Friday, September 28, 2012

Hayley's new Beau....

I am on a good roll right now. My Cincinnati Reds are headed to the playoffs. The NFL has started back (and my Cowboys look average again). My fantasy baseball team is in third place so I should win a few dollars. In my fantasy football pick'em league, I am in 1st (out of 105 people) after the first three weeks. I have played in this League for 8 years and this is the first time that I have ever been in first. Ironic that I am keeping all kind of weird hours (NFL football is on from 9 pm until 3:30 am, and most National League baseball games start at 3:15 AM -Watching these contests while starting a new job) and somehow devoid of as much information that I usually have am winning a contest of picking correct winners of American Football games. Last year Nick amused me with his antics while watching his St. Louis Cardinals win the World Series....Now I am getting that much needed diversion.
My social buddy Hayley has been spending time with a new guy (South African fellow that I have not met yet). Well, my friend Hayley does what a lot of cute friends of the opposite sex does, cancels our get togethers, for last minute canoodling with her new boyfriend. Well she called me Tuesday to cancel our dinner date....I hang up disappointed, well Hayley sends me an instant message on my Blackberry with a picture attached. Well, I am going to get a gander of this South African "eye candy" that has Hayley mesmerized (OK a slight exaggeration because of my disappointment)

I open the picture and I see this middle aged slovenly man and I think..."Is she crazy"? Good looking sweet gal like Hayley, settling for some oaf....
Fat cheeked man with bad hair....Well, like you I looked a little closer, and I realized that Hayley had sent me a picture of she and I from a dinner we attended together. The over weight oaf that Hayley was hanging out with in the photo was me -not her new South African boyfriend....I didn't even recognize myself....The time has come, I have to start working out...sigh.
Kelly is ready to start her new job, today we are having lunch and then going grocery shopping together, I may have a new "girl friend", sadly, she may have a new girlfriend me! It's all good, I love Kelly, she is a great friend. I had dinner with my old Transmed colleague Georges last night at IHOP. It was good seeing him and it was easy to remember why I like Georges so much. We teased each other and did our best to out embarrass each other with our cherubic Philippine server with a smile only an orthodontist could love. It was all great fun.
Sales are going well at my new company. We signed a prestigious chain to a couple of contracts yo cover their seafood and American beef needs through 2013. It is worth about $5 million American, something to make my new employers smile.I did spend another working day with Jitesh (remember Jitesh, the Indian crooner of Kenny Rogers songs) - well, I got to "hear" another side of him this time...He is also a Pink Floyd admirer, and yes I sing "Another brick in the wall" much better than Jitesh does....
For some unknown reason, I have been taping True Blood, Survivor and Cougar Town and not watching them. Maybe it is my overload of great American sports, but the good news is the entertainment is piling up for after the baseball season.
I may or may not be doing a little traveling in October, the plan at this moment is for me to spend some time in Oman and France in October....maybe, just maybe I will have something interesting to chat with you about.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Blog Brain...or just crappy writing

There are times (more than I care to admit lately) when I don't have a clear picture what I can blog about. As you can imagine, I self censor this blog - out of respect for friends (just can't write about some things) business (once again, have to "try" and show restraint) and then there is the big trump card...the Government Censors....People do get deported (or worse) for "inappropriate" blogs....

