Friday, August 13, 2010

Friday in Dubai

It's news here that President Obama is hosting a Ramadan dinner at the white house, funnily (or not) both Kenyans that I have befriended here swear that he was born in their home country, I would imagine that Matt Drudge could have a field day reporting from here...
On the not so political front, it has been a good day in Dubai. I got up this morning and worked out (lightly, have to build up)...then Bob and I enjoyed a light lunch in his apartment (made tuna salad with good ole SYSCO light chunk tuna in water)...
I decided it was time to enjoy the pool today. I met a couple of young ladies (mid 20's) from Hungary. One of them spoke almost perfect is fascinating to me how many people here speak English really well. The other thing that continues to amaze me is how fortunate we Americans are. I see the servant classes working so hard here to achieve the dream of a better life for their family's. Whether it is the Indian and Pakistani workers working all night on the office buildings being built in downtown Dubai (It is estimated that 20% of the worlds skyscraper cranes are here in Dubai.) or the Philippine servers in the restaurants that are so courteous. I continually over tip, I think it may be a little guilt that I feel. I know I am who I am in a large part of that is based on where I was fortunate to be an American...and here you are treated with such respect. so many of the people here express their dreams of going to America. I was speaking with a manager in a different department at work, and she posed a question that took me back a little bit, why would anyone from the United States want to come to the Middle East to work when so many from here would give up so much for the chance to come to the United States. I didn't think I wanted to explain almost 10% unemployment, taxes nearing 45% of income, and high crime rates that plague our cities while here no taxes, unemployment under 1%, and a city with virtually no crime...don't get me wrong, I cherish my citizenship and freedoms, but being a citizen of the greatest country in the world, while working abroad is not so bad...
Bob is mad at me, he says I messed up cable for the entire Emirates. In an earlier blog I shared that FTV on our late night cable had racy nudity...well the next day the channel disappeared...No joke, hopefully it was not from my blog, but don't expect me to share any more censurable
At the pool today, I also befriend a young man from Germany named Dominic. He works for AIG and got here at the same time Bob and I did. It was great sharing our tales of life here and dining and shopping places that we enjoy (Bob and I like Hyper-Panda for groceries). He invited us up to his flat for a couple of adult beverages (code for the I really enjoyed my time with him and hopefully I have made another friend. That is one of my favorite things about being here, with 85% of the population being foreigners from all over the world (really like the Russian girls-may or may not share more-the authorities and mom read this :-) it is really a great place to share. Americans are rare here, so the people are always interested in sharing their story with you.
I am watching the American PGA championship on the pay sports channel. It is nice to see live American sports. I have been here 5 weeks and I Have only seen 1 baseball game (Reds game) and I am curious to see if I'll get to see any of my beloved Cowboys games this fall.
Saturdays plans include working out in the morning, pool time until lunch afternoon trip to the mall and dinner.
Please drop a note ( or post a comment to let me know whats up or what you want to know about or that you are amongst those that are hanging in there with me...

Hoping your weekend is great,


  1. I am certainly hanging in there to read all your's interesting to take a few minutes to hear how you're doing and to imagine what you're doing....don't want to imagine what you're doing with the Russian girl(s)though! I've been sharing your stories with mom. She is fascinated with your adventures and says..."see what you missed out on". Yes, she always loved you....just as I still do. Glad you're doing so well. Take care of yourself.

  2. Sadly or maybe not, nothing but friends here in if I need to help out America's relations with Russia, I am a Patriot! Sadly I am not James bond, but more likely John who needs gold for the sweet sentiments...

  3. 48/2=24 +7=31. Keep that in mind. Enjoy.
