Thursday, August 26, 2010

The weekend is here!!!!

A very long week at work is now over. I was proud of myself for taking a lot of photo's and posting them on facebook this week. If you don't have facebook and want the latest photos - just let me know and I will email them to you. 
This is going to be a "loose ends" blog. Lots of small things that have come up that are not worthy of a blog topic. Sandy is still here visiting Bob, so it has been a lonely week. I hear she is loving her stay and will return to Atlanta this Saturday night.
I have had a few of you inquire about visiting. I would encourage you to do so. I am so grateful that when Janie & Rodney(friends from college) were stationed in Hawaii and a Alaska that they let me visit them. Alaska was awesome, and I probably would never have visited the state if they would not have been there. When are you ever going to have a better opportunity to visit someplace like the United Arab Emirates...besides, I miss my friends and am a little homesick for America...a round trip ticket can be had for less than a thousand dollars...I promise to help keep your spending down when here. I plan on my parents Birthday/Christmas/anniversary present to fly them over this that won't be the best time to visit.

Speaking of traveling, I plan on returning to the states for a vacation next August. I probably will fly in around August 1st and spend some time with friends as well as time with the folks in good ole Lebanon, VA.

Sometimes (ok lots of times) I have spelling gaffes on here, well my Arab filter on my laptop really messes up spellcheck. When I click on it, every word shows up as mis spelled...sorry...

Dominic, my German neighbor on the 32nd floor is throwing another party tonight. I plan on dropping in, believe it or not, the half drunk girls want to ask lots of questions about amazes me how many people claim that I am the first American they have met. I often wonder about the impression of America/Americans I leave them with.
Living an interacting with the people here I am beginning to have my favorite nationalities...The kindness of the Indian people may be tops on the list. The Sri Lankens, Banglideshians and Filipino's tend to be very friendly also. Amongst the Middle Easterners, Jordanians and Egyptians are very nice. The Lebanese tend to be very proud and somewhat prejudicial, while the Bedouins would in general rather I leave them alone. Now as far as Beautiful women go, the Lebanese women are stunning...although the Russian and Serbian women seem to be very approachable, if you know what I mean...of course the above is an "in general characterisation" and there are many both good and bad that don't fit these stereotypes.
With 85% of the population being a citizen elsewhere, there is always something to strike up a conversation about.
I do plan on visiting the Europe and other middle Eastern countries while I am here. Turkey is an inexpensive ticket and about a four hour plane ride, Egypt is less than 4 as is Lebanon.
I have a business trip scheduled for Paris in early October...have I mentioned how fortunate I am to be here?
I bought more furniture for my apartment and bought curtains. I hired a couple of handymen to put the furniture together and hang my curtains.
I still have a dry cleaning service for my dress shirts and slacks. It costs about a $1.75 per shirt and $2 for slacks. That does include them picking up and dropping off.
Ok, enough of the inane rambling, thank you so much for the emails,,,it is very comforting to know that you are all here with me...
Here's to a late Tait to you!

1 comment:

  1. Love hearing about your exciting life. All seems to be going extremely happy for you.
