Friday, September 21, 2012

Blog Brain...or just crappy writing

There are times (more than I care to admit lately) when I don't have a clear picture what I can blog about. As you can imagine, I self censor this blog - out of respect for friends (just can't write about some things) business (once again, have to "try" and show restraint) and then there is the big trump card...the Government Censors....People do get deported (or worse) for "inappropriate" blogs....

So where to start this week....Today, I spent the day with one of my sales reps (Sudheer). He has been with Barakat for over 10 years, has a new bride and a new baby. He services the hotel sector. We made some good calls in the morning and ended up at lunch time in the JBR area (Beautiful white sand beach front - with numerous restaurants). As you surely know by now, I love American eateries - and having free refills is almost mandatory to make me happy. The only places that give free refills on soda here are the American ones. The only water that is drinkable here is bottled water - and it's not cheap (with a meal a small 500 ml bottle will set you back 12 to 15 aed -$3.25 to $4). Well I need beverage to enjoy a meal, so refillable Diet Coke is a must in my book! Well today, we decided (poor Sudheer didn't get a full vote lol) to try the local "Big Boy" diner. I was excited, looking at the menu with traditional American "Big Boy" fares I see several familiar fares. The decor is right out of Americana...
 The Philippine servers were wearing outfit's out of the '60s with pony tails sneaking out the back of their caps....Then I spy on the menu....Philadelphia Cheese Steak. Fresh Hogie bun, with grilled onions, bell peppers, and shaved beef. I am excited, I order it - Sudheer could find no Indian items, so he follows my lead and orders it also....It came, and you talk about major disappointment. The meat (would guess grass fed Brazilian beef) was heavily marinated, the cheese was American yellow sliced, the onions were not grilled and it was so unsavory that I ate about half of my sandwich. Sudheer kept mumbling ..."this is no good, no good"...sigh....I paid ($35 for the two of us) (wrote a mixed comment card) clean great decor and service - well - we did get free refills of Diet left. An hour later, desperate search for a men's room - and the lunch was purged from my body, sadly not mine nor Sudheer's memory. The whole episode did remind me of another favorite place I need to eat when I am back home in the States...The Philly Connection....Awesome cheese steaks....
The politics of the Region are not good....It is now dangerous for an American to travel virtually everywhere in the area, except Oman, Saudi and Bahrain. Even Lebanon is now having kidnappings and violence. In my mind, I keep telling myself that I am perfectly safe - but, with Israel preparing to attack Iran to take out their nuclear capabilities, and the reality that I am sleeping tonight less than 70 miles from the Iranian coast, makes my sleep not so fit-full. There are some people over on this side of the world that hate America and Americans, and I just want to avoid being in the same zip code with them.
Speaking of zip codes, we don't have them over here. Your mail is delivered to your employers post office box. To get basic things like cable, phone and electricity you have to first provide a letter from your employer stating your income, there is no credit check per say. Your income is used to establish your credit card limit. No checking of debts. No id number to evaluate your credit worthiness....If you bounce a check,,,,Jail Time! Debtors prison is alive and well in the UAE. So, when you switch jobs like I have, your mail being held hostage or thrown away by your former employer is a not nice thing that sometimes happens....not accusing, just saying....
Kelly's last day at Transmed is this Monday, then she has a few days off before she starts working for Ace Hardware. She has been employed as their Mid East Regional Sales Manager and I couldn't be prouder of her. Another Transmedian gave notice this week, Magy...and no - she is not joining my team at Barakat...
I spent more money on an item this week, than I have in my long life. Shoes....A good pair of Bostonians would cost me around $135 and I would feel like I spent a lot. I have also been known to spend $35 on a pair of casual brown shoes....well, the pair that I bought in the price range of that lower amount was literally falling apart on my feet on Monday while I was meeting Kelly for lunch at Dubai Mall (Cheesecake Factory - was good). I went to the Italian shoe store, found a pair that were comfortable and on sale for 50% off their regular price of $590. Yes, I spent almost $300 on a pair of Leather Italian shoes....I guess I am trying to look the part of a VP, or too impatient to shop around...OK, maybe a bit of both. BTW, so far no blisters, they look and feel good!
The heat of summer is starting to ebb, next Monday the forecast high is 97 degrees. If that happens, it will be the first day since June where the high did not surpass the century mark....It has been a long hot summer. The lows at night are now in the mid 80's, so I turned my hot water heater back on this week so that my showers are steamier than one of Debbie's Romance novels (OK Fred - I have to pick on
The week has wound down, it's approaching midnight here in Dubai, and I am watching the Fed Ex golf tourney championship - being held in Atlanta - (Rooting for Justine Rose) as I type this's a small world...I hope my brain dead blog, about my crappy lunch (yes- in more ways than one) have kept you entertained for a few minutes....Thank you so much for checking on me -
hopefully, we will meet up again next week...

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