Friday, August 5, 2016

Lean and can be tough, but hopefully you learn and grow...

       Lying on the couch this afternoon, feeling like I am slowly healing. I am holding steady at 175 lbs, and have hopefully finished most of my surgeries. My kidneys and bladder are working normally, and it seems the bouts with dizziness that I have been suffering through may be caused by a low hemoglobin count (mine is at 8 - should be at 13). So now I am taking an iron supplement that I am hopeful will fix this issue. I finally had surgery on my left leg, they were closing arteries and ripping branch arteries out, in the end I have five holes that are bandaged up that hopefully will be healed in a week. So, what doesn't kill you will make you stronger.
        The above seems like the tough news, but honestly its the easy stuff, work and marriage not so good, hope to update you soon. Rodz is leaving Sunday for a 3 week vacation to the Philippines with her mom, hopefully she will dodge the cyclones and return happy and refreshed. Sorry this is a short update, I will try and give better and more news soon.
        Please leep us in your prayers...

Friday, July 22, 2016

Big Drama in UAE, I think I have survived...

        Yes, two posts within a week - the world is changing. First, let me start with the feel good for me part of this, as promised a picture from my office in Dubai taken this past Tuesday, for those who have known me less than 36 years (even Fred doesn't know this John)...
July 2016
        I have to admit, it feels funny to not be embarrassingly huge. Now to get in cardio shape. Fingers crossed....
         Work has been an extreme challenge. I don't think I have ever felt more stress in my work life. I have 170 employees that wake up and come to work each day, and the decisions I make determines their future in so many ways. God has blessed me with this responsibility - and I pray that the decisions I make secure the future of my company and the employees that I am blessed to work with. Things happen everyday, from an employee losing control of his car in the parking lot and hitting 6 other cars, to a driver missing his brake and hitting another truck before crashing into our property wall, to a driver rolling his truck into the medium of a round about, every week has its challenges.
           I heard this week from my good friend Officer Danny Messimer. He shared that retirement is probably waiting for next spring - so I was early....just be safe Danny. Ok, you got your short bonus blog with promised picture....see you back here very soon....

Monday, July 18, 2016

90 Percent humidity brings a heat index of 160 degrees to the UAE, is hell hotter?

       Some people think Thomas Edison or Leonardo Davinci are the greatest inventors in history. I think not, I now firmly believe that Willis Carrier, who on July 17, 1902 invented air conditioning is my hero. So on Sunday, I celebrated the 114th anniversary by attempting to stay cool in sweltering Dubai. The heat index actual reached 160 degrees this past weekend. It is scary walking just a few feet in the blistering sunshine. We have turned off the water heaters in our apartment, with the water heated in the dessert pipes being so warm that it will steam up the bathroom. I will be able to share heat stories as long as I live.
       Speaking of living, there is good news on the medical front. Most of you that have seen me in the last couple of years know that I have grown quite the belly. Last October, I weighed 231 lbs (107 kgs) and was generally in poor health. I changed my diet, got serious (and married) about dropping some weight. By the time I returned to the States in March of this spring, I was down to 205 lbs, yet the belly was still stubbornly present. Finally, the belly is gone...this morning I weighed 176 lbs (80 kgs). I now weigh less than I have since my sophomore year of high school. I remember seeing obesity charts saying at my height that I should be under 190, thinking I never would be able to get under 200 lbs again. Let's hope that I can keep it off and enjoy an old age in somewhat better health. My leg surgery to repair damaged blood vessels is scheduled for this Sunday...fingers crossed. I will try and find something that fits and post a picture next week....I hope I am not forever a "skinny" fat guy (someone that lost weight but you can only remember him as a fat (like Al Roker or Al Sharpton).
           Watching all these police shootings, hardly a day goes by that I don't think of my good buddy Danny Messimer. He has served as a Marietta, GA police officer for over 30 years and is nearing retirement (I believe in August). How people can justify killing police officers to redress some wrong they feel, is sickening., Thank you Danny for your service and please stay safe. I am also blessed to call General Rodney Fogg a friend. He has served our country for over 30 years also. Men (and women) that devote their careers to keep us safe are special people. God Bless you both...
         God willing, I will see you here again shortly...Stay cool as only Willis Carrier would have you do....

Friday, July 8, 2016

Six years ago...

