Friday, September 7, 2012

September has come - The Seasons first frost can't be far behind...

I haven't been a good blog author this week. As I sat down for my Friday morning ritual, I realized that I hadn't taken any photo's this week, hmmm no incidents where I can post a map. Loads of work related things to post, but sadly, I have to self censor a lot of that stuff (I know, self censoring is not my strong Well, lets get started with this weeks installment.
As I struggled with this weeks musings, I checked our blog stats. In the two years since I began these ramblings, (as of this morning) there have been 7,249 visitors to the blog. I have posted 128 blogs, and have had visitors from all over the world. 4,702 of the visitors logged in from the US. The UAE has had almost 1,000....then it gets strange.Singapore 177, Japan 57...Slovania (can't honestly say I knew it was a country) has had 47 visitors. Just numbers, but as I struggle sometimes with material, I am even more amazed when I hear from an old High school friend, or I am having lunch with a colleague here and they say..."by the way I read your blog...". This weeks surprise reader is Fadi Selwan...I had lunch this past week with Fadi, and in the middle of our conversation about business he says "John, I read your blog..." now he didn't say he liked it or enjoyed it (Remember Fadi? Fadi was my first boss when I arrived, and is widely recognized as the founder of Transmed's food service operation. He made so much effort for Bob and I to feel welcome and at home, at a time that had to be very difficult for him, as he turned his "baby" over to a couple of clueless Americans that had no idea that we were just lambs here, surrounded by wolves that were hungry and looking for some flesh.)
Well, the first thing that came out of my mouth (see self censorship weakness above) "did I say something bad about you?", give Fadi credit, he gave me that big Lebanese grin and shared that I had been very nice talking about how he was my guide at Sial in Paris two years ago. Fadi and I had some struggles with each other first during his departure from Transmed a year and a half ago, then though some terse business meetings discussing his company's (President Dairy) sales growth and strategies with Transmed. We have become friends with a better understanding of each other - my how times and perspectives change.
I am going to a party tonight at a bar! Yes, stop the press, it is true. I have shared with you in the past about Rudy Rivas (not a blog reader - I think lol). He is the American that owns and operates a Mexican Cantina (Cactus Cantina) that I eat frequently at during Ramadan. He is in his young 60's. a Texan that has a picture of himself with a big cowboy hat on his business card. Well Rudy hit the lottery of life here in Dubai. He met and married a Dynamo from the former Soviet Block, and she has invited both Kelly and I to her (28th) birthday bash. It gives an old man like me hope...Kelly and are were double dating. Kelly bringing her love Sami, and me bringing my American pal Hayley. Well, last night Hayley got the word that she needs to accompany her Transmed Boss Georges to an overnight trip to Kuwait. She was so excited - until she found out that she was going to leave today(Friday, her only off day) lol. she even seemed disappointed she was not going to get to drink away her stress tonight at Cactus now I am the third wheel on a date with Kelly and Sami....oh well, I guess I will get to know him better....(silver lining?)
Speaking of Kelly, she gave her resignation to Transmed last week. She is going to be a Regional Sales Manager for an American Company after she works her UAE government mandated 30 day notice, she will travel to America for training, and then back to her Dubai based job. She is so excited, and I am so proud, she has become such a good friend... I will share more when she starts...Kumail also gave his notice this past week, who know where his next job is...
Thursday morning at 3:45 am, my alarm woke me up, I got up, stumbled into the living room, sat down on my couch and watched the Dallas Cowboys open up the Season the right way by beating last years Super Bowl champs NY Giants! It is so funny how the moments of Americana are so important to my mental health. I also am enjoying watching the Cincinnati Reds (almost every game)..I wake up most mornings at 5 am, and I scurry into my computer and bring the Game up on my computer...This could be a sweet fall.
True Blood started (I DVR'd it - will watch today), and Boardwalk Empire and Survivor are starting in a couple of weeks...this is going to be a very nice TV fall....
The war drums are thumping loudly here, hardly a day goes by that someone doesn't bring it up. If something does happen, I will do blog updates to let you know that I and those that you know through this blog are fine...I expect something to happen in days or weeks...not months.
Well no pictures this week, half told stories about who has resigned and where they are going...I promise, it will be clearer soon. Thanks for visiting, and have a great weekend!

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