Wednesday, August 4, 2010

All work makes John a dull boy....

Seems that there is some interest in what I actually do. Well I am working for a very well established Lebanese company that distributes groceries to retail stores all over the Middle East. There is a fledgling food service side of the company that my very good friend Bob was brought to Dubai to give systems and growth to using the SYSCO model. He had an immediate need for a protein guy, well it was a good fit...So Bob and I took the same plane to Dubai and it has been a new challenge everyday. We have been working 12 plus hour days. I am responsible for all aspects of growing our meat business, including training, purchasing and selling the products,
Well my loyal friends you will be happy to know Sham got me Monday. We are trying a new pasta line and had samples in our department, Sham came over looking all pitiful and said "what is this?" He claimed he had never seen spaghetti noodles before. So I spent the next 5 minutes explaining pasta to him and how to cook it....then he wants to try it, so of course I get him about a pound of it to take home and try...Within 15 minutes the department is laughing at me, because I believed him...well when I questioned him on Tuesday he gleefully rubbed it in...he got me and the free pasta, never trust your office boy!
Oh well, I have to pre clean my apartment so that the three person crew tomorrow will have no obstacles in their initial cleaning. I promise to attempt some picture uploads this weekend. Sales meeting tomorrow, got to prepare tonight...Tomorrow is Thursday!

Warmest Wishes,


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