        As I enjoyed the 4th of July holiday (yes, just another day at work) I was reminded that 6 years ago, on the night of July 3rd, Bob Green and I boarded a plane in Atlanta, GA to begin our journey in the Middle East. We took off from Hartsfield Airport and could see the fireworks shows below as we headed to London to catch our connecting flight to Dubai. So many things have changed in the last 6 years - that very first fall in Dubai I met my future wife as she waited on me at a restaurant in Dubai Mall. Marriage can be tougher than a job, I am sure that my married friends understand, not sure that I do.
        The UAE is still a stable Kingdom with a very safe environment. The police (both secret and uniformed) are numerous, and keep the peace. The rest of the Middle East has disintegrated into instability and chaos. The United States has its fingerprints all over it. We encouraged the Arab Spring, first undermining our close alley Mubarak in Egypt supporting the Muslim Brotherhood's rise to power. After the people turned on the brotherhood as they enforced Sharia Law and burned Christian churches, the Egyptian Military stepped in to retake control and protect the people. Our US Government called it a coup and demanded the Egyptian Military turn back control to the Muslim Brotherhood - thankfully the military ignored our demands.
        Next we helped overthrow the Khadafy government in Libya (we know how well that's gone) - Then we encouraged Syrians to overturn their government. We abandoned Iraq, pulling everyone of our military personnel
out creating the vacuum that ISIS filled. We appeased Iran as they march towards becoming a nuclear state, bent on destroying Israel. The Middle East is a mess, and our governments fingerprints are all over it.
         The irony of the above rant, is this morning I have been watching the Dallas Police shootings and realize as I hear the divisive comments from our President in Poland, that as big a mess as I have here our government appears to be failing its leadership role not only around the World, but in our homeland. I think I am safer here right now.
          Quick medical update, going back to hospital tomorrow for one last procedure on my leg, surgery is tentavely scheduled for July 19. In the meantime, the busted blood clot behind my right eye is slowly dissipating, hopefully will be able to have that final eye "lazoring" later this month.
           We are in the beginnings of  the long hot summer, everyday it reaches between 115 and 125 degrees. The only thing hotter has been Rodz's perfume sells. honestly, she has been selling 20 plus almost every night, even reaching 44 one night. Quite the little selling machine.
            Thank you for taking the time to read my rant, back to lol's next time. God bless you and God Bless America!

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Move over John, there's a new sales stud in the family!

       I hope your Ramadan has been cooler than mine...Between hospital procedures and hot days it's not been a fun June. The long hot Dubai summer has begun with temps most days climbing into the 120's, and no it's not a "dry" heat...Dubai sits on the Arabian Gulf, so it reminds me of summer in Florida times 3!
         I have now had two procedures on my legs at the hospital. In an attempt to reduce the swelling. The Orthopedic surgeon placed me in a reclining bed and attached a body suit to my lower body that squeezed the swelling out of my legs into my upper body.

Miserable patient
        So after this procedure they wrapped my legs with zinc bandages and game me strict orders, no showers for two weeks. Nothing better on a 128 degree day than no shower for two weeks. sigh, We bought baby wipes and I bath in the sink each morning. This Saturday I will have a new MRI done, and the surgeon thinks I will need surgery on my left leg to repair a damaged artery. So, hopefully I will be able to share a successful surgery and recovery story next blog.
         My better half has started working as a sales promoter selling perfume at Duty Free at the Dubai Airport. She works the graveyard shift from 11 pm until 7 am every night. She is working on my visa and insurance, so the cost to her employer is low so they  can pay better. Before incentive, she is making 3 times more than she has ever made before. I will say that she is so excited and her moodiness has virtually disappeared. If she sells 15 units of perfume she gets a nice bonus. On her first night she sold 1 bottle and came dragging in all depressed about how hard it was. I thought she might quit, not Rodz....she sucked it up and started selling a few more each night. She finally sold 15 last Thursday....She was so proud. Last night she sold 22 units and her bonus was more than her shift pay, now I am proud of my lil sales machine!
Success breakfast - 22 sold June 28

        Rodz celebrated her success with a 7:15AM breakfast in the employee dining area at Dubai Airport.
         Time for me to get some sleep, another long hot day tomorrow. If I don't check in earlier, I wish you all a happy 4th of July! Please keep me in your thoughts that all goes well at the hospital this Saturday....

Friday, June 10, 2016

Guess who turned 31 today....

      Greetings from a Ramadan celebrating scorching Dubai. You know its hot when at 830 in the morning its 108 degrees. Sadly, June just begins the heat wave....often in August the overnight lows stay above the 100 degree mark. The heat combined with Ramadan absolutely kills the restaurant business. As you may or may not know, during Ramadan the faithful Muslims fast during daylight hours. They don't eat, drink or even chew gum. From Sunrise till sunset nothing is suppose to pass their lips. In support of that almost all of the restaurants in this nation close during daylight hours. It's 30 days of sacrifice and respectful understanding. It's also a time when many westerners travel back to their home countries for a vacation.
        Speaking about westerners traveling home, our quest to get Rodz some kind of Visa to be able to travel freely back and forth to America has reached another road block. Fred received notification that our application has been deemed to be abandoned. Unfortunately, that means we will have to start the process all over again. I think its now time to hire an immigration attorney. Oh well, we will see what our future holds.
         Rodz was born on June 10, 1985...just about the time I graduated from college. She decided that for her 31st birthday she would get to have several days of celebrating.
Rodz 31st birthday dinner at Texas Roadhouse Dubai Mall

