Sunday, September 26, 2010

Fall is in the Air...well sorta...

Finally, have had a couple of days where the mercury did not break the century mark...On Friday it was 98 and I felt chilled at the pool...all joking aside, you would be amazed at what you get used too...The forecast highs through the end of September are in the high 90's low 100's and the humidity hovers near 80%, and it feels nice. If you leave your car parked in the out! Instant easy bake oven.
I have not been to any of the beaches yet, there are two very popular ones within a 15 minute car drive. The sand is too hot until this time of the year...October is beach time...
One of the things that keeps me in tune with my American self, is American sports...The PGA is televised, the tour is on Thurs - Sunday from 10pm until like 2 am....MLB has a game or two per week, usually midnight starting time or 4 am starting I miss baseball....and my Reds are having their best season in the last two decades. I get the NFL (Fox coverage) starting at 8pm Sunday night, the 1pm Eastern games, and the second game of my "double header" starts at midnight...not so bad...There is no ESPN or ML Network, so much for the feature games...The pregame show just started, hopefully my Cowboys won't start 0-3....
I am feeling a little overwhelmed with work..I have some discipline issues with one of my salesman...I don't need the distraction nor does the sales force. If it was easy, they wouldn't need me.  We have hired a salesman from the states. He was a Marketing Associate for SYSCO in Atlanta for over 10 years.  He is Sri Lanken, his name is Lal and he wanted to move closer to home, I can't wait til he starts on the 10th of October...I spent most of the day in Abu Dhabi, the commute is almost scary...It is about 150 Km...the speed limit is 120 km's...The radar does not issue tickes until 140 km's. So, I set my cruise control atr 138 (nearly 90 mph) and get in the middle lane (8 lane highway) of the Sheik's toll road. Bedouins pop out of no where and make mad dashes across the road. I am sure I will see a fatality during my stay. There were cars that passed me today that had to be nearing or surpassing 200 KM's. I passed by Ferrari world (worlds largest indoor theme park) maybe some of the drivers were doing laps...My customer told me O'bama was in Abu Dhabi today, I guess he is visiting the troops in a secret visit (shhh its a secret),,,we are one month away from election day.
I have been trying to find time to visit the American Embassy in Abu Dhabi. I stopped there last Sunday, but it was closed for the local holiday. I want to register to vote, but more importantly I want to let them know where to find me in case of some kind of crisis...Just up the road in Saudi Arabia, (2 hour drive) justice was served swiftly last week. A guy was convicted of rape, and beheaded by sword in swift justice. There is no DNA controversy and I think death row has 1 bunk bed...quick justice!
Last Wednesday my apartment had a fire drill. Last Thursday there was a fire. LOL...Someone was smoking and left their apartment to go to work, the fire was pretty intense, lots of damage on the 21st floor...the windows were all blown out , so the pool (broken glass fell in it) was closed until late Saturday. I need a visitor,,,one or several of you friends step up!!!!!

Time to get ready for the Cowboy/Texans game...Go Cowboys!!!!


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Hump Day is over downhill from here!!!

It is almost 7pm in Dubai, and I just decided to call it a day and head home from work, but first a quick update....

I have started working out at the dilemma is before or after dinner. Sasha and Dominik (yes the correct spelling) are encouraging me to get back in shape...truly, I do know it is good for me, but I am sore...

At work my promotion was announced, but  think it has ruffled a few Lebanese feathers that an American has been promoted over the sales force. I will have my challenges to create a good working atmosphere as I lead the team to achieve new goals. Funny thing happened with a new product that was introduced to may recall that the grocery stores have weird flavored potato chips (ketchup is a big seller), well Pringles tried to introduce through us a new flavor - Smokey BBQ Ribs flavor. I am fortunate to get free samples of new products, but I did not get that excited about this flavor profile, well to make a long story short, one of the ingredients is pork, alas, we will not be distributing....who heard of having pork in a potato chip?  Only in the UAE....

The big music update is (believe it or not) the country has Justin Bieber fever...Oh vay, I can not believe these people love his music. There is a big contest going on to win a trip to LA, to see him in concert...I know the kind of fever I would get from having to take an 18 hour flight to see Justin Bieber...sigh...

