Friday, September 14, 2012

Arab Spring....phooey

Well the Middle East is a powder keg right now. I am on notice from our government to proceed cautiously, and stay away from Egypt, Libia, Syria, Oman, Yemen and Kuwait. Thank goodness I am in the United Arab Emirates. There is some dissension in our UAE gov't as The Police chief of Dubai, who also doubles as the UAE's version of "Head of Homeland Security" has been making arrests and detentions of "Radical Muslims" you would never know as you moved freely about Dubai. The news is muted, and now other Government officials have had a contrary view. I am registered with the American Embassy, and in theory they will protect me if need be. Meanwhile, the Iranian nuclear threat is coming closer to a resolution, that I am sure it will be very much a military solution. Other than those two things, everything is fine and dandy!
Well things at Barakat continue to move swiftly along. I am involved almost daily in some sort of meeting about our new warehouse (scheduled to be operational in Feb. 2013). RK (the GM of our food service operation) and I are quickly becoming friends. He treats me with very nice respect and actually has changed his "management style" to make me more comfortable. He also keeps his office refrigerator stocked with Diet cokes for me.
We are purchasing a brand new software system, and continue to buy new trucks. We have picked up a couple of new brands (one of which is huge; I can't wait to share what it is and where it is coming from.
    One of the running jokes that has been going on with me and and my sales team(s) is my closeness with people of Indian nationality. I hired several Indian salesmen at Transmed (I was actually eventually told no more Indians or Europeans until I hired more Arabs) and they quickly became great employees and loyal friends. Somehow, I started telling my Indian employee friends stories about American Indians - not sure how it started, but the stories and education quickly took a life of it's own and Vinny, Muzzy, Peter, Kumail and Joseph started hearing about smoking Peace pipes and pow wows. One day I got so frustrated with my Indian pals, I told them I felt like I was General George Armstrong Custer. Well Vinny googled Custer, and my Indian pals started having fun calling me "John" Custer. Well after a year of this, I had a Custer movie night get together with 3 of my favorite Indian friends....Mahesh, Vinny and Suresh.
We had pizza, beverage and good fun watching the 1947 classic (starring Errol Flynn) "They died with their Boots on". This is one of my favorite "Custer last stand" movies.They were probably bored to tears, but I enjoyed their visiting my apartment. Now they know, the story of Custer ...killed by his Indian friends...let's hope that the story doesn't repeat itself with "John" Custer.
Friday is my off day (as you are very well aware), I am having breakfast with Rodz....hmmmm...I am still getting to see Kelly, Hayley and other's from the old job. I had lunch on Thursday with Kelly. She is so excited to be close to starting her new career as a Regional Sales Manager for a well known American Company. I am a little worried about her traveling the Middle East, but she is Canadian - and very smart....She is traveling to the states in October for training and indoctrination...The funny thing is that many people at Transmed think that she is secretly joining me at my new company, sadly they are mistaken, but it does humor Kelly and I both.
I ventured out to Safest Way again...Got some Cinnamon Apple Jacks - paid way too much ($6), but boy those little cereal rings tasted good!
I promise to keep my head low, and I do appreciate your prayers for me and my friends from the unstable times that I am living through....

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