      On Tuesday, I was lucky enough to treat Rodz and her Dubai family (and anybody with a Philippine passport lol) to a steak dinner at my favorite Dubai dining spot, Texas Roadhouse.
Today, I gave her a thrill by taking her out to the business park and letting her practice driving for over an hour. No damage to my car, but an extremely happy Rodz made the attempt at pleasing her a huge success. She broke one of her three phones, so her last present will be a new phone (don't ask me) - and she wants a new IPhone 6. Its no wonder that we haven't saved any money yet on this trip in, hopefully by September, the saving will begin. Rodz new job at Duty Free at Dubai's airport is suppose to begin this coming week, so our financial house can begin to get in order.
       Speaking of getting things in order, my ankle unfortunately needs more help. My toe infection is seemingly healed, but my ankle is still as big as a grapefruit. I now have seen a specialist (vascular surgeon). Thankfully, I have excellent insurance. This week I am suppose to check into the hospital for some procedures to alleviate the swelling that I am experiencing. Of course, I will let you know. On the eye front, I am going to have one more laser procedure on my blood clotted right eye. Because of the blood in the back of my eye, that will take place in July. Let's hope that July will finally bring me good health.
       Time for bed, hope you are well, and having a cool summer....see you back here soon!

Friday, May 27, 2016

Hide the women and children, Rodz is learning to drive

       Memorial day in America, is just another hot work day in Dubai. I owe you some updates on my health, so lets get started there...My eye lazar surgery treatments are almost complete. Still have the remnants of my busted eye clot in my right eye. I have had three separate treatments on both eyes to prevent future clots. I will hopefully only have one more treatment on my right eye in early July after the blood clot dissipates.  So far, thankfully no eye complications. The ankle has been a rougher story. As you may recall I fell down the stairs of my parents home last June. I have done everything from reflexology, to regularly seeing a chiropractor, to acupuncture in an effort to get better. I have ex-rays twice and a MRI on my left ankle (diagnosis the same all three times - no break just severe sprain). Rodz regularly massages my ankle and foot for home therapy, still only slow progress. Well last week my slow progress took a drastic turn for the worse. Rodz accidently tore my pinkie toe nail during her treatment and it began to bleed. She decided she wanted to remove my toe nail and operated for a while with the toe nail clippers. After some pain, she gave up in trying to remove the nail. Just a few short days later my toe became infected and my whole foot and leg swelled up. My doctor was very concerned that I might be developing thrombosis and ordered bed rest and antibiotics. I had to stop wearing a shoe on my left foot because I couldn't get it on. So for the past week, I have wore one shoe and only my sock on my left foot. I have an appointment with a specialist tomorrow afternoon...fingers crossed...
         Rodz has been taking driving lessons 3 times a week. She has progressed in her 40 class schedule to the part where she is learning parking. I get the blow by blow recap of her lessons, I can only have empathy for her instructor...So Wednesday, Rodz talked me into letting her
drive my Infinity QX70 in the garage (yes no BMW - an Infinity is nice enough).
Rodz behind the wheel - May 2016

           It was a harrowing 2 minutes as we crept along in my parking garage. (lol)...She said I made her nervous, but she is so excited...One of our favorite things we do to pass the time is to pick out potential cars for her to drive once she gets her license. Never a dull moment...
          We just got notified at work that we have earned a big retail project. We will begin manufacturing August 1st. The customer is moving his manufacturing from Saudi Arabia to our plant in Dubai. I am very proud of our team, if all goes well it is worth millions in future business. We have also been awarded the contract to cut steaks for some big American chains in the Middle East. We actually begin cutting steaks this Saturday for them...I have been fortunate to be at the right place at the right time, and now will hopefully steer our company to big sales numbers. I will update you on our growth going forward.
           Rodz has finally begun cooking one dish a week for me. She has gotten fairly adapt at making egg fried rice. So now once a week we enjoy a heaping dish of her specialty (and only dish) at home. She is so happy when I clean my plate, it truly can be the little things in life that can make you happy. The first 7 months of our marriage certainly has had its rough moments, but we have stuck with it and hopefully more good days than bad will dominate our future together.
         Nurse Rodz has just shared with me time for my foot treatment, so I must go now or suffer the consequences that go with a surly bedside - I only have 9 healthy toes, so bye for now...Take care, enjoy your Memorial Day, and as always we appreciate your good thoughts and prayers...