I watched my beloved Cowboys lose on Sunday night...0-2, at least I got to see it live...Last Sunday nights game I listened to on the radio before work at 4 am...The outcome on TV was not any better...Now my Reds are going to the playoffs, but I have only seen 3 games so far. I hope the playoffs will be televised here.

The weather is gradually getting cooler everyday, I think today it only reached 98 (I will watch Al Jazeera tv to confirm, after the how can we hate America even more segment, I will confirm today's weather), if it did not hit 100, it will be the first day under the century mark since I got here....I am actually getting used to it. Maybe when it is in the 80's this winter, I will need a that my blog has been boring, all work is making me dull...I hopefully get out and do something fun....

I am missing my friends....


Friday, September 17, 2010

Dominic's Birthday at the pool...

Sorry that I have not taken the time to post a message sooner, it has been a very eventful week.

Work update, I am spending every Sunday in Abu Dhabi, I have a new large customer that wants me to come see him every week until he is open in October, and unfortunately he is not bonding with our sales rep. I worked til after 7 pm every night this much to do. I was promoted to sales manager on Thursday...I don't know where to start...I do still like it there - just need some help!

Today is Dominic's 30th birthday...We have been at the pool for over 4 hours celebrating. Sasha, Bob, and I have been enjoying the sun, water and beverage (remember Dominic is my 32nd fllor neighbor that is German and works at AIG, Bob is my boss from Atlanta, and Sasha is from Lebanon, he is a manager at Transmed(different department) I really like him and he moved in with his fiancee after he heard how much Bob and I like it here. I made a new friend today. Her name is Alison she moved here from England (she's Scottish) two weeks ago. Very attractive and very nice, she is a dance instructor teaching kids dance. She lives on 7th floor. We were having a party in the Jacuzzi (with also Arta - also very lovely gal from Iran)... It was a lot of fun...I think I am burnt...serves me right! It is what I like best here, interesting people from all over the world.

My traffic ticket scandal ended unfortunately with me paying the $150 fine. Can't fight the man...My ticket was in Arabic and I only know the time it was issued not the location or how fast I was alleged to be going in of my work friends were very helpful with reading the ticket...

The government has put new poles in intersections to help people stay in their lanes..the funny part is that they are about 3 foot high, are concrete and painted solid black. They look neat during the day, unfortunately you can't see them at night...I wonder how many cars will hit them in the first couple of days before they change is fun to be here...

One last thing, I did win the big bet at the pool today....Dominic and Sasha said I could not swim the length of the pool (it is full sized) underwater with out taking a breath...I almost, but in the end, I won 100 Dirhams from Dominic and my buddy Bob picked up 20 from Sasha...I was an Olympic hero for a few brief moments...

Need to shower and head out....Best to all of you...


Saturday, September 11, 2010

Holiday Weekend is coming to an end...

Well, my three day weekend is almost over. I have not done a lot this weekend...Quick workouts in the morning, followed by about an hour of lying out and swimming. I am trying to follow my Reds from here. It is entirely from the internet, unfolrtunately-There is no ESPN on my Allah blessed cable...I do get two NFL football games live this weekend. I get the "Fox sports" feed, so the 1 pm and 4 pm games and the Fox NFL Sunday start on tv at 8 pm here. Yes, I work my first day of the week, get home have dinner, then back to back NFL games...It will end at 2 am, so Monday may be a little taxing. I need for baseball to be over, I wake up most mornings a little after 4 am, and turn on the internet radio broadcast of the reds...I am too old to do this much longer, although I was excited to have the Cards lose and Reds win last night...6 games up!

The logistics of getting products from America for work is getting a little frustrating, if a customer wants an American product it takes me over 60 days to order and get it here. I have always been proud of my sales ability, but this is a little taxing. There are very common foodservice items like film and foil wrap that are not plentiful here. Lot of opportunity, just have to get the salesforce trained, and the products in stock.