So where to start this week....Today, I spent the day with one of my sales reps (Sudheer). He has been with Barakat for over 10 years, has a new bride and a new baby. He services the hotel sector. We made some good calls in the morning and ended up at lunch time in the JBR area (Beautiful white sand beach front - with numerous restaurants). As you surely know by now, I love American eateries - and having free refills is almost mandatory to make me happy. The only places that give free refills on soda here are the American ones. The only water that is drinkable here is bottled water - and it's not cheap (with a meal a small 500 ml bottle will set you back 12 to 15 aed -$3.25 to $4). Well I need beverage to enjoy a meal, so refillable Diet Coke is a must in my book! Well today, we decided (poor Sudheer didn't get a full vote lol) to try the local "Big Boy" diner. I was excited, looking at the menu with traditional American "Big Boy" fares I see several familiar fares. The decor is right out of Americana...
 The Philippine servers were wearing outfit's out of the '60s with pony tails sneaking out the back of their caps....Then I spy on the menu....Philadelphia Cheese Steak. Fresh Hogie bun, with grilled onions, bell peppers, and shaved beef. I am excited, I order it - Sudheer could find no Indian items, so he follows my lead and orders it also....It came, and you talk about major disappointment. The meat (would guess grass fed Brazilian beef) was heavily marinated, the cheese was American yellow sliced, the onions were not grilled and it was so unsavory that I ate about half of my sandwich. Sudheer kept mumbling ..."this is no good, no good"...sigh....I paid ($35 for the two of us) (wrote a mixed comment card) clean great decor and service - well - we did get free refills of Diet left. An hour later, desperate search for a men's room - and the lunch was purged from my body, sadly not mine nor Sudheer's memory. The whole episode did remind me of another favorite place I need to eat when I am back home in the States...The Philly Connection....Awesome cheese steaks....
The politics of the Region are not good....It is now dangerous for an American to travel virtually everywhere in the area, except Oman, Saudi and Bahrain. Even Lebanon is now having kidnappings and violence. In my mind, I keep telling myself that I am perfectly safe - but, with Israel preparing to attack Iran to take out their nuclear capabilities, and the reality that I am sleeping tonight less than 70 miles from the Iranian coast, makes my sleep not so fit-full. There are some people over on this side of the world that hate America and Americans, and I just want to avoid being in the same zip code with them.
Speaking of zip codes, we don't have them over here. Your mail is delivered to your employers post office box. To get basic things like cable, phone and electricity you have to first provide a letter from your employer stating your income, there is no credit check per say. Your income is used to establish your credit card limit. No checking of debts. No id number to evaluate your credit worthiness....If you bounce a check,,,,Jail Time! Debtors prison is alive and well in the UAE. So, when you switch jobs like I have, your mail being held hostage or thrown away by your former employer is a not nice thing that sometimes happens....not accusing, just saying....
Kelly's last day at Transmed is this Monday, then she has a few days off before she starts working for Ace Hardware. She has been employed as their Mid East Regional Sales Manager and I couldn't be prouder of her. Another Transmedian gave notice this week, Magy...and no - she is not joining my team at Barakat...
I spent more money on an item this week, than I have in my long life. Shoes....A good pair of Bostonians would cost me around $135 and I would feel like I spent a lot. I have also been known to spend $35 on a pair of casual brown shoes....well, the pair that I bought in the price range of that lower amount was literally falling apart on my feet on Monday while I was meeting Kelly for lunch at Dubai Mall (Cheesecake Factory - was good). I went to the Italian shoe store, found a pair that were comfortable and on sale for 50% off their regular price of $590. Yes, I spent almost $300 on a pair of Leather Italian shoes....I guess I am trying to look the part of a VP, or too impatient to shop around...OK, maybe a bit of both. BTW, so far no blisters, they look and feel good!
The heat of summer is starting to ebb, next Monday the forecast high is 97 degrees. If that happens, it will be the first day since June where the high did not surpass the century mark....It has been a long hot summer. The lows at night are now in the mid 80's, so I turned my hot water heater back on this week so that my showers are steamier than one of Debbie's Romance novels (OK Fred - I have to pick on
The week has wound down, it's approaching midnight here in Dubai, and I am watching the Fed Ex golf tourney championship - being held in Atlanta - (Rooting for Justine Rose) as I type this's a small world...I hope my brain dead blog, about my crappy lunch (yes- in more ways than one) have kept you entertained for a few minutes....Thank you so much for checking on me -
hopefully, we will meet up again next week...

Friday, September 14, 2012

Arab Spring....phooey

Well the Middle East is a powder keg right now. I am on notice from our government to proceed cautiously, and stay away from Egypt, Libia, Syria, Oman, Yemen and Kuwait. Thank goodness I am in the United Arab Emirates. There is some dissension in our UAE gov't as The Police chief of Dubai, who also doubles as the UAE's version of "Head of Homeland Security" has been making arrests and detentions of "Radical Muslims" you would never know as you moved freely about Dubai. The news is muted, and now other Government officials have had a contrary view. I am registered with the American Embassy, and in theory they will protect me if need be. Meanwhile, the Iranian nuclear threat is coming closer to a resolution, that I am sure it will be very much a military solution. Other than those two things, everything is fine and dandy!
Well things at Barakat continue to move swiftly along. I am involved almost daily in some sort of meeting about our new warehouse (scheduled to be operational in Feb. 2013). RK (the GM of our food service operation) and I are quickly becoming friends. He treats me with very nice respect and actually has changed his "management style" to make me more comfortable. He also keeps his office refrigerator stocked with Diet cokes for me.
We are purchasing a brand new software system, and continue to buy new trucks. We have picked up a couple of new brands (one of which is huge; I can't wait to share what it is and where it is coming from.
    One of the running jokes that has been going on with me and and my sales team(s) is my closeness with people of Indian nationality. I hired several Indian salesmen at Transmed (I was actually eventually told no more Indians or Europeans until I hired more Arabs) and they quickly became great employees and loyal friends. Somehow, I started telling my Indian employee friends stories about American Indians - not sure how it started, but the stories and education quickly took a life of it's own and Vinny, Muzzy, Peter, Kumail and Joseph started hearing about smoking Peace pipes and pow wows. One day I got so frustrated with my Indian pals, I told them I felt like I was General George Armstrong Custer. Well Vinny googled Custer, and my Indian pals started having fun calling me "John" Custer. Well after a year of this, I had a Custer movie night get together with 3 of my favorite Indian friends....Mahesh, Vinny and Suresh.
We had pizza, beverage and good fun watching the 1947 classic (starring Errol Flynn) "They died with their Boots on". This is one of my favorite "Custer last stand" movies.They were probably bored to tears, but I enjoyed their visiting my apartment. Now they know, the story of Custer ...killed by his Indian friends...let's hope that the story doesn't repeat itself with "John" Custer.
Friday is my off day (as you are very well aware), I am having breakfast with Rodz....hmmmm...I am still getting to see Kelly, Hayley and other's from the old job. I had lunch on Thursday with Kelly. She is so excited to be close to starting her new career as a Regional Sales Manager for a well known American Company. I am a little worried about her traveling the Middle East, but she is Canadian - and very smart....She is traveling to the states in October for training and indoctrination...The funny thing is that many people at Transmed think that she is secretly joining me at my new company, sadly they are mistaken, but it does humor Kelly and I both.
I ventured out to Safest Way again...Got some Cinnamon Apple Jacks - paid way too much ($6), but boy those little cereal rings tasted good!
I promise to keep my head low, and I do appreciate your prayers for me and my friends from the unstable times that I am living through....