Friday, May 6, 2016

And Summer Begins...

      It is so freaking hot in the UAE, in case I haven't wined about that before. It reached 118 degrees this week, and we now have begun a string of 100 degree plus days that probably won't be interrupted until late September (no its not dry heat, we are right on the Arabian gulf). The heat wipes you out, I have never been so tired in my life. Today is Friday in the UAE, the equivalent of an American Sunday. I woke up a little later than normal (around 7) had a bowl of cereal, then laid back down to rest my eyes - next thing I knew it was 11:20 and I am still tired. In the next couple of weeks we can turn off the hot water heater, because the water is so warm from the desert pipes that it will produce steam from the cold can't make this stuff up.
        Almost as rough on me as the heat, I have had a health scare. Last week I woke up one morning with my right eye's vision obstructed. I thought it might clear up during the day, but it didn't. I called my doctor and he advised me to make an emergency trip to an ophthalmologist. He diagnosed that I had a blood clot in the back of my eye ball that had burst. I had many tests (including having dye injected into my body that made pictures of my eye show the damages that have occurred).  I have laser surgery scheduled to begin on Monday (it will take three surgeries, one week apart). The prognosis for recovery of sight is good, although their is a significant risk of loss of peripheral vision and the chance of diminished night vision. Vinny and Rodz have been by my side at every doctors visit. Rodz cried when she heard the diagnosis, it was both sweet and very sad...
         Speaking of Rodz being sweet, I forgot to share a cute story about her. As you may remember, my dad had a health scare, and was admitted for about 2 months into an assisted living facility for rehabilitation. I visited him while I was home, and he has since been allowed to return home with a brand new pace maker installed to help his 86 year old heart pump enough blood. Now comes the cute wife part of the story...When I called Rodz from my moms, she immediately asked about dad. She wanted to know if he was still in the "orphanage". When I stopped chuckling, I shared with Rodz that he was in a nursing home not an orphanage, that an orphanage was for people without parents. She didn't even pause as she reminded me that dad no longer had parents, I guess I am learning that the wife is never wrong...
          Sorry the blog is short this week, just wanted to touch base and ask for your good thoughts and prayers that I come out of these surgeries with repaired eyes, and no side effects...Thank you in advance...see you back here very soon...

Friday, April 22, 2016

Better Late than Never!

        My good buddy Danny Messimer has been on me like white on rice, it seems that it has been over a month since my last post. So, while my wife takes her after pool shower (while her sisters' in law relax) I thought I would try and catch you up....

Jonalie, Leah, me and Rodz April 22, 2016
         So my Philippine posse and I spent the afternoon frolicking at the pool - now we are in serious recovery mode...I am sooooo old! As they would say on Game of Thrones - summer is coming (ok something like that).
         Speaking of Game of Thrones, I got Rodz hooked on it. We are now in Season 5 and should be caught up this weekend to begin watching season 6 with the world....what a great show. Only 3 seasons left, already depressed. We were shocked to see that La Porscha didn't win American Idol, and we are also now enjoying the last season of Banshee. It's nice to stay in touch with America. I watch Fox news while I dress in the morning (what a fascinating political season we are having) - Thankfully Rodz indulges me.
           I spent the first couple of weeks of April touring the states. I had a little business to attend to in New Jersey, followed by a few days with my parents in Virginia, then a quick trip to St. Louis to see Amy and Stacy. Then I headed to Atlanta to have my baseball draft and see Danny and his family (where I was desperately sick with the a horrible virus - Laura (Danny's wife) had to clean up after me - yes I was that sick..sigh - then I stayed a night with Lee and Cheryl Croy. It is such a nice feeling to have so many life long friends...I am blessed (yes Fred and I didn't hook up this trip...:-(
            The trip back to the states may have been my all time best flying experience. First, I arrived at Dulles Airport to find no line at security. I literally walked up to the homeland security guard, joked with him about no line (he said it must be my lucky day). Then I went straight through the x-ray equipment as they literally waited for me to place my items in the x-ray bins. My seat on an almost full Emirates flight was right by the exit door that I would eventually leave the plane by...and yes my window seat was next to an unoccupied seat...could it get better??? Well yes, there was a very strong tail wind and my normally 14 hour flight turned into a just over 12 hour flight. I was the second person off my plane where I walked to the security where unbelievably I had my choice of two different immigration lines with no people in line...I didn't break stride. After a quick passport check and stamp I walked to baggage claim. I of course beat all the luggage. You can imagine the chaos when over 500 passengers on an International flight line up to get their bags. Since I was the first one there I stationed myself in from of the chute where the bags would eventually drop. In a few short minutes, it cranked up and the bags came my way. The very first two bags (no I am not making this up- what are the odds?) yes the very first two bags that dropped to the baggage claim carousal were mine...It is a lucky trip that will never be duplicated...
         Work is going well. Sales continue to grow, and we have signed a couple of significant contracts. It is going so well that I don't want to pinch myself and wake up. Continued good fortune hopefully will come our way. Rodz has a couple of big things going on. She just accepted a nice job working at "Duty Free" at Dubai airport. She is going to be selling perfumes...she is so excited! She is even more excited to have enrolled in driving school. Classes start this Sunday, if it all goes well, she will have her license by June 1st. She was irritated that I had to sign a non objection letter for her to begin the process of getting a is definitely a man's world in the Middle East.
      The posse is hungry, time to round them up and feed them. Sorry I was late - will try and be better in the future...
     God Bless you and God Bless America!

