Friday, December 23, 2011

Tis the Season for Giving....

I am sure you can imagine how un-Christmassy (great word for scrabble) it feels when you are in the desert in the Middle East surrounded by people of different faiths that mostly do not view Jesus as the Christ. That being said, it is the commercial version of Christmas that is almost missing, not the part that brings inner joy. For you non math majors out there, this is my second Christmas in Dubai. Hani (the Company Manager) asked me to have food service team host a Christmas luncheon for the employees again this year. If I had to guesstimate (ok, closer to being a real word than Christmassy) the "believer" breakdown, probably 50% of our head office employees are Muslim, 35% are Hindu's and 15% are Christians. It is against the law to "proselytize" (real word that there is no hope for me to spell correctly) here, but the kind of witnessing that I have always been the most comfortable with is the kind that shows through your actions. So it was an extremely nice atmosphere, having all these people of different faiths, wishing me a Merry Christmas as I helped my team serve Turkey, dressing, green beans, mashed potato's, gravy and cranberry sauce to our fellow employees. I couldn't help but think of last Christmas, when Richard and Lal baked some beautiful Turkeys and Raju (one of our cleaners from Bangladesh) helped us to carry them into the dining area marveling at the "big chickens" from America (I found out that it was the first turkey he had ever seen).
I did go shopping for the team this year and bought presents from Steve and I. Engraved business card holders for the sales reps, money clips with cash for support staff, executive wooden desk sets for the managers and a very nice executive planner for Georges. It was a nice feeling to be able to give them all a little something to thank them for a good year. I am very fortunate to be surrounded by a very nice group of employees. Christmas at work this year was outstanding.
It is a lonely Christmas in my personal life this year. This time last year I had just broken up with my Ukrainian girlfriend of a couple of months (seemed like much longer-sigh) and was stalking the beautiful Rodz, trying to get a date with this lovely waitress that had captured my attention. Well sadly, we are no longer seeing each other as we had different visions of our future together that didn't seem to align. I know that they say love can conquer all, but sadly that is not always the case. It was a mutual decision to not go forward, but I would be lying if I didn't admit that I still have a heart that can't imagine not having a place for Rodz in it. The irony of some of the darker business days were made much easier by Rodz's warm smile and gentle touch, and now when so many business things seem to be aligning well, it seems hollow, with no Rodz to enjoy them with.
Speaking of empty places, my new apartment (is this an epic tragedy?) is unpacked, and unlived in. The final good news of Christmas is that I can move in on Monday (keep your fingers crossed). So my Christmas gift will be moving in to my new digs. The three months that I have spent in hotels, at Nick and Mimi's and now at Kelly's have tried my soul. I lost a bet with Bob that I would be moved in by Thanksgiving. I would have never believed it would have taken this long.
The news from the states about Bob is good, he has accepted a position back with SYSCO Atlanta and I am sure Sandy and his kids and grand kids are elated to have him home. I will be enjoying my Christmas day (the company has given the Christians amongst us the day off) with Nick, Juan, Hayley and their families at a special brunch at Kempensky in the Mall of Emirates. Steve is back in the UK with his girlfriend of 7 years telling her about the wacky Mid East, and then I am sure whispering how much she will like it if she will move here (I have a fertile imagination). He has made a very positive impression on the team in his first three weeks on the job.
I need to crawl out of Kelly's warm bed (weather has been outstanding, clear sky's highs in the mid 70's lows in the upper 50's) and forage some lunch at the Dubai Mall. Next week I will reminisce a little with you about the past year, and hopefully share with you a couple of move-in stories.
Merry Christmas to all,

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