Friday, December 30, 2011

Crime Wave Strikes Dubai!!!

I have finally moved into my new digs! I moved in on Wednesday Evening, never suspecting that the saga would just keep on going. I had no water, the power company kept promising (2 more hours sir, please be patient, we are 24 hours a day, didn't we turn that on yesterday, and In Shallah - was used several times) but alas, no power on Wednesday night. I knew I wouldn't have water until early Thursday morning, so I decided to be the wise man from the West and head to the nearby Mall of Emirates for a bite to eat and a complete use of the facilities. Nothing worse than knowing no water to flush toilets for over 12 I of course showed my wisdom...well. I had the Chilies appetizer platter for dinner, went to the bathroom then headed to my new apartment....yes, you guessed correctly, had a reaction to the food and spent most of the night running to sit on the toilet, wishing for water to flush with...sigh - it never ends. Of course they got the water running just after 2 am on Thursday morning, I know when because they came to my door to wake me up and share the good news. Lol, several flushes later, back to bed. My power finally was turned on about 8 pm Thursday evening, once again after numerous calls threatening or polite - it didn't seem to matter...
I am posting this from Dubai Mall, because I won't have Internet for another week. My email account is loaded full of spam this morning (3,000 messages), I am not sure what's going on there - I have shared many times how safe it is here, and how there is very little crime (virtually no repeat offenders) - well, my streak of feeling safe and secure is over. One of my employee gifts that I mentioned last week was stolen (still wrapped - money clip with cash in it) from an employees desk. Really took the joy out of Christmas day, then I found out the water cooler that I traded Bob for when he left the country "disappeared" from my new apartments basement. To make it a crime wave, it takes three things...well, its a wave...All of our CAB kickoff materials (pens, hats, calendars and aprons "disappeared" from our saw - where the culprits are going to wear this merchandise without being seen is a true mystery...I think the latter of this three crimes will be eventually solved.
It was a strange feeling being all alone in a brand new apartment complex. No curtains for privacy, no mirrors - but it was really nice to be back in my own bed. It is a little sad, one of the primary reasons I chose to move was Rodz really never cared for my other apartment (too sterile - not like a home) so she liked this much better when we visited the site while under I have moved in, but I also have moved on, 2012 will hopefully bring new opportunities for sharing and caring in my life.
My mother and brother (Mike) will be visiting in three weeks, so I need to get the new place spruced up. Today will be some moderate shopping, might leave a lot of the major purchasing decorating decisions for my mother. I guess it doesn't matter how old you get, still need your mom.
We ended up the sales year very strong, over 11 million in December (final numbers still a day away) beating the old record set in November by about a million. The final number for 2011 will probably end up around 94.5 million, 1 and a half million short of plan. Who can imagine a year where you grow sales by approx. 93% but still miss your company grew Food Service Sales 23% in 2009 and 18% in 2010 and now 93% in 2011.....yet, Bob, Kawa and Richard (the other three senior American managers) didn't make it through the year. Somehow, I feel secure in my position, they have been very clear in their long term plan of keeping me, I think the other 3 had that same warm fuzzy feeling...right before they realized they were bull frogs and the water was boiling (I know all the |Americans reading this understands, my Mid eastern readers....code - payback for all of your Arabic conversations right in front of Like they care....
Well my power is almost dead....reminiscing about 2011, plans for 2012 and a wrap up of numbers will have to wait until next week...I am spending New Years Eve right next to the Burj Khalifa (the worlds tallest building) for the spectacular fireworks show....Hope you spend your New Years happy and Safe...God Bless....

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