Saturday, March 19, 2016

American Idol Spoiler Alert....Huh?

        It's less than 2 weeks before I return to America, and yes I am excited! The travel plans are almost complete, land in Washington, DC on Friday, April 1st after my 14 hour flight on Emirates Airline. Then some business to take care of in New Jersey, followed by arrival at my parents home in Southwest Virginia. My dad is still in rehab from his health scare, and is hoping to be released about the time of my visit. After a couple of days, its off to St. Louis on Tuesday to see my friends Amy, Stacey, Chad, Rez, and Moe. On Thursday, I head south to Atlanta where I will stay Three nights at Lee and Danny's homes (not quite sure which nights where).After my baseball draft on Saturday, I head north to the folks home again Sunday. Monday finds me traversing back to catch my early Tuesday flight back to the UAE. I will have a busy dozen days back in the States.
            Speaking of America, let's humor me and chat about the final season of American Idol. Rodz and I watch every Friday night and root away. (sorry to the 90% of you that don't watch Idol) They are now down to the final 5 and I think something sort of funny is happening. With this weeks performances the theme was overcoming hardships. The first contestant (Mackland) told about how he had congestive heart failure as a senior in hs. It was  touch and go while he waited for a heart transplant, only a miracle cured him....Then there was the second contestant (Dalton) who contemplated suicide while he battled depression...then he found music and it saved him. Then (Trent) the 3rd contestant told about how his close friend helped him design and order a special guitar, than the day it arrived his friend tragically died before he could ever play the guitar. He told a crying JLO about how he never performs without thinking and dedicating his performance to his late friend. Then came the  crowd favorite (La Portia) who told about marrying "Prince Charming"  who quickly turned into an abusive spouse. After the birth of her daughter, she finally found the courage to leave her abusive husband and enter a shelter. This poor gals life has been changed because of music. JLO bawled her eyes out at La Portia's gut wrenching story. Then finally, the beautiful, privileged Indian girl said she was nervous performing and that was her struggle.....I want to predict who goes home this privileged Indian.
          Rodz and I were treated to dinner tonight by our Dubai bestie, Vinny.
We dined at Denny's.
Rodz and I, dinner at Denny's - March 19, 2016

         I know I'm not half as handsome as I used to be...but check out the skinny neck. This morning I reached a new adult low of 89.7 kg's or 199 lbs. Since the fall of my Senior year of high school (yes 1980) - have I been this light. I'm psyched to see the friends and family who saw me last November at 231 lbs...Still have a bit of a belly, so hopefully will keep getting lighter.
           Rodz think she has found a job, more on that next time...time now, to turn in....another busy work day to follow. Hopefully will see you soon....

Friday, March 11, 2016

Rain, Rain Go Away...

