Friday, December 9, 2011

Great Scot! I have a New Boss!

Well Friday morning has arrived and Bob has returned home to Georgia today. His seventeen month stay in the UAE cut short, but opportunities for him are numerous. He hasn't decided which offer to take yet, but he will obviously land on his feet. Bob sold his furniture to a couple from church and the company was generous in helping with the penalties for canceling his auto lease and apartment lease prematurely.
Rodz's new job is taxing for her. She seems pleased with her duties and supervising the nail technicians. What she doesn't like is the hours, 10 am to 9 pm six days a week. Her off day (when she gets her first one) will be different every week. I am picking her up from work every night, and we try to have dates three or four nights a week. My mother (Helen) and Rodz are now facebook friends...not sure what the world holds, but my mom and Rodz exchanging Facebook greetings has got to make you smile. They are both looking forward to seeing each other in January. Maybe my mom will get Rodz to join the "red hat"
Transmed was given a "CAB" license yesterday. It was quite an accomplishment that Bob took the lead in acquiring. Nick started his new role with the company as CAB Specialist (Certified Angus Beef) and Dry Goods Manager. It is a nice opportunity for Nick, and he will get the chance to get the Account Executives off to the right start.
Our new Food Service Manager started on Sunday. His name is Steve, and he is Scottish. He carries a British passport, and my continuing International education rolls on. I thought that since he carries a British passport that made him English. Well, I found out the hard way that "Scots" are "Brits" but are definitely not English. Of course, I managed to put my foot in my mouth. We have hit it off pretty well so far, and I am looking forward to helping him fix some of the things Bob and I struggled to get righted. Steve is 45, so after Richard and Bob have now departed for the US, I am officially the old man on the team.
I am beginning to think that I am never going to get moved into my new apartment. There has been more delays from the Dubai Gov't, and now it looks like it will be next Tuesday. I am at a Holiday Inn Express again, and I feel jinxed with this move. Hopefully, I will blog about moving in next week.
Keep your fingers crossed! Have a great weekend!

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