Friday, December 16, 2011

Spending a few days at Kelly's...

No, I have not moved into my new apartment, and yes I keep hearing just a couple of more days....sigh. Tomorrow, Muzzy, Nick, Hayley and I are planning on going to the apartment and set up the bed, hang the TV's and get the place ready, so when I get the call to move in I will be ready. Yesterday morning, I checked out of the Holiday Inn and now I am staying in Kelly's apartment. It is very nice, and Kelly's bed is very comfortable. I slept very well last night. Yes, Kelly is happy I am here, mainly because she is home in Canada for the, no Kelly has not lost her mind, she was just very sweet in letting me use her apartment for a few days. She doesn't return until January 3rd, and if I am not moved into my new place by then....well, I don't know what I will
My mom and brother arrive in a month, and before they get here, Christmas and New Years will have come and gone.....2011 will be a distant memory soon enough (at my age, many things are becoming distant memories). Fred has his trip planned out for late March, and I know a lot of my work pals are looking forward to seeing all three of them.
Christmas day is a normal business day here, but I am planning on giving the Christian employees a day off anyway. Not quite sure what the celebration plans are, most plans that we made earlier this month revolved around my new apartment, so not sure what we will do. I am responsible for hosting a Christmas lunch at work on the 22nd. Last year Richard and Lal cooked Butterball Turkeys for the building, but since they have both moved on. I am choosing the safe luncheon....Having our largest customer (Paul) cater lunch. It is going to be a traditional meal, as Rudy (GM at Paul) is fixing turkey's, cranberry sauce, stuffing, green beans and mashed potato's. They are known for their French pastries, so I am really looking forward to the Christmas Cakes that are very impressive (had them last Christmas). I guess I will take Shams out again this year for his Christmas lunch...I will let you know.
Bob has settled in back in the good ole USA. I don't think he has chosen a new (or resurrected an old) employer yet. My new manager (Steve) and I are getting along well so far. I am in a good spot right now, that being said, if I don't perform that could change rapidly. Steve is planning on making some structural changes to our team both short and long term, he is planning on announcing some of them this week, before he returns to the UK for a couple of days over Christmas. He has been given more latitude than Bob had, as he is clearly over operations also. I am confident that some of the things that are broken are about to get fixed.
I am going over to Nick and Mimi's tonight for spaghetti and meatballs, funny how my life tends to revolve around meals. Maybe that explains the extra lbs that I have struggled with my adult life. It also correlates to the void in my entertainment life away from American sports here in the UAE. Most people here have not even seen a baseball game, makes me wonder how the new "Denny's" will market here (coming in 2012) since there whole marketing and menu scheme revolves around their partnership with Major League Baseball.
Oh well, enough waxing poetically about food, I need to get out of Kelly's comfy bed, and head to the mall for a bite to, some things will never change....

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