      Hello from rain soaked United Arab Emirates. In a country with virtually no sewer systems, 24 hours of heavy rain creates a travelers nightmare. The roads became impassable when standing water has no where to go.
Dubai Industrial City - March 2016
      The above photo taken from my office looking out at the street that runs past our factory. Due to road hazards, and the realization that with darkness even more challenges for drivers, I closed our operations early and attempted to get our employees home to safety. My normal 35 minute drive back to our apartment in Motor City took a little over 2 hours. Natalie, our QA Manager was attending a training class in downtown Dubai, turned her normal 1 hour drive home to a 5 and a 1/2 hour trek - only to find her top floor apartment filled with two inches of standing water. This morning the sun is out, and it will be awhile before people here bemoan the dry weather of this desert nation.
        Rodz's parents returned home this past week, and life with us returned to some normalcy. We have been catching up on American Idol (we are down to top 10) and have taped Survivor to start back with this weekend. Some of the HBO series (Game of Thrones/Banshee) are coming soon. Entertaining evenings for us to chat after our nightly dinner out and about in Dubai. Speaking of eating, our favorite Friday shopping place (Dubai Festival City) just remodeled and opened up 4 new American restaurants right next to each other. Texas Roadhouse, Serendipity, PF Changs, and Cheesecake Factory all opened this March, and give my bride and I great lunch choices on my day off. I know what your thinking, "all this food talk, what's happening to your weight?" Not so fast, I weighed in this morning at a new 35 year low of 202 lbs. Not since my senior year of high school have I been this light. My banged up ankle is slowly getting better, so now I hope to add exercise to my diet change, and maybe tone up the new sleek John. Returning home in 3 weeks to America, it will be interesting to see the reactions to my 30 lb weight drop since November 1st. Ill fitting clothes are my biggest challenge that I plan on addressing in April.
         Two big trips are right around the corner for me. I am planning on traveling to Chennai, India ( ) to visit a shrimp factory that packs for us. Chennai is in the South Eastern corner of India and is a very hot climate. Out of the fryer into the frying pan. Of course, I am more excited to return to America on April first. I have a general idea at what cities that I will be sleeping in at night, just not sure which friends homes that I will get to visit. One sure stop is my parents house in southwest Virginia on April first.
          Rodz is back to battling boredom. She loves the idea of working and having her own extra money, but she finds most jobs - work...go I know for her saneness she needs to find a job to keep her busy and give her more independence. It's been great to have her back home. I will try and check in before the end of March, time now to hop in the shower, and head to lunch....

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

This job is work...How was I suppose to know?

       It's been a tough 3 weeks since I checked in with you...I have had to make some difficult management changes (terminating an employee is one of the worse parts of my job) that I felt had to be made for the good of the rest of the team, on the other hand the new managers that have joined are shining so far. I am really pleased with the team. I just added the infamous Vinny Varma to run sales. It's nice to have a trusted friend join the senior management team. I also have added an export manager, HR Manager, and a warehouse Manager this month. Still need to add a couple of good salespeople. We have also adopted numerous new best business practices. The plan is there and now we'll see if sales take off...
       Rodz is practically living with her brothers while her mother and father and nephew visit this month.
Kenny and Rodz;s father Feb. 2016

            Who would have thunk that I would become such a popular uncle. I have taken my in-laws out several times, but they are tough evenings because unfortunately they speak their native Philippine tongue with each other and make the evening less enjoyable for me. I have taken a shine to my new nephew Kenny, he is well behaved and very respectful.
         Just last month I shared my near miss of a camel story with you. Last week I looked out my office window and saw my friendly beasts lumbering across the road.

Camels at my BIFCO office Feb. 2016

      As I drive to work in the morning, I quite often see camels roaming next to the 12 lane super highway with only a fence between them and cars traveling 87 mph (88 will get the camera flash ticket from the radar cameras along the roads) so I just set my cruise control on 140 kmph and sail along.
          Speaking of driving fast, I have been giving serious thought to what my new ride will be. My salespeople seem to think nothing short of a BMW is acceptable. My German Chef Production GM only says it must be, go figure. I plan on getting it in April when I return from my trip home to the U.S.
          In my past positions here in the UAE, you know that I always grow fond and treat my office boys that bring me water, or run errands for me in the building, or serve hot tea or coffee to our guests. First, there was Shams,

Fred and Shams 2011

Then there was Chalk at Baraket corporate in 2013. Now there is Rabi. Rabi wears a Yankee sweatshirt most days, and his English is very poor. So now almost  every morning I ask him how the NY  Yankees did last night, he usually says they won, I ask him the score and he says 26 or 42 and I am quite amused. Well last week, I shared with Rabi that I am a Reds fan, and I didn't like the Yankees. That meant that I needed  to convert my Nepalese friend. So I did what I could to begin the indoctrination. 

Rabi - Feb. 2016

I do think its a good wears it around like a prized trophy. God bless him.
     Speaking of blessings, my parents enjoyed their 62nd wedding anniversary on Valentines day. Unfortunately, a few short days later, my father collapsed at home and was rushed by ambulance to the hospital. He stayed in the hospital for several days with my mother sleeping in the hospital room with him. He has now been moved to an assisted living facility for rehabilitation as he has lost his ability to walk. I'm praying for the rehab to go well, so he can return home.
    Danny counted my time between blogs, and I apologize for the delay. The Gulf Trade show is this week and my days have been filled leaving for work at 7 am and returning home after 11 pm, I can't remember ever being worn out like I am, one more day until the Friday day of rest. See you back here soon...Count your blessings and appreciate every day that God gives you....

Friday, February 5, 2016

Red Sheets at night, sleeping delight, Pink socks in morning....come on Rodz...