Friday, September 7, 2012

September has come - The Seasons first frost can't be far behind...

I haven't been a good blog author this week. As I sat down for my Friday morning ritual, I realized that I hadn't taken any photo's this week, hmmm no incidents where I can post a map. Loads of work related things to post, but sadly, I have to self censor a lot of that stuff (I know, self censoring is not my strong Well, lets get started with this weeks installment.
As I struggled with this weeks musings, I checked our blog stats. In the two years since I began these ramblings, (as of this morning) there have been 7,249 visitors to the blog. I have posted 128 blogs, and have had visitors from all over the world. 4,702 of the visitors logged in from the US. The UAE has had almost 1,000....then it gets strange.Singapore 177, Japan 57...Slovania (can't honestly say I knew it was a country) has had 47 visitors. Just numbers, but as I struggle sometimes with material, I am even more amazed when I hear from an old High school friend, or I am having lunch with a colleague here and they say..."by the way I read your blog...". This weeks surprise reader is Fadi Selwan...I had lunch this past week with Fadi, and in the middle of our conversation about business he says "John, I read your blog..." now he didn't say he liked it or enjoyed it (Remember Fadi? Fadi was my first boss when I arrived, and is widely recognized as the founder of Transmed's food service operation. He made so much effort for Bob and I to feel welcome and at home, at a time that had to be very difficult for him, as he turned his "baby" over to a couple of clueless Americans that had no idea that we were just lambs here, surrounded by wolves that were hungry and looking for some flesh.)
Well, the first thing that came out of my mouth (see self censorship weakness above) "did I say something bad about you?", give Fadi credit, he gave me that big Lebanese grin and shared that I had been very nice talking about how he was my guide at Sial in Paris two years ago. Fadi and I had some struggles with each other first during his departure from Transmed a year and a half ago, then though some terse business meetings discussing his company's (President Dairy) sales growth and strategies with Transmed. We have become friends with a better understanding of each other - my how times and perspectives change.
I am going to a party tonight at a bar! Yes, stop the press, it is true. I have shared with you in the past about Rudy Rivas (not a blog reader - I think lol). He is the American that owns and operates a Mexican Cantina (Cactus Cantina) that I eat frequently at during Ramadan. He is in his young 60's. a Texan that has a picture of himself with a big cowboy hat on his business card. Well Rudy hit the lottery of life here in Dubai. He met and married a Dynamo from the former Soviet Block, and she has invited both Kelly and I to her (28th) birthday bash. It gives an old man like me hope...Kelly and are were double dating. Kelly bringing her love Sami, and me bringing my American pal Hayley. Well, last night Hayley got the word that she needs to accompany her Transmed Boss Georges to an overnight trip to Kuwait. She was so excited - until she found out that she was going to leave today(Friday, her only off day) lol. she even seemed disappointed she was not going to get to drink away her stress tonight at Cactus now I am the third wheel on a date with Kelly and Sami....oh well, I guess I will get to know him better....(silver lining?)
Speaking of Kelly, she gave her resignation to Transmed last week. She is going to be a Regional Sales Manager for an American Company after she works her UAE government mandated 30 day notice, she will travel to America for training, and then back to her Dubai based job. She is so excited, and I am so proud, she has become such a good friend... I will share more when she starts...Kumail also gave his notice this past week, who know where his next job is...
Thursday morning at 3:45 am, my alarm woke me up, I got up, stumbled into the living room, sat down on my couch and watched the Dallas Cowboys open up the Season the right way by beating last years Super Bowl champs NY Giants! It is so funny how the moments of Americana are so important to my mental health. I also am enjoying watching the Cincinnati Reds (almost every game)..I wake up most mornings at 5 am, and I scurry into my computer and bring the Game up on my computer...This could be a sweet fall.
True Blood started (I DVR'd it - will watch today), and Boardwalk Empire and Survivor are starting in a couple of weeks...this is going to be a very nice TV fall....
The war drums are thumping loudly here, hardly a day goes by that someone doesn't bring it up. If something does happen, I will do blog updates to let you know that I and those that you know through this blog are fine...I expect something to happen in days or weeks...not months.
Well no pictures this week, half told stories about who has resigned and where they are going...I promise, it will be clearer soon. Thanks for visiting, and have a great weekend!