manager/CAB Specialist). I have been advocating both of these promotions strongly, and have not had the satisfaction of definite go's on either one of them. Well I finally received the go ahead for Nick's promotion to begin December 1st. Kelly has to complete one more step, then her promotion is in line to take place January 1st. The meeting concluded about 6:30pm Sunday night, and Bob's boss asked me to give them a few minutes of privacy, 20 minutes later I was called in and informed that Bob's last day with the Company was to be the last day of November. It came as a surprise to me, Bob, of course has already gotten job offers from the states and I believe he is accepting one that will bring him back to Atlanta and get Sandy happy again. I know she has been pushing him to return to the states, and I am very happy for her to get her hubby back. So at the beginning of 2011, Bob, Richard and I were running the show, now less than a year later, two of the three of us have not gotten to fulfill our contracts (runs through Dec 2013) and the predictions of my demise have already begun. My new boss starts work this Sunday, I have seen his resume, it is quite impressive (British - mid 40's - years of food service experience in the UK) - I hope he finds me to be as valuable of an employee as Bob has through the years. The big boss is very supportive of me both publicly and privately, hopefully that will continue. Change is scary, sometimes it works out, and one thing is for sure, that is we will find out shortly.
My new apartment still is not ready, so I continue to camp out at Nick and Mimi's. I try to stay out from under foot as much as possible, and I have actually enjoyed staying with them. The apartment is ready, I visited it today, only waiting for the gov't to issue the certificate of occupancy, which is scheduled to be completed this Monday. So God willing, Tuesday I should be able to move in. Hopefully life will. return to some normalcy then.
It seems that several of my employees have also moved places, Hayley (American from New York) just moved into Kelly's building and they are one floor apart. Hayley begins to report to Kelly on Jan. 1st, so I am not yet sure how smart it is to move into the same building, but they are two of my favorite people, I am sure it will work out. Ceren (Turkish lass) has just moved to near where Nick and Mimi's apartment is. Since Nick has been promoted, and Kelly is about to be, I have lined up two potential replacements. Gina (Syrian/Swede) and Jasmine (Italian). I hope to get both hired right away. We celebrated another record month (Nov. 10.4 million) Wed. night at the new Hard Rock Dubai. Hani joined us and spent the evening chatting with my sales reps. At the close of the evening he pulled me aside and commented what a nice team that I have built. I take pride in that, because I believe selecting the right people to support sales is the most important part of my job. It was also a chance for the team to say goodbye to Bob, and wish him well on his trip home to continue his career. It all happened so quickly. Bob fly's back next Thursday night.
Today is the 40th Anniversary of the UAE. National Day is widely celebrated and maybe bigger than our 4th of July. I wonder if on America's 40th birthday, the enthusiasm was similar. The locals all paint and decorate their cars with the UAE's flag colors and it's a 3 day celebration in the country. There is a huge antique auto show outside the Dubai Mall, lots of old American Roadsters. Rodz has pointed out to me that I am older than the country. I guess that means I am officially older than dirt. Of course, there is no dirt here, only sand and the oil underneath it.
December is going to be full of changes, with a new boss and a new apartment, hopefully it will make the calendar move faster. My mom and brother visit in January, and Fred in March, before you know it summer will be upon us, and I will get to visit the good ole USA again. Today, I am enjoying the celebration of a country born 40 years ago, but my heart is still definitely with a country born 235 years ago. (yes Rodz - some things are older than me).
Enjoy your weekend.