     Spring is right around the corner here in the UAE, which has to mean pitchers and catchers report any day now...I love baseball, will miss it so much again this year, although my Cincinnati Reds are rebuilding and should finish at the bottom, my fantasy baseball team is built to win this year, a tall challenge when playing half way round the world. Speaking of Reds, my lovely wife picked out bright red sheets to adorn our bed. Once again, she didn't understand my warnings about separating colors from whites, and the cooler water settings for bright colors - especially the first time you wash that colorful item. So now, I have nice pick t-shirts, and all my tan socks, are now bright pink,,,,sigh. I know, my little buddy washes and folds my clothes, so no complaining. Thankfully she finds my blog boring, so no fear of repercussions, lol.
         Work is a tremendous challenge. I love the opportunity to help steer a company the right way and to grow sales and profits, with the same opportunity to make a difference in peoples lives. On the other hand, I am feeling a great deal of stress with the responsibility for almost 150 employees livelihoods. Just this week, I worked until 10:30 one night and 9:30 another. By the end of this week, I was literally exhausted. We launched a retail sliced lunch meat line of products this week, and we are excited about the big growth opportunity. We are also having sales training every Saturday morning, and hope to make progress with the current team and the couple of guys I have added to the team. The first new salesman I hired was surprisingly enough Lebanese. He is the companies only Arabic speaking employee, and Yamen will certainly bring diversity and hopefully help us sell an entire segment of restaurants that our company traditionally ignored. I will keep my nose to the proverbial grindstone, and hopefully you will keep me in your thoughts and prayers...
           I am enjoying the politics back home, watch Fox news about half the time the tv is on. I will say that the populace here view the Trump run for President as a novelty. I understand it as more than that, but not my candidate of choice. We are watching American Idol, Rodz gets into it. I watched religiously last time I was here, and now am enjoying the farewell season, I will give you a favorite soon.
Texas Roadhouse Dubai Mall Feb. 2016
        Rodz's mom is visiting from Paris. We treated Rodz's sister in law and her mom to lunch at Texas Roadhouse today. It was 2 pm, and there was a half an hour wait for a table. Still hard to believe the tremendous success they have enjoyed in the Middle East and I am confident they have even exceeded their own expectations. Well aged, (70 day average)  mid-west grain fed Angus beef, is as big a hit here as in the states. They even import real American Idaho potato's, I never grow tired of a weekly treat.
         I sat down to this quick blog to help my long time college friend Danny Messimer pass the hours to, I get a regular email request for an update, I appreciate you Danny, and love that you look forward to reading my drivel. It is now time for momma Linda, Rodz and I to enjoy American Idol (remember I am a day behind you on episodes, so please no spoilers...) - Won't stay up to watch the Super Bowl this weekend, but I hope Peyton retires a winner.
          Take care, I will see you soon...

Friday, January 22, 2016

24 Hours of Dubai, maybe should be renamed 24 hours of no sleep for Motor City...

       Brrrr, this week one morning it was 52 degrees, Rodz and I nearly froze...All kidding aside, I have been watching Fox news and the weather alerts, looks like the snow has hit Middle America. The winter here has been unusually wet. We have had measurable rain already 3 times since Nov. 29 when we returned to Dubai. I don't believe it rained more than 7 or 8 times during my entire first 3 year stay in Dubai.
         Rodz and I have continued our support of restaurant chains here in the UAE.
Denny's Dubai Jan 2016