There is a definate possability that the authorities are reading this, so occasionally I censor myself, that being said, please don't encourage/support the burning of Islamic bibles. It has gotten the Muslims stirred up and I have already had a couple of people talk with me about it. There is a chance that a volatile situation could arise here. I am enjoying the feeling of safety, and I really don't want to lose it over a zealot that just wants to symbolically lash out. I have business in Abu Dhabi on Sunday, and while there I plan on visiting the US Embassy. Hopefully I can vote, and also let my American Government know where I am in case of crisis. We are not far from Iran 1/2 hour by motor boat and things could heat up rather quickly.

Things happen everyday that I think that I need to rember to share...a good example is that our lifeguard at the pool does not know how to swim. You can't make up some of the zaniness that is everyday life here. From the human interest front, our good friend Sham got a promotion. He now is the Company Presidents personal assistant. He has a couple of cleaning guys reporting to him. I still think he is living a tough life, he has a 40 minute bike ride to and from work everyday, in this  Today's high will only be 101 degrees, the coolest day since I arrived. Forecast is for over 100 all next week, maybe we'll enjoy sub 100 degree highs next week.

Traffic ticket update...I am not out of the woods yet, the leasing company is trying to hold me responsable. Stay tuned, I am not done fighting this one!

Headed to the Mall for lunch (Ramadan is thankfully over) and having Ribeye steaks and baked potato's with Bob for dinner. I watched the 9-11 special on Fox news this morning, still brings tears to my eyes...I hope that it always will, it is a strange place to be on this day, but brings home my country and my loyalties...

God Bless You and God Bless America!


Monday, September 6, 2010

Life in Dubai....

I know you are enjoying your Labor day, I am already through two days of the work week, and Thursday is a Holiday. Ramadan finally ends this Thursday, and it's a three day holiday. Unfortunately, two of the three days hit on a weekend this year...well there is always next year...
I have a nice car radio (absolutely no seg-way)and there is one station that does not sound like they are strangling a goat live on the air. It's "virgin Radio" out of the UK. In the afternoon's Ryan Seacrest (American Idol host) has a show. The rest of the DJ's are Brits, and the music is a dance/Top 40 blend. The call in's from the Arabs are funny as they get poked fun of with game show antics...It reminds me of America, and I actually have started to enjoy it. Lot's of M & M, Rianna, and Keesha. Although I do get to hear Bob sing Enie, meaney, miney Moe lover at the top of his lungs...Well it is "Shorty" singing, might as well, have Bob bellowing along.
The roads have tons of traffic radar camera's along the way, and if you get a ticket, you just pay the traffic ticket  fine. Now, I have decided that I am not going to waste money on tickets...Well today, a courior delivered a fine (625 Dirhams -$160USD)...I could not read the Arabic ticket, but I could read the time and date...well, the leasing company had my car for service when the ticket was issued...I have a call in...we'll see if I have to go to the "Ruler's Court" or if my leasing company will voluntarily pay the ticket they got...stay tuned!
I know that if you look at my Facebook pics you will think I am obsessed with the Burj Kahlifa. It is the worlds largest building that stands right next to my apartment. Now, I knew it was the world's tallest, but I did not realize how it dwarfs the other tall buildings in the world. It is over 200 stories high and is almost twice as high as the Empire State building. What a magnificiant structure. If you buy tickets in advance, you can elevator up to the observation deck. It costs a 100 Dirhaims (27 bucks)...I am waiting to do the tour with my first guest. Bob and Sandy went up during her recent visit...I can't wait!
Headed to the Mall of the Emerites for dinner, have a restful Labor Day, and I will catch up with you on my three day weekend!
It's sorta like a holiday today, so you get half a blog...
Love Ya!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Labor Day weekend....sorta...

Ok, if I have not told you already, I am offficially Ramadan'd out! This was the last weekend of Ramadan as it is scheduled to end next Thursday. I don't get Monday off, funny they do not celebrate Labor day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, 4th of July, MLK day, or Memorial Day here. They do have about a dozen Muslim holiday's, but most of them fall on weekends this year. They do not enjoy our custom of taking Monday off when the holiday falls on a weekend...oh well, I did get 30 vacation days in my package, so no crying!
Speaking of holidays, next Thursday begins the three day celebration of the end of Ramadan(Holiday,,,ding,ding, ding!) called Eids. Now since we last chatted, I enjoyed an Iftar at the Atlantis. My company is having an Iftar to end the season this Wednesday. Next year, let's enjoy our own Iftar/feasts while on my vacation in the states.
One of the customers that I have been courting called and invited me to bring friends to a dry run of his new restaraunt concept last night. So Bob, Fredarique(his Account Exec), and Dominic (infamous neighbor) went to try it out. It is an African menu. The staff wore traditional African garb, sang and danced to African drums. The servers were reqruited from Africa. Our waiter was from Zimbobway. (remember no spell really liked it had wonderful Prawn appatizer and amazing BBQ'd Ox tail.
Trying to keep up with my fantasy sports addiction, my baseball team is hanging in fourth place, and I actually got to watch my second game since I got here, Cardinal/Reds game (Reds lost sadly) It started at 4 am this morning. I was just beginning my last stage of my online fantasy football draft. So when I got done with everything at 7:45 this morning, I headed down for a workout. Now the good news to this lack of sleep is that there was another American guy working out. When Bob arrived and he heard Bob and I chatting about golf (rooting for Tiger to miss the cut) and baseball, he was excited. Said it was the first time he had heard someone discussing baseball games in almost a year(he's an Oakland A's that really baseball?)...What he had to say that was encouraging was that I will get to see American Football weekend we will see, and you will surely hear about my Cowboys.
Going to run to the mall and find some supper, then to bed, short work week starts in about 12 hours....Enjoy your weekend, and feel free to keep me in your thoughts Sunday morning. BTW, the UPS plane that crashed killing both Americans happened about 10 miles from my apartment, very sad.
Catch you back here soon,


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Ramadan update,,,,and don't worry be happy...

First, I want to apologize if I sounded down in my last posting. I am living large, things are great...a few of you mentioned that my post was "lonely" or depressing...I assure you that was unintentional.
On the other hand, this Ramadan thing....geez. I never really gave much thought to the effect of the restaurant world being closed until 7 pm at night would effect me....I have always said that lunch was one of my five favorite meals of the day....Updating you on the season, as you may recall, from sun up til sun down Muslims can not eat or drink during this 30 day period and I can't let them see me eating or drinking. I get up from my desk a dozen times during the day and go into the back break room to drink a cup of water...the non-Muslims in the office (about half of the employees) have brought back the true meaning of hanging out at the water cooler...
The other thing with food that happens during Ramadan is called the "Iftar". The Iftar is the big meal that the faithful partake in right after sunset. It's an event and an organized mayhem. The Arabic restaurants set up special buffets and seating's and large groups and family's go out virtually every night to enjoy these Iftar dinners. The meaning is to "break fast", and they serve a date (Mideastern fruit) to start the meal, followed by Lentil soup, usually some other traditional appetizer, then the main dishes are Lamb or Hammur fish (reminds me of cod) or another Arab dish. Pastries and yogurts are served for desert. It is a feast...then at about 8:30 the restaurant starts normal seating for us As you may also recall, the company I work for is Lebanese owned, and most of Senior management is Muslim. Well I was able to experience an Iftar last night. The company Manager(President) hosted senior management for an Iftar dinner at a Lebanese Restaurant right next to the Mall of Dubai's (it was close by at least). So, I got to try a little bit of everything...
I think it will be next years Senior Management Iftar dinner until I attend another one...I did enjoy the good spirits...It is their "Christmas" season...They wish you a Ramadan Kareem (A generous Ramadan) everywhere you turn...
Ramadan will end next Friday or Saturday (Sept 10/11) will depend on celestial readings and wont be announced that its over until hours before it ends...Then becomes the Ead al-fitr. This is a three day celebration of the end of Ramadan. They usually give to the poor or a charity as a part of the celebration, it is a fascinating time to be here, but I would not call it enjoyable...
Our restaurant customers have taken a bath during this time, a couple of the steakhouses that we have are doing a third of their normal business....ten more days....
A couple of my Christian coworkers have invited me to their church service this Friday evening, I am looking forward to attending, and I am certain it will inspire me to update "our" blog.
Well, the weekend is almost here, I am bushed...I will try and find something interesting to share soon....
Hope you are having a "Ramadan Kareem"...