       This past week we tried Pee Wei Changs. It's a miniature - higher priced, slimmer menu of the daddy - PF Changs.  We love PF Changs, Pee Wei probably won't see us again anytime soon. We tried Denny's and IHOP, but both are challenged to be as tasty as the American versions without pork. The restaurant that we keep going back to is the Olive Garden, bottomless soup, salad, and breadsticks with refillable soda's - it's a hit for us. We have been eating there at least twice a week.
         Motor City, Rodz and my new home city, hosted the 24 Hours of Dubai last week. It's a 24 hour endurance race that is located at the race track that's less than a quarter mile from our apartment home. I got zero sleep - Mark my words, next year, I will be spending the 24 hours of Dubai, somewhere other than Motor City...
         I neglected to share the story of Rodz at the New Years Eve party at Dubai's Burj Khalifa. She decided that she wanted to join her sisters for the fireworks and party, while I decided to work late and catch up with work. I said goodnight to her at about 9:45pm, and settled in for a peaceful night of sleep, while Rodz was waiting for the mega firework's show at the mall's waterfront next to the Address hotel. Well, at 10:30pm, my phone wakes me from my much needed sleep, it's my bride chattering hysterically about terrorist attacking the Address and killing Americans. She is worried that she is next, I assured her that she's not an American and safe and sound. We didn't have a TV yet, so I got on my phone's internet and after seeing the video of the 62 story Address going up in flames, called her back in a panic. Happily, she was back in Satwa safe and sound far away from the mysterious fire that has still not been explained, nor has terrorism been ruled out....By the way, in the fog of war, no American's died in the fire, just one poor guy that had a heart attack.
            Work is going great, I was promoted to General Manager in early January and my mission is to make sure that the company has bottomed out and heads upward in sales and profitability. I will say that I have already begun to try and make it a better place to work for our poor and dependent employees. Most of the factory employees pay package includes food and housing. So, One of my first actions was a surprise inspection of our company accommodations to get a first hand look at the rooms and facilities. After my visit, the housing authority has agreed to repaint the interior rooms and hallways, and add more frequent cleaning of the bathrooms. We are now exploring the possibility of installing internet in their rooms to give them a way to contact their loved ones that are back in their home countries of India, Nepal, and the Philippines. Hopefully, I will accomplish both the turning around the company and at the same time help make my employees' lives better. It's a nice challenge that I am determined to win.
          This past week I had lunch with Muzzy. I have seen Juan and Georges while having lunch. Kumail and I met for lunch at Cheesecake Factory. It seems like a lot of my old friends haven't missed a beat. I still spend lots of time with Vinny Varma. He is a friend for life, joining the nice group of friends that are a permanent part of my life. I do have a visit to my home country planned for the first of April. I need to see my twin Fred, the gang in Atlanta, my St. Louis pals and my parents, while I squeeze in my baseball fantasy draft in Atlanta on April 9th. Unfortunately, it does not appear that Rodz's travel visa back to America will be approved in time for her to join me, as the US Government has now asked for resubmission of some forms. The good news is that Rodz's spouse Visa here in the UAE is finally done. Our certified stamped affidavit that the US Consulate helped prepare for me, satisfied the local authorities.Now, she can work and even try and get her drivers license. Happy days are hopefully ahead.
         Time to go, Rodz and I are taking my HR Manager (Ritesh) and his wife to dinner at the Olive Garden. Bottomless soup and salad are calling my name...stay warm and safe, and I will try and stay cool and safe here. See you back here soon....

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Almost banged my first

       Before I get too deep into this edition, please feel free to use the search tool in the upper left hand corner for "camel" and it will bring back the Jan. 14, 2013 posting that I shared my story with Kumail and Camel banging. Probably my favorite posting. Yesterday, while leaving my office for lunch, I noticed trucks stopped and blocking the two right lanes on the 3 lane freeway that leads you out of my office park. I did what most ignorant Westerners would do, I swung out into the left lane to bypass the stopped traffic. Just as I came even with the trucks I slammed on my brakes as several camels were crossing the highway at their own leisurely pace. I wish I would have snapped a picture as these magnificent animals were less than 10 feet in front of my car. Luckily, I did not bang my first camel, and I stayed out of the slammer. It did get me to thinking, what do you call a group of camels? Are they a herd? Or maybe a So I almost plowed into a harem of camels...I can hear my explanation to Rodz now.
        Speaking of Rodz, her quest to get a visa is coming to some sort of climax today. It seems that our American "original certified" marriage certificate from Missouri is not "stamped". It does have the county seal, and is notarized, but that's not good enough for the local authorities. After our human resources "PRO" tried to get it accepted, I had to go to Emeriti immigration to meet with the officer in charge. He originally said not acceptable, but then changed his mind when I shared with him what a raised seal is and how that is more valid than a simple stamp. So, he agreed that it was fine as long as we got the Dubai authorities to "stamp" it. Unfortunately, they refused. They said I would have to go to the American Embassy or consulate and get them to stamp the certificate. So, I made an appointment on Thursday, and proceeded to the Bur Dubai (old downtown) area where the American consulate is located (the Embassy is in the Capital of Abu Dhabi). After a lengthy wait (appointment? ha ha ha), I met with a staff member who said they weren't allowed to stamp the document, that I would have to have it couriered back to the states and John Kerry would "stamp" it - no wonder we are losing the war on terror, our state Department is busy stamping marriage certificates and college degrees to keep the Arab world happy. I was presented with a possible alternative, if I would pay $50, they would stamp an affidavit that I could write saying that I got married and the attached document is true. So I wrote it, they stamped and sealed it in four different places and my companies PRO is working on getting it approved...fingers crossed, if it doesn't work, Rodz will have to leave the UAE for at least 21 days, flying back to the Philippines at my expense. I guess you will have a good update next time I sit down and write an update.
Rodz at Joe's Crab Shack, Dubai Mall Jan. 2016

           Rodz and I have continued our quest of trying to keep the new American concepts in business. Rodz had a big bucket of Queen crab legs, and didn't do too much damage to her We have found ourselves at Olive Garden frequently, where I enjoy the bottomless soup and salad bar for a Dubai sized price of $13.33. Rodz typically eats a meal and has salad, so I guess only one of us is dieting.
           Time to run, I promise to